The Say-What-You-Want subreddit that ‘Does Not Kneel’ has locked another thread. I'm guessing ‘you peasants’ could not behave, because the topic is Goldman Sachs and parenthetical-American privilege.

1  2020-01-09 by SandorClegane_AMA


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And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. The Say-What-You-Want subreddit tha... -,*

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Reminds me of the saying: Carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man.

Mayonnaise when?

Lol this whole thread could be linked in r/fragilewhiteredditor The idea that white men produce mediocre content more often than women and people of color is just plain fact. They have way more opportunities in the medium, despite plenty of them being mediocre. and because marginalized people don't they tend to put the effort in when an opportunity comes their way. People of color don't get the option to be mediocre and successful, they're either exceptional or they fail. Pull up a list of people of color in film and tell me how many of those aren't truly outstanding individuals. Then pull up the much larger list of white dudes in film and run the same calculation, let me know what you come up with. Privilege exists. Get over it, then do something about it. These guys made an absolutely abysmal show out of source material that should have made it a lay up. And they will absolutely get hired again. Let a woman or a person of color do something like that and see if the outrage wouldn't be infinitely more intense. Imagine them trying to pick up another series after that. Imagine the throng of angry white men tweeting death and rape threats.

Get the fuck over yourselves. N K's tweets were a spot on observation. She gave you a new lense to understanding and rather than open your minds, you got offended. Smdh. The victim complex is real.

yeah, and in my experience its largely in an inverse fashion

Dude if poc and foids had creative control we would have gotten transgender dragons and shit, would have been kino

Fun fact, if you sort by controversial in this thread you will see this study in action, right now, in real time:

So many white people cannot handle talking about race. It's like a big red button you push as soon as you bring it up, and they go crazy. Especially when they're safe behind a screen on the internet.

All these stories that mainly white people consume that teach that there are in fact oppressed minorities of people (Witcher prob the best example) exist, yet none of the message gets through to the people reading.

The moment you bring this shit up, just even for a brief second like Jemisin did, the entire stage has to be locked down and cleaned with bleach just so the white people reading can feel more comfortable.

Such a fragile race cannot be entrusted with the responsibility of running everything.

so many white people cant handle talking about race

Sooooooooo close to self awareness

Some deleted popcorn:

Holy fuck you people have a collective mental illness. Your schools have failed you. They took your money and they failed to educate you and they left you with a parting notion that when you fail in real life too it's because of white guys. You are defective people and it's not white people's fault. It's not the fault of the most generous race of people on the planet, you fucking sub-human morons


Levels and degrees buddy, as per the very laws you're trying to cower behind. Your dismal lack of anything remotely resembling nuance or context almost seems intentional.

Edit: since the thread is locked. I'll leave you with this; your shallow understanding of what racism is and all the myriad ways it manifests in our society is probably why the vast majority of people who actually experience it do not typically defer to people like you regarding these matters. Your opinion is wholly limited, uninformed and stubbornly ignorant. And that's not unique to the locking of this thread evidences.

I had to explain to him that that last season cost me $45 and that I had spent over $300 to watch the show up to that point.

I'm confused how (((Benioff and Weiss))) are white 🤔

most people liked that characters suffered real consequences for their actions. No one had plot armor.

I only read some of the books but this is not true at all