Marine-hating worldnews OP does a propaganda

1  2020-01-10 by Kosher_Eva


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I'm not an Incel, my rape conviction proves it


That site is an arab Quebec propaganda arm lol

arab quebec

LOL autocorrect?

Al Qaeda?

i thought it was Taliban

honestly, do I even know the difference? prob not

I thought it was quebec? Is it not?

Al Jazeera is Qatari lol


Yeah that Q not the canada one whoops.

Don't worry. With that smooth brain you fit right in.

I don't fuck with Qtards, so much so that countries starting with Q elude me

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Marine-hating worldnews OP does a p... -,

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Using the Taliban as a source is actually very woke

Posting in chapo should get you sent to a prison labor camp

What did he say? Can’t believe snappy isn’t working anymore.

So the paki OP is a convicted rapist and not a fan of the US military?
