Something just struck me. What do you think is the average number of books read by people who have posted here with the phrase "read another book"?

1  2020-01-11 by ManBearFridge


I have read at least ten books

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. Something just struck me. What do y... -,

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So close.

800,000 give or take a few

I didn't realize they made that many Dr. Seuss books


between 20-30

Marilyn Manson's autobiography, The Brothers Karamazov, The Hungry Caterpillar. Anything else is unnecessary.

I used to read a lot, enough to have lost count of how many books I had read. Unfortunately, the last couple or so years I dropped the habit almost completely.

I read rationalwiki, huffingtonpost articles, and the comments section of breadtube videos so I'm basically the equivalent of an Ivy League PhD in whatever topic is being discussed.

You'd reach your goal much quicker if you just watched sissy hypno

Is rationalwiki for right-leaning neckbeards or left-leaning neckbeards? I've never been interested in getting close enough to find out.

lefty neckbeardism

RationalWiki May be the most pretentious place on the Internet.

One time this guy I knew in high school spent 3 days binge reading everything on that site. We only found out because after spending about the 9th hour of reading about Religion and Astrology Crystals, supposedly his ego grew so big that it collapsed in on itself and sucked up half the town in a black hole-esque fashion.

I drive a lot so i listen to a lot of books and that counts as reading

Harry Potter: 7 books and a few spin-offs

Goosebumps: 235 books

There's no competition really. I'm over 30 times as well read as the average Harry Potter reader.

R. L. (((Stine)))

I have read atleast 100 books in my lifetime, nothing new recently because work and vidya

Does Mein Kampf count?

More than 7

Do audiobooks count? Of course they do and I'd argue it's the superior format. I listen to Marx's "on the Jewish question" about 3 times a year

Two full bookshelves on either side of the fireplace, two more full bookshelves in our bedroom and about three more bookshelves worth of older books and comics and shit in boxes in the garage.

I read a lot, it's not all classics but it's definitely more varied than most of the vapid retards on /r/books reads

That's not counting the ones I left behind at my parents when I moved out and the ones I took out from the library every Wednesday when I was a broke as fuck teenager going through four books a week at least because I had not internet and terrestrial television.

Sadly I waste all that mental capacity for unusual and interesting words to call people on 4chan and reddit a faggot.

I make a journal entry every time I experience gender euphoria for being a cishet man and I masturbate when I read this journal daily which is more than fine and valid

Reading is for nerds and fags, so I've read a ton