RFM (Rotten Mayo Foid) goes viral on classic catfish photo

1  2020-01-09 by unrulyfarmhand


You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. RFM (Rotten Mayo Foid) goes viral o... - archive.org, archive.today

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Goddamn it. Shit like this makes me want to make a twitter account just to bully these people. "Show us your arms you fat cow!"

Always look close at a woman's hands in her photos, they show her real age. For some reason the image filters that make skin seem smooth don't handle knuckles well. It's also applicable in person, you see lots of women who work hard and could pass for 35 based in the face and body, but the hands are kind of papery and translucent so you know she's 50.

And there are still people simping for her in the comments

What a mess we’re in.

I should know. I am the text book definition of "random white man" and despite the fact we believe we are right almost 100% of time, if you ask our wives you would discover that percentage is closer to 10%


One of these days, Warren, pow! Straight to the moon.

Please good ma'am please may I have a crumb of pussy

What a fuckin loser

Imagine having low enough self-esteem to make that joke to other people. It's like... at some point self degradation hits a limit and you need to not be such a pathetic loser.

With your wife's permission, of course

There will always be betas simping for a wh*te woman no matter how lumpy.

she looks like every chick on POF

Not enough fetal alcohol syndrome tbh

Could actually be a composite of every average mayo foid on pof tbh, it's uncanny

eh, i've bedded worse. i'll give one for the team

You cant chew that arm of you in the morning it could feed an entire african village for a week

I went on a tinder date with a hot black/japanese chick and she wouldn’t let me smash, months later I matched with her sister who catfished me and was a good 150lbs. She was nice tho so I smeshed. Only chonker I’ve ever hooked up with.



Chonker my toned ass. You ain't shit until the number starts with 3.

If you’re 5’ tall and 150lbs you a big bitch

Looks like it's fucking amateur hour 😏🍑🍔


Wouldnt smash

It was a thaiboy

If it was I wouldn’t have taken no for an answer.

Imagine being fat and having tattoos.

If you're getting a tattoo your body better be a 7 at the very least.

Beware of fat girl angle shots


A few years ago, I met up with a girlfriend from childhood when she moved to my city. When we were kids, she was a swimmer and pretty skinny. I hadn’t seen her since middle school but all her Facebook photos showed she was still thin and pretty. I go into the restaurant to meet her and walk right up to the host and say I’m waiting for a friend, could I have a table for 2. There’s a 5’4”, 200+lb girl next to the waitress, but I don’t even register her presence until she goes “AffectionateOtter1!” It took me a couple of seconds to process this was my friend. I was at most 2 feet away from her but didn’t recognize her. Not sure if it’s angles or phototune or what, but I’ve not trusted social media photos since.

Its not uncommon with former athletes. They get out of school and quit training but still eat the same amount and just balloon

Female gymnasts are absurdly hot but turn into fire hydrants a year after competition ends.

Easy there Jared.

Incredibly wet? Or fat?


Just thick and short with no curves

Over for rectangles

gymnasts dont have curves period

no tits, no hips. roided out quads aren't curves unless you subscribe to r/deathbysnusnu and get off on watching body builders crush watermelons in their thighs

youre a disgusting human being

Ballerinas are not that amazing up close. Sure they're pretty enough, but intensely low body fat % makes them look wrong proportionally. Their heads look too big for their bodies. That and they're just a mess health wise. No periods, damaged feet, chronic injury. I feel like dating one would be a nightmare not only because of the crazy, but the European car level of maintenance she would need.


I said gymnasts, not ballerinas.

I thought we were going in on different types of women and commenting on their bodies like livestock?

Ah fair. I did some gymnastics growing up and I remember them havin plump lil butts while being extremely athletic which is basically my favorite thing.

Gymnasts all get molested because their delayed puberty makes them an ideal target for libertarians. That makes them all crazy. Also I can't wait for the kardashian phase to end and the next pro-ana era to come along.

I was the only male coach in a gym I worked at for a while and the dads always tried to sus me out during progress updates.

Didn’t help that I have a mustache. Tbh the female coaches are way worse, in kids classes they’d say “omg my boyfriend is here” and it’s a 6 year old.

I was the only male coach in a gym I worked at

Gold standard detected.

the dads always tried to sus me out during progress updates.

They were just trying to catch a date

kids classes they’d say “omg my boyfriend is here” and it’s a 6 year old.

Women like things that are male, but that they control, like dogs. It lets them live out unhealthy relationship dynamics without being slapped around as would normally happen.

