Jews are tired of being America’s pawns

1  2020-01-10 by unrulyfarmhand


womp womp


  1. Jews are tired of being America’s p... -,

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The new word for this is Jewbris

Is there a word that means "chutzpah" in Yiddish?

If mayos had a higher IQ they wouldn't let the tables be turned on them like this

We have to support them more than ever!


When I was nine years old, my family and I, all wearing gas masks, would huddle in our bomb shelter, which doubles as my parents' closet

Post Blueprints so I know how to judge you

Iran threated to destroy Haifa, my birth town,

threatened, jesus christ Independent get your shit together

Seeing the comments on this reminds me that Twitter is planning to remove people's ability to comment.

I think this feature is only for blue checks

Daddy removing blue checkmark's ability to call him an oranpredator

This is gonna be good, isn't it

Didn't some court rule he couldn't block people since he makes government decrees via tweet?

Yes, but he only needs to make himself available to read, not to answer.

Calling the president “commander in cheap” on twitter is a human right.

It really is. Goddamn this is a great country.

Oh yes

Right, like the ones that posted this bizarro world article.

Can someone redpill me on what exactly Israel's interests are and how the US furthers them? So far I saw only Galaxy brain takes about "gaining territory" from the people who are I assume a couple of tiers below flat earthers in geographical competence.

It was essentially created by the UK/US after WW2 so now they are like the US' extension in the region. Israel puts pressure on all countries surrounding it by occasionally lobbying a missile or two around. Their neighboring countries would rather they didn't exist at all.

so now they are like the US' extension in the region.

Like a... puppet?

Anyways, I'm a simple man and prefer to think about concrete things, like for example what did Israel gain from Iraq war? What could it gain from a war with Iran?

I don't know regional hegemony, no one to stand up to their expansionist goals.

Israel does whatever they want and takes whatever they want and we drop pallets of cash in surrounding countries to stop them from killing Israel. Pretty sweet deal.

It gains by not having strong states nearby. Sadaam used to send SCUD missles into Israel and Iran funds Hezbollah/Hamas. If these states are smaller/ mdisunified they lose less of a threat to Israel.

Like a... puppet?

Not a very good one if so considering how unreliable they are. Idk how someone can look at the lavon affair and still pretend Israel is looking out for us.

I don't think the Israelis particularly want there to be a war, but they do want the US to be perpetually involved in the Middle East. There needs to be a boogeyman over there to justify why they get the massive amount of foreign aid that they're addicted to. Also they never have to really worry about their security because if an actual threat to Israel ever appeared, the US would deal with it.

How does Israel lobbying missles around help the US retard?

They were supposed to be the hate magnet. All the anti-west violence would be directed to Israel because they're the closest and attacking Israel would be the same as attacking US/UK.

This plan was made before global travel became super easy, but we're sticking with it because change is hard.

..seems a bit convoluted eh? Ever thought that it’s maybe the hundreds of millions of dollars donated by Zionists?

Nah, it was the anti-semites that wanted to send all the Jews to the middle of a hostile environment and let them die. As usual, dumb white protestants underestimated the superiority of the chosen ones.

When shit is destabilized in the region America has an excuse to go in and "fix" things. The military industrial complex and arms manufacturers control a trillion dollar industry that thrives off of conflict.

When America goes in to "fix" things these people are able to make an obscene amount of money off of the conflict. These same people, with their immense wealth, then go on to create think tanks and lobbying groups that advocate for more conflict in the middle east, and thus the cycle continues.

Because of the past persecution of the Jewish people, it's incredibly easy to sell the lie that "we need to go in to save the Jews from being slaughtered by Iran / Iraq / Afghanistan / any other middle astern nation! We must defend our ally!"

The whole thing's a giant con, and a shit ton of people are making out like bandits because of it.

It was never about oil, it was never about terrorism, it was never about protecting America or Israel- it's always been about profit, from the very start. Both America and Israel have been doing everything in their power to ensure that the middle east remains a chaotic hellhole in which it'll be incredibly easy to sell the excuse of "nation building and stabilizing the region" to the general public. They don't want the conflict to end because when it does the money stops flowing.

There isn't a single more lucrative industry on the planet than war.

A much simpler explanation is that the hundreds of millions of dollars that Zionists donate and the many, many Zionists in influential orginizations and media makes a difference. Not that there is no mix or anything too, but there’s a very simple explanation for our support for Israel which doesn’t involve it directly.

Well yeah but I thought that was sort of a given.


Uses retard.. asks retarded question.

Israel lobbies missiles around so the US doesn't have to. The US wants to utilize/control the Suez Canal but Egypt has nationalized it.

The US defended Egypt's nationalization of the Suez.

Makes no sense. What missle strike has Israel done in the past 30 years which helped the us control the Suez canal?

Having a US backed military puppet in the region gives the US bargaining power. Plus Israel buys their weapons from the US so $$$. Also Russia bad.

It seems to me that supporting an unpopular country in the region that is within striking distance of ME missles/terrorists actually reduces our bargaining power. We don’t even use them as a base or for troops/support in our conflicts because they are so unpopular

Also Isis was encamped right on the border of israel for a while and the only time they attacked israelis they apologized.

Really makes you think 🤔

Pretty out of character for people trying to establish a universal caliphate that brings death to enemies of the Ummah

I don't make the rules here. Take it up with management.

You're both retarded by saying Israel is "lobbying missiles" instead of "lobbing" them.

