Redditors enraged when told to read another book

1  2020-01-09 by Gysinator


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  1. Redditors enraged when told to read... -,

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I like that they take the harry potter thing personal

That OP is based and /lit/ pilled.

ah, blood meridian, monsieur? that novel is the sark and chaparral of literature, the filament whereon rode the remuda of highbrow, corraled out of some destitute hacienda upon the arroya, quirting and splurting with main and with pyrolatrous coagulate of lobated grandiloquence. our eyes rode over the pages, monsieur, of that slatribed azotea like argonauts of suttee, juzgados of swole, bights and systoles of walleyed and tyrolean and carbolic and tectite and scurvid and querent and creosote and scapular malpais and shellalagh. we scalped, monsieur, the gantlet of its esker and led our naked bodies into the rebozos of its mennonite and siliceous fauna, wallowing in the jasper and the carnelian like archimandrites, teamsters, combers of cassinette scoria, centroids of holothurian chancre, with pizzles of enfiladed indigo panic grass in the saltbush of our vigas, true commodores of the written page, rebuses, monsieur, we were the mygale spiders too and the devonian and debouched pulque that settled on the frizzen studebakers, listening the wolves howling in the desert while we saw the judge rise out of a thicket of corbelled arches, whinstone, cairn, cholla, lemurs, femurs, leantos, moonblanched nacre, uncottered fistulas of groaning osnaburg and kelp, isomers of fluepipe and halms awap of griddle, guisado, pelancillo.

i prefer calling it "the evening redness in the west" you fuckin pleb i bet youve never read any mccarthy except the road. read child of god you sick freak


Blood Meridian bored me to tears tbqh.

I mostly just recall lots of pedophilia, and Indians suck.

Is this what a stroke feels like?



Fuck this trend of pushing back against gatekeeping tbh. There should be a minimum set of standards to at least quality as a "fan" or "lover" of some medium.

Wow. In the Harry Potter series muggles were hated. Voldamort, Harry and Dumbledore were half-bloods, and Hermione was muggle-born. One huge point of the book was that gatekeeping is bad which means that gate keeping is bad in real life. I bet You havent even opened a Harry Potter book before.

This. Kaara is being such a Slytherin rn.

One huge point of the book was that gatekeeping is bad which means that gate keeping is bad in real life.

Lmao you can't even find good Huffepuff stuff in the official Harry Potter universal studio store because of Capitalist Gatekeeping

Gryffindor shit everywhere but women's long socks not a fucking chance in the world

God I hate shopping

Totes. #metoo gurl.

No shit? I wonder if that’s why anti-gate-keeping is so popular among smoothbrains. I gave up on Harry Potter after the third book, it was such a juvenile read I couldn’t keep going.

Agreed. Don’t say you’re a fan of the anime if you haven’t read the manga

Tell us more about the standards required to be a true aesthete of furry porn, degenerate.

Furry shit doesn't really have a high barrier of entry since it doesn't centralize around a core medium to begin with. Just give yourself a cartoon animal avatar and you're gucci ^v^

Based and inclusivitypilled

i mean, you haven't noticed that the furry community is overrun by people doing it ironically and artists that hate the aesthetic but like getting commissions?

A lot of people like to coom to the stuff but have to interest in the overall "culture"

Call it what it is, lack of standards

It's a childlike rejection of authority, that's why it's a popular opinion on reddit.


Mediocrity shpuld not be incouraged.

Neither should bad spelling

gatekeeping is a good thing cmv

Actually good things don't need gatekeeping.

Gatekeeping only becomes relevant if instead of producing valuable stuff the thing in question is about getting social status from consuming certain kinds of stuff, which is absolutely insane to begin with and nothing good can possibly come out from this premise.

I am a football player because I threw a ball once. I am now going to demand to be treated the same as Tom Brady.

What I'm saying that you won't see any gatekeeping or anti-gatekeeping if you're an actual football player. You'd never hear the nasal voice of a reddit autist telling you that you are not a real player because only the players who played 14 or more somethings are real players. People would tell you that you suck comparatively but it would be relatively objective.

