Daddy should apologize to Leafland for the plane crash

1  2020-01-09 by Kosher_Eva

Not because he's responsible (he's not), but because nobody on this planet appreciates unnecessary apologies more than us fucking leafs.

Really, it depends if it would piss off his base. We're definitely not worth that.

don't tell marx i reposted this, he needs the rake


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Daddy should apologize to Leafland ... -,

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I’m from leaf land where a lot of the victims were from, I saw an unironic fb post asking for reparations from the US. I was going to call them a retarded faggot but then I remembered Canada would probably have paid them if it was the other way around

You can have my rural boomer FB feed from Saskatchewan, where people celebrate the fact that Canada got rid of 63 terrorists.

I sometimes forget that Canada has its own share of wild and wacky rednecks

A guy here in Saskatchewan, Canada filed a human rights complaint with the government because the media coverage of the confed flag is racist against whites.

I wonder how high a dosage of fent you have to be on to vocally support the Confederate flag in Canada. Sounds pretty comfy tbh


Saskatchewan is kind of based. I was driving through there and they had a radio station called tractor talk where a bunch of farmers call in, sometimes from their literal tractors and let people know what’s going on with their lives




Thank you Zozzy, I thought I had a good comment too.

There's like a 100% chance you heard my stepdad talking.

What’s the station


I’m not too worried about the crash, no innocent people died. The Iranians aren’t innocent for being complicit In their governments crimes, and leafs aren’t people.

Implying Daddy America wouldn’t do anything to protect his mapley lil buddy 🥰

Say what you want but I think it was a mistake flying commercial airlines out of the city on full military alert.

well, yeah

30 people from my city died. Oh the humanity. I know some Iranians, they seem like good folk.

oilers suck

Yes, I'm aware

...flames suck?

react damn you, albertacel

That goes without saying, you absolute cowtown-tard