I hooked up with most of the female coaches, they were about a year or two out of competition and at their most vulnerable.

I told an indian dude his son was cheating on pushups during warmups and the next class he was my best student so I’m pretty sure poor little Bernal caught hands at home

I hooked up with most of the female coaches

[X] Doubt

they were about a year or two out of competition and at their most vulnerable.

I do believe you when you say you target vulnerable women, however, you're exclusively attracted to men.

Your personal issues make it difficult for you to even imagine that other people fuck, I am embarrassed on your behalf.

I don't doubt you fuck. I doubt you fuck women.

Yeah proportions and stuff. 2/10 would not bang. She probably demands a man that uses deodorant. What a bitch.


Everyone looks good in stock photos. Go meet a real professional ballerina, they look weird up close. They're not strictly ugly, just not as hot as you would think from seeing them when they're all dolled up on stage, plus crazy and suffering from chronic health issues.

Shit why is this so accurate.

It's okay she's starting to lose weight again 😌

I ordered a salmon salad

Is that how you came out to your friend?

We are both women.

out... out... out?


Surprised she recognized you, after the transition and all


When did you come over from tumbler? When they got rid of all the gif porn?

I come here for porn because there are tons of dog pics on this site.

Based and dogpilled

Knew it.

*puts on tinfoil hat

Did you get to rub gussy together?


lol furry

I'm a Gemini sun Scorpio rising!



also Christianity is horrible!

unironically getting retard voodoo shit tattooed on you

If you ever see a girl that did this, run.

Don't even have to click the link I already know she probly shows a lot of cleavage and and she's probably a 100 to a 150 pounds overweight.

i spent so much time on dating sites that i can now tell from the shape of the face and angle, and this broad is one hefty cow.

If she got a ten foot head start she could throw her body thru a wall, stud or no stud she’s in the other room.

No cleavage to speak of and shes a bit overweight but not as much as I imagined. Bit of a tame post tbh.

no cleavage


Her tits are great while covered

Yeah I’m sure they sag to her knees but that doesn’t change that there’s a ton of cleavage in the pic lol

Bruh, I'm not the retard that said she titless

I know babe

Oh shit i completely forgot which pic this post linked to. I was looking at this one when I wrote that. I done fucked up.

The whole bottom half of the photo is her tits

She’s way fatter than you’d think from the pic she chose too look at those flags lmao

Oh yes I saw the full body pic. Those arms are some real hams.

You know God doesn't want women to be fat because of cellulite. Men look better at the same relative weight because of it. Like a guy with that much weight in his arms could work out a little, put some muscle under it and call it a day.

And more filters than a britta factory

Most people don't click the photo lmao. I didn't until you said this bwahahaha.


actual translation of twitter post

Also mayos bad

The funny thing is she is probably very popular with basketball americans, which is why her stupid ego is so inflated

And all it took was 1 random white males opinion for her ego to crash and burn after years of black simps in her DM's 😂😂😂

It’s more likely that a chad rejected her advances and she sought refuge in the arms of a demarcus

Oh it only took a few hours for her to post her cashapp like the thirsty ho she is

I'll never forgive Steve Jobs for introducing women to the internet

I'll never forgive god for creating foids from man's rib instead of making trannies.

Wouldnt it be RMF retard

Damn got em

Catfish is right! Holy Moly!

I’m married & I don’t need another man. I don’t even need the one I have.

This is how you know her husband is a pure beta.


I’m married & I don’t need another man. I don’t even need the one I have. (Unless it’s Ennis Esmer.)

Imagine allowing your wife to publicly disrespect you like this.

$10 says he gets off on it.

Strong, brave women disrespect their husbands. Get with the times, sweaty

Ok. This is epic.

Getting beached has led this whale to lose weight.

RFM (Rotten Mayo Foid)


You have dyslexia

Very pretty. No cleavage needed. 😊


Male feminists like them no chested like your average 9 year olds body

Her face is kinda pretty from that angle.

You know how I know your fat?

I wish I was :(

The peak male physique is being dummy thicc tbh



That sounds like thin privilidge. Do they have an HR officer on campus you can talk too about that?


The dumb e-thots on quora do this too. "Please validate me. I'm a strong powerful woman but I need validation from internet strangers so here's some more pics of me. Please give me attention."


I've seen better looking failed abortions tbh

Horny men are the weakest people in existence, she has married in her bio and has thousands of followers, she doesn’t care about you.

white women pretending they arent white.