Can we mod this genius? "People who voted Hillary in 2016 but are voting Trump 2020, why?" Absolute shitstorm follows, literally the entire thread is a goldmine

1  2020-01-10 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole2


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Oh my god wheres snappy?!?!

Nearly all of the Democrats running for office have already been in government for 20+ years, yet the issues that have existed for forever and that they are blaming Trump for are still there.

When you're right, you're right.

There are some absolute gems in there. One of my favorites:

I eat lead paint

That explains why you voted Hillary


Yeah there is a poppinkream user that is super against Trump and writes essays in the political subreddits. They frequently get posted to /r/bestof so I am sure that’s a parody account.

Yeah I know who he is it's just funny af to me lol

what a legend

Thanks I wasn't sure. Good thing you got my back fellow pede!

It's a Canadian too. Imagine devoting your free time to shoddily sourced but wonderfully formatted diatribes about a president of a foreign country. Leafs are a pathetic people.

Sounds like foreign interference in our politics :thonk:

And now he deteriorated to Trump.

I take this as an endorsement of thousand dollar daddy 💰 💰


How do you expect Hawaii mommy to make a country affecting change

Through the power of love

And pineapples.

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Can we mod this genius? "People who... -,*

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You're late 😡

She don't even work when she shows up 🤷‍♂️

I wanted to post this reee!

I am just cooomminggg reading all the replies and the seethe they are generating..

I was genuinely suprised I beat anybody to it, this shit is fucking golden

God its beautiful

You realize every person until modern times was a terrible person? Like sex slaves and crap. Yeah I don’t think trump has those

Stealing this to start shit in group chats

There is another post slightly younger than yours, but I didn't recognize the other name so here I am YEEEEHEEEEWWW

Name recognition on drama is almost as bad as being a jannie lol

I beat you by a minute but this one has better traction and got a sticky.

Yeah I sucked off a jannie for it

You gotta get a good flair if you really want to build up your r/drama personal brand.

I cant even see flairs atm, using relay and they just dont show up. Annoying af bro.

Custom flairs are the sign of a corrupt mind.

he does it for free

I was genuinely suprised I beat anybody to it

Poor guy posted this literally 1 minute before you but you got the sticky and all the fame 😎

I swear to God 90% has to do with having a good title. Feel bad for dude but hes gotta up his game 😏

As golden as trumps showers?

Ngl tho, golden showers are kinda based.

I'm surprised we haven't figured out which side is the good guys yet with so much discussion and analysis these last few years.

We may never truly know 😔


There's your problem


Imagine calling radical centrism wrong in drama

There are two sides to a coin, but edge has infinite sides.

zoomers OUT OUT OUT

Partisanship is a cancer, radcents are Steve Jobs's fucking yoga therapy.

Mods get this ape out

Yoga therapy means you get to die peacefully.

It's bloomberg, bitch.

I want their to be country-wide stop and frisk. Maybe some thick ass latina broad who hates their parents and decided to become a cop will find a uh, "unsuitably large package" in my pants. That's when my routine traffic stop turns into a hard knob slobbin adventure of a good time.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, that if you don't support Bloomberg you are fucking GAY.

I find it quite hilarious that hes stuck between voting for two senile old men but apparently hates Sanders lmao

Yeah, he’s easily the most offensive post there if it’s sincere. I can understand the “Trump is a Nazi” and the “Trump is god” people, but this dude somehow loves Trump but sees Biden as a acceptable replacement.

The dudes only political view must be a love for the senile.

this dude somehow loves Trump but sees Biden as a acceptable replacement.

Biden is probably the most right-wing, pro-Republican of the lot.

It doesn’t matter if he’s right leaning when Trump is right there. Like how can a middle left person go with Trump?

Not to mention Biden is just shit up and down.

To be fair, Biden is really good at paedophilia

Because Biden and Trump have way more in common than do Biden and Bernie, or even Liz.

Liz is closer to Biden, Liz just kinda leans slightly more left than any other candidate so she can seem like the more legit version of Bernie.

Instead of learning that people don’t care about center left politicians they’re just going to pretend to be left since that’s a trend due to Bernie.

3500 and with the controversial tag. Wow.

Why is the Democratic party so incompetent? Kavanaugh was such a winning issue for Dems if they focused on him being an asshat, unqualified, and sketchy. Instead they made it all about the gender culture war and got... more suburban female votes? The one voterbase they already had on lock?

Dems deserve to lose

Lol most people who vote don't give a shit about politics until two months before the election. No one is going to not vote for Trump because a SCJ he picked was sub-par. Culture war def hurt the Dems, but everything else Trump does hurts the Repubs.

Yang Gang 2020.

Yang Gang 2020.

