Man confronts would be childhood rapist in a supermarket, redditors clutch pearls as he does a hate speech. Not okay y'all even in one of the most emotionally charged moments of your adult life, do better okay?

1  2020-01-11 by Wopitikitotengo


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If you have to decide between raping little boys and using the word "faggot" to call out your rapist, always go with raping to avoid toxic masculinity -- redditor

Imagine if it wasn’t the guy. You can tell by his reaction that it is. Wow.

Damn redditors really have supreme psych abilities.

They caught the boston marathon guy

What’s worse? Child rape or saying a no no word?

Redditors literally can’t figure that one out.

Video literally has a Toxic Masculinity watermark lol

Justified homophobia tbh

Pedophile means attracted to children, not molesting them. There's many pedophiles that never ever touch a child. Learn the difference. You don't call someone fantasizing about murder a murderer either, it's just thoughts.

Edit: open a dictionary you uneducated fools

The fbi could find so many Child porn hoarders if they sifted Through Reddit comments


Most of the /r/jailbait refugees probably now frequent /r/libertarian and /r/chapotraphouse.

What's next, not calling virgins incels?

If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. Man confronts would be childhood ra... -,

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Great post 👍👏

I don't care if you almost got ass-raped as a kid, the f-slur is never appropriate sweaty.

Punching nazis is fine but calling a pedophile the f-slur? Yikes sweaty, let’s unpack this

It really wiggles my walnut

Makes sense if you think about it. The closest any of those assholes have been to a fight is the one sided bullying they received. It’s a power fantasy to be able to physically stick up for themselves against a bad guy.

At the same time most of the bullying they received was verbal and in trying to go “woke” to be accepted they have been turned into the scapegoat given a laundry list of no-no words and actions they have to abide by to be “one of the good ones”

Sorry but, butt rape itself is an f-slur pass. I'll allow it.

It's sad what has happened to this site, redditards were never geniuses but they weren't so comically dumb either. How do these imbeciles even function in society?

They don't. They congregate with other fuckups on this site and collectively rationalize tankie retardation which reassures them that their failure to thrive is society's fault, not their own.

I'm a pinko commie through and through and I can assure you that any famous socialist these degenerates idolize would hate them way more than any capitalist enemy they hanged. Not only they are ridiculing the left with their pathetic behaviour but they're often shilling for corporations and marketing tactics consciously or not. I've seen Trumptards that are more socialist then redditors LARPing as tankies.

I'm a pinko commie through and through

Get on the helicopter. 🔫🙄

I'm a rightoid but if it came down to it I'd be right alongside the real commies helping to throw these retards in gulags.

I'm a little bit rightoid socially (not a Trumptard tho, I'm pretty neutral on him) but pretty socialist economically so I think you're spot-on.

Tumblr banning porn really ruined twitter but they definitely spread here as well.


I'm very concerned about me-too going to far so we shouldn't jump to conclusions and instead assume innocence. Don't feed the cancel culture bullshit

Shut up. We're a bunch of losers running our mouths about people we don't even know, not a grand jury.

not a grand jury

Speak for yourself.

Found the libertarian.

Civil liberties are crucial to the foundation of a functioning society. We should employ some skepticism about the claim and not rush to judge a person we know nothing about






It's not OK to assume he has fucked kids

> looks like guy in video

> safe to assume

donald trump BANGS KIDS

this is your brain on heroin and AIDS, folks

Pussy for not killing that pedo tbh

Bunch of faggot ass niggers in that post

C'mon dude, you know every one of those people was lily white lmao fuckin faggots


The redditcel LITERALLY quotes capeshit in his weird revenge fantasy posts

They're mental children. And they can vote.

Wow this actually made me seethe good job.

What these people who have clearly never been in an fight before don't get is calling him a faggot will piss the pedophile off more than calling him a pedophile. He's trying to provoke him.

clearly never been in a fight before

They also have never been around real black people. Fighting words for black guys include “bitchass n-slur” “faggot ass n-slur” “pussy ass n-slur” “bitchmade n-slur” etc

Black men are generally pretty homophobic and don’t like being called gay or feminine. So despite twitter warriors defending their melanin kangz, most things that woketwitter users consider to be brave (LGBT+, comfortable experimenting with sexuality, fluid gender roles/personalities) would make an actual black man want to fight.

If the Republicans ever stop being so white power, they would turbo shitstomp the libs in politics with religious minorities in their ranks who hate the gays.

Conversely if the democucks stop being so retardedly anti-guns they would win more.

I think this everytime something like this comes up. Black people are at the very least socially conservative. If rightoids weren't so comically racist Democrats would cease to exist.

I just want a democrat that's pro-gun and anti-immigration. Throw socialist money around all you want, I think welfare is generally a good thing, but I'd rather it go to help people who were born here and are more or less stuck here than people who decided to come here of their own free will and really shouldn't be here. I'd love to see the money we throw at immigrants go into black communities instead, maybe with some better schools and better police forces in those areas we could start eliminating the gang culture that's keeping those communities from being anything but shitholes.

You can say nigger here. You are such a pussy “n-word” are you in second grade and afraid to cuss?

Yes mommy I’m afraid to cuss because I think you’ll give me a spanking

Edit: give me platinum next time, bitchass nigga

I give you permission to say nigger

One of the reddit awards should be a nigga pass. Then when someone summons the nigga counting bot, you can point out your awarded comment.

Exactly, call a black dude a punk or f-slur and you’ll probably be in fight fairly quick.

Working warehouse jobs in the south taught me that. I’ve been around the reddest of rednecks but never seen someone legitimately scared of gay people like my black co-workers were of the flaming UPS guy that came by everyday.

Faggots reproduce by raping kids. It’s a fact. Snappy told me.

clearly never been in an fight

calling him a faggot will piss the pedophile off more than calling him a pedophile.

I don’t know why you lead with a general “never been in a fight” when you clearly mean “never been in a fight with their childhood sexual abusor.” Anyway I haven’t been in a fight like that so thanks for the tip I guess.


Which one were you?

I wouldn't say the N word in anger in any given scenario, because I don't think that being black is a negative thing so it wouldn't occur to me to utilize that to hurt someone. Surely the most hurtful, accurate and damaging thing here would be to call him a pedophile?

Lol. "Please, I'm a man of intellect. Even though you are beating me and raping every orifice, I can not say the n-word."

What is with white people being so scared of getting called racist?

Being called racist is the new communist, mayos are spineless and will do anything to avoid being labeled undesirables hence the relentless self-flagellation

Lmao mayos really think the N word is used like a Pokémon attack.

“You called me a “piece of crap”? I’m gonna call you an N word!!!”

Listen to how smoothly it flows off his tongue. That word is just a part of the dialect. It’s not uncommon to be in every sentence in causal conversation, similar to how reddit mayos quote starshit, capeshit, or wandshit in every sentence

because I don't think that being black is a negative thing so it wouldn't occur to me to utilize that to hurt someone.

Does this guy really not understand that saying something hurtful doesn't always have to be 100% truthful? Like I'm not particularly racist, but if I wanted to rile up/insult a black person then nigger would be the obvious way to go. Doesn't matter if I hate black people or not, it's just common sense that all blacks hate being called niggers.


Open link "you are banned from commenting in this community for now"

Seeing this frequently around reddit just reinforces how based I am.

Sounds about right for Dayton.