Gatekeeping only happens in the communities of fans of you and fans of Tom Brady, when the fans of Tom Brady say that the fans of you are not the real baseball fans. And my point is that in that situation all fans are pond scum that should be immediately transferred into a bioreactor and converted into ethanol.

If I was dictator I would have you executed by firing squad for this take.


After attempting something awful (where 90% of posts were about suggesting the game of thrones books, this was before the tv show and out) and r/books (where it’s soybeards, pedos and foids gushing over YA books, Harry Potter, fantasy trash, bdsm fantasy, airport fiction, high school reading list tier classics and selected nonfiction disguised as leftoid chapo discussion) I’ve decided to just go by amazon reviews for every recommendation.

That thread did encourage r/ayearofwarandpeace which looks great but I hope they don’t reduce all discussion to juvenile millenialisms like that hardcore history shit

Bro just go on /lit/ and get whatever you like being shit on and read about how the author you enjoy is a pseud

All the world's a pseud

Reading is for liberals anyway

The word "gatekeeping" has been added to my lexicon of words and phrases that are pretty much exclusively used by retarded faggots when you call out their retarded faggotry.

I keep a similar list. It also contains words like divisive, inclusive, normalize, communist, marginalize, stochastic, Dunning-Kreuger, Mandela Effect, whataboutism, etc.

Sweaty, y'all, gaslighting, paradox of tolerance, reactionary, systemic, they/them...

I don’t think any phrase raises my blood pressure as much as the “paradox of tolerance”. Also variations on “freedom from consequences”. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Reeeeeeeeee.

It’s not the words, it how they’re used. If someone’s entire point is “[this is gatekeeping and that’s bad]” they can be written off. But yeah, generally when I see those words I can be confident I’m probably reading a brainlet take.

I drank half a pint of Bud Light once so that makes me a huge craft beer affectionado. Don't try to gaslight me sweaty

There's nothing wrong with reading low-brow fiction.

There is something very wrong with only reading Harry Potter and using it as a guide for your entire life like some kind of bible for people who never matured past 15.

Wow, that's such a Death Eater thing to say 🙄🙄🙄

Personally I base my life choices on The Man who was Thursday

crypto-Papists out

These kids can’t wait for an AI overlord to tell them when to piss and whom to “love” pathetic malinvestment of an entire generation of sad helpless walkabouts

I've read Stephen King and James Joyce and I have to say that Stephen King spins a better yarn.

I've tried to read so many classics, and I actually managed to finish a few. But classics are often simply not written with me in mind...either they're too creative, too indulgent, or they were written for people of a difficult culture or time period. I definitely think people should expand beyond Stephen King and Harry Potter, but when they're ready to.

"What is a fat slobs who lies on the internet?"

"I'll take 'reddit shit' for $400 Alex"...

Lol yeah people are definitely reading James Joyce for the “yarn” and not because of his masterful command of language and unique writing style that causes you to notice new things every time you read it. No killer clowns in Ulysses so fuck you potatofaggot.

Of course classics are not written for people like him, but are written for people with an iq higher than that of a vegetable and who don't use harry potter as a bible.

Unironic plug for /r/bookscirclejerk as the /r/drama of literature.

I got permanently banned for making a post that indirectly insulted one of their mods. So, they have the "retarded abusive mods" angle down pat

They all complain about gate keeping but would probably get real mad over someone who claimed to be a huge Harry Potter fan while only having watched the movies. Gatekeeping is okay and good.

This is like calling yourself a music fan but only listening to 6 albums and those 6 albums were all from your childhood

Is this a sub for people who love to read, or for people who pretend to love to read?

OP coming in hot.

The biggest vice of the internet and the modern era is that literal subhuman retards now gallivant around thinking their opinions or ideas about complex topics are worth more than the shit under my boot. Before the internet, these scum would live and die in their trailer parks, never shitting up public discourse with their idiocy. It's time to gate the internet behind an extensive exam of scientific knowledge and intelligence to get rid of the vermin and elevate the discourse.

I made my kid read Harry Potter as a punishment. He hated that shit; said it is for girls. The pride I felt was overwhelming.