Amen 🙏🙏 but lol at an Asian atheist winning the primary let alone the general

A boy can still hope 😢

Instead they made it all about the gender culture war and got... more suburban female votes?

It was about organizing gang rape parties and because of that, the only thing pro-Drumpfers have is being called rape apologists.

I make no apology for rape parties. Do you know how hard it is to organise rape ahead of time, let alone enthusiastic attendees and tell them they have to be less enthusiastic?

Screw SCOTUS, if those allegations are true I want him as POTUS. A real 'get things done, whether or not they want to be' kind of guy.

All of my fellow neighbors in my Rochester Hills, Michigan HOA are voting for Trump. Here is the kicker: so are our children. In fact, last night my based wife, friends, and I had a good chuckle over how Trump is going to demolish these commie democrat candidates over a game of euchre here at my place. Furthermore, everyone in both my country and yacht clubs are voting for Trump. You think these people answer the phone when the commies come calling with their polling questions? Pshaw. Moreover, while I wintered in my Naples, Florida condo, all of the retirees that I spoke with at bbqs, while watching the news, and over games of shuffleboard, pinochle, poker, chess, and checkers were all extremely animated about voting for Donald Trump. I guess there's not much you video game playing slackers can do about it, now, is there? Chances are you will all be too hung over, stoned, or drugged up to even manage to drag your sorry behinds upstairs out of your mom's basements to get into your beater cars and haul yourselves to the polls. As for me and my boomer friends? Yeah, we'll be up at 5 a.m, drinking coffee, chatting over some breakfast before we cast our votes for Trump in the early AM. My kids? I've already drafted an extensive and detailed will with the law firm that handles my affairs, and my children have been instructed that either they vote Trump, or they will each receive merely $1 out of my expansive estate; the rest will go to the NRA after I die. Speaking of which, I recently attended a Friends of the NRA banquet. The dinner was lovely and I won an authentic Henry repeating rifle with NRA engravings via the raffle. I guess it's time for you commies, shills, demoralization trolls, "discord trannies" etc. to face the facts. And the fact of the matter is that Donald J. Trump will win a second term.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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Unbelievably based 😂

Normally we aren’t great with these, but this is sexy stuff right here. 🤩

based and pinko-pilled

I love this and want this to be a copypasta and snappy quote.

Nice lmao I didnt even know they banned people from there

Words words words 😴


a game of euchre

Is there where you chop off each other's balls?

I’m from rochester hills michigan 😯 is this a copypasta

I’m from Rochester Hills Michigan and I say we kill them all! The only good bug is a dead bug!

Hahaha this is r/circlejerk worthy

Nice larp, but Rochester Hills, and NRA members are separate genres.

Learn how to play sheepshead, smoothbrain

Now this is shitposting

Keep your giant dumps in the toilet

Pretty epoch thread

I voted for Jill Stein but I’m answering anyway...

Is this one trolling... He seems full magatard. How do you go from Stein to Trump.


This but unironically

She’s a total GILF, come on.

Stein is like one of those cool grandmas that pretends your girlfriend doesn't exist when she comes over to your house until after you plow her, and then says hi and asks if she wants something to drink or snack on.


Plow who?



The Democrats went out of their way to alienate greenies and bernie bros, don't you remember? They were constantly talking about how these people were responsible for Hillary losing and telling everyone that they were terrible people who were tricked by Russians

Several askreddit posts asking the opposite, but when someone asks who IS voting for Trump redditors go full meltdown and shit up the thread.

Bunch of pathetic fucks.

Perfectly sums up the whole thread

Damn I just wanted to post that, doesn’t get any better than that

Was this post made by Russian bots to out other Russian bots?

annoying shit like this is why i will vote trump

I expected Clinton to threaten to commit war crimes, drone even more people than Obama, to raid the Pentagon to pay for useless pet projects, fill her Cabinet with unqualified campaign donors, and have the Clinton family run around the globe openly basking in corruption.

Trump delivered on all those promises, so may as well vote for him now.

based and corruption-pilled

Unironically hilarious to radcents.

The meltdown this November is going to be epic.

Yea, when Bloomberg wins 😎

That’s not a meltdown it’s a big igloo

Yee yee!


You misspelled John McAfee.

The crazier white male billionaire

McCafe ain't no billionaire

Neither is Drumpf but he’s called that anyways

Everybody's sleeping on my man TOM STEYER 😤


Steyer/Bloomberg ticket. Imagine the seethe.

I'm not an American but I'm considering going over there in November and voting for Trump, both to own the libs and the rightoids whining about the illegal immigrant vote.

This would be a Magnum Opus of trolling if I didn’t think it was done unironically based on the OP’s post history.

Well this thread sucked. Lesson learned, reddit sucks at political discussion.

