A sub i never knew existed called "DogeRight" got banned, lots of sperging and arguments from rightoids vs heroic anti-fash brigades

1  2020-01-10 by TeeEssDoubleU


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"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. A sub i never knew existed called "... - archive.org, archive.today

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It's shit like this that makes clear that the majority of online political fighting drama is spawned by literal children

Politics are for children. That's why I play Pokemon.

I recently restarted Pokémon heartgold. What game are you playing?

Platinum Nuzlocke. I never appreciated ground types more until now.

Yeah ground type is pretty useful

Hight defense and hp. Probably one of the most useful things for a Nuzlocke. Would recommend.

What type do u find the weakest? My guess is ice type

Definitely ice. They ruined typings in gen 6. Ice were useful agianst dragon types so their brittleness was a trade off. Now there's no reason to use ice types of dragon types.

What’s ur team?

Torterra, Staraptor, Gastrodon, Houndoom and Jolteon. Torterra is probably my favorite of all time as a result of it saving my ass so much.

Nice, my team is meganium,magmar, ampharos, poliwhirl, togetic and onyx

HGSS is objectively the pinnacle of the entire franchise

sips monster energy imo the franchise started to go downhill after black/white, which are two of the best games in the series.


Imagine getting off about someone’s hard work being destroyed because some jokes upset you. You are a fucking terrible person. You are the bad guy in this scenario. Get that through your head.

Hard work. A subreddit. 😂😂😂