Although if anyone would try to lobby a missile, it would be AIPAC.

I lobbed your mom

created by the UK/US after WW2

The UK was very much against Israel when it was founded. You know what with the whole them being at war thing. At that time the British plan was for the Hashemite monarchs of Jordan and Iraq to take over the region and form a united Arab state allied to Britain.

Israel was supported by the US to some extent but especially by the Soviet Union. This only changed in the early 1950s when Stalin decided that it was the Jews' turn to be blamed for everything.

Israel only cares about one thing: global domination of hummus. There was a time you could only buy hummus from your local ethnically ambiguous Mediterranean restaurant. But a few years ago it started to appear in Whole Foods stores as Sabra. Now it’s practically the only brand of hummus you can buy in grocery stores. And there are so many flavors of Sabra’s hummus:

  • Caramelized Onion

  • Classic

  • Greek Inspired

  • Jalapeño

  • Lemon Twist

  • Olive Tapenade

  • Organic Simply Roasted Garlic

  • Organic Simply Roasted Pine Nut

  • Organic Simply Traditional

  • Roasted Garlic

  • Roasted Pine Nut

  • Roasted Red Pepper

  • Salsa Verde

  • Spinach & Artichoke

  • Sun Dried Tomato with Italian Herbs

  • Supremely Spicy

  • Taco Inspired

And these aren’t even their guacamole flavors: Classic, Classic with Lime, and Spicy.

How can they be stopped when they sell their hummus starting at $2.69 in participating stores?

I feel quickly ran down, thank you!

I’m sorry. I have no choice...

Now it’s practically the only brand of hummus you can buy in grocery stores.

In your shithole sure

You go to a grocery store instead of a Kosher Deli?

For Hummus?

Kosher Deli

You're just reinforcing his point you know.

My point is he's right pal. Hummus selection is serious business.

I don’t know. I just do as I’m told!

Make your own, sunflowerseed oil isn't that hard to get a hold of.

Make your own, sunflowerseed oil isn't that hard to get a hold of.

The goyim know! REEEEE!

Olive Tapenade Gang reporting in

Israel is like a parasite, nested deep in America.

Weapons and technology. Israel would not exist as a country without US military aid, literally every country they border and beyond wants them glassed. Israel’s ‘interest’ is existence and they have to keep the US on their side and willing to help them fight their battles for that to happen.

A lot of the other conspiracy theories you will see about Israel’s interests come from some retard evangelical boomer’s interpretation of revelation and means absolutely nothing.

The problem is I don't see how the battles the US is fighting are Israel's battles, beyond "Muslims don't like Israel so bombing literally anyone in the ME hurts the people who don't like Israel", which doesn't really make any sense in the big picture.

Also idk, the US didn't really start to help Israel until after the six day war (and was really not a fan earlier because the USSR supported Israel originally, because they wanted to shaft the British or something), so idk about the claim that they wouldn't exist.

Also, the idea that they want the US to destabilize its neighbors so that they are ornery so that the US gives Israel aid to defend itself from its neighbors, is kinda retarded, if that's what you were going for.

US presence in the Middle East is a deterrent from future attacks against Israel, it’s not as if relations got that much better after the six day war. They are constantly under threat and US support is helpful even if they might be able to hold their own for a while without it. Pretty sure Israel loved when the US took out general salami and Islamic militia groups.

US presence in the Middle East is a deterrent from future attacks against Israel

I'm saying that making the US anger its neighbors so that the US has to protect it from its neighbors is kind of dumb if you think about it.

Google the term "Greater Israel". Trump already gave them the Golan Heights last year.

Trump already gave them the Golan Heights last year.

Golan Heights never belonged to the US sweaty, how could Trump give them to Israel?

And I'm curious specifically about the Iran situation. Have you seen a map of the area?



The US declares something belongs to Israel with the implication that opposition would bring violence.

“This is my hat now”

I mean, if you've been wearing that hat for 50 years...

Funny fact tho: the wankers in the UN oppose that and Trump's declaration all right, seemingly without any fear of US violence!

But they aren’t going to do shit.

Also the hat thing was a reference to hot rod

You asked a question not in a in attempt to gain knowledge but to spread lies

Jew detected

*recoils* I've been found out!

Okay, bye then. Have fun without the US' help. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Lel without the US Israel would get zerg-swarmed again by their neighbors again because everyone knows that Europe is nothing but paper tigers.


Fine with me, as long as this means they don't want the US to protect all their bullshit on the UN security council anymore.

When I was nine years old, my family and I, all wearing gas masks, would huddle in our bomb shelter, which doubles as my parents'...

Well, I assume the author makes some salient points in favor of going back to that. "It's a load of fun! We should do that again!" or something along those lines

If I wanted to read a essay written by a self-hating Jew who never left his parent's closet i'd read these text messages i'm ignoring to post here.

Imagine living through Desert Storm and not remembering it as the most awesome, radical, and tubular event of your life. This little tard should have brought a TV into the closet so he could watch all the cool tanks and planes blowing shit up.

haha holy fuck, the bankers are so fucking shifty and untrustworthy that it's almost unbelievable.

drags and false flags America into wars while paying off American politicians and then turns around claiming they're victims... greatest ally 2020

We cry out in pain as we strike you.

Truely over for goyimcels.

clicked at top reply's #NoMoreWarsForIsrael hashtag and was greeted by this work of art -

absolutely fucking based


I thought it was the other way around.

How can the USA ever recover?

Who is using child rape to blackmail who?