Imagine taking until current year to figure this out lmao.

The Democrats have decided to go full retard.

I just can’t believe that someone who would use a slur is planning to vote Republican. How is that possible?

Look at this retard reeeing it out

if he's a minimum wage worker odds are he is paying no federal income taxes unless he is in a state where u make 15 dollars an hour and even then it is unlikely he makes enough to get taxed federally it's more likely that the state is taxing them more because they live in a heavily democratic state

wow imagine socialist policies in your state increasing your taxes, crazy how that works. not to say some socialism-like policies are a bad thing but its funny how he's blaming it on trump

That guy doesn't know how taxes work. The lowest bracket expanded and the second lowest bracket (what he's probably in) is down to 12% vs 15%. There's no way he doesn't have more money in his pocket.

the wagecel has no concept of anything outside shelf stacking 😢

poor soul

He never said he was in the lowest. What if he was a college trust fund millionaire “working” for minimum wage to keep daddy off his back while making millions off dividends? Then his taxes went up massively and it’s all Drumpf’s fault.

Maybe his state taxes went up? Only thing I can think of that isn’t him just straight up lying

Probably lives in California or New Jersey

SALT removal, yeah.

I just can’t believe that someone who would use a slur is planning to vote Republican. How is that possible?

It's possible because nobody wants to associate themselves with retards that try to police their vocabulary.

You will never look cool trying to get words banned. If you ever want to get people on your side, pick a different hill to die one.

Only eleven more months to go!

God damn it's like he's either Hitler putting people in concentration camps or rainman calculating all the fucking deals to fix our economy. Why is drama the only place where you can find people who realize we are dealing with literally just a senile ass boomer

Because we are better than those people my child.

Hard disagree

upvoted all of you

you're going to heaven

“People” is really generous and no we’re not

Senile boomer vs senile boomer

Creepy Joe vs Daddy Trump 2020

There's a pretty clear difference though. Biden is like the normal senile boomer where you can get him to calm down and go to bed. Trump is the kind where they were always kind of crazy/retarded and when it's combined with senility they get really agitated and won't cooperate with their handlers.

I take it your grandparents sniffed you and loved having you jumping on your lap

Theres still time

Oh I'm registering same day as a democrat to participate

Sniffing minors vs. grabbin' pussies

Finally two classic heavyweights.

Why is drama the only place where you can find people who realize we are dealing with literally just a senile ass boomer

Haha no, our immigrant population votes very heavily for him.

Because unlike the rest of reddit, we are the equivalent of senile boomers. At least we had a few brain cells at some point, possibly, maybe.

Hitler had an infinite supply of chemically pure meth, a team of cutthroats, and the final generation of bloodthirsty honor-bound Japanese warriors on his side. Hitler had all of these things and took advantage of an unprecedentedly broken civilization.

For anyone who says anyone is comparable to Hitler I ask you this: when was the last time you were legitimately starving? When was the last time you had to burn your worthless national currency for warmth? When was the last time you spent $10,000 on sawdust bread loaves?

Because that was what most people in the Weimar Republic had to deal with. That is the situation that Hitler seized control of.

So unless you actually think Trump is going to stage a political coup in a good economy and militarize an entire populace many times larger/more diverse than Germany uhhhhhh

Shut the fuck up.

Yeah go ahead and drop your fat serious post right here

Is it just me, or has the bernie math gotten more egregious this time around

theyre brainlesscels idk what u expect

an intelligent bernie supporter is not fighting republicans and telling them they're dumb because that isn't how you get people to vote for your candidate

Lol @ plebbittors not understanding that calling people retards is unlikely to change their political views 😂 great thread

that one guy flexing on plebbitors with his 401k

reminder to downvote every pro trump comment and upvote every leftie com meant for maximum seethe

/u/ poppinjizzincream for mod too!

Guys, I just got diagnosed. Apparently this askreddit thread gave me stage 4 prostate cancer. It's been fun guys.

Sort by controversial- there is SO MUCH SEETHE in there.

And not just seethe, but also straight-up cringe by Charlie-Kirk esque people.

I'm so tempted to just troll and make something about 'trump will restore the white ethnostate. I first believed Hillary would do it, but now I see the error of my ways.'

I've been excited about watching the 2020 election coverage to see Trump get re-elected, it'll be so much better than the meltdown in 2016. Even better if he beats one of the socialists (Bernie/Warren).

That thread is pretty much a microcosm of front page Reddit in its entirety.

Someone gives the reasons they support Trump = thousands of downvotes

Someone replies with "HAHAHAHA" = hundreds of upvotes

OP of that submission is a fucking genius btw

Your welcome 🤗

What an absolute tard slapfight

Holy shit, 48k upvotes with 65% upvote rate.