/r/ConsumeProduct is very confused by breeching. "Shut the fuck up shill. Looks like there manufacturers were actually pretty based". "I demand to know your ethnicity".

1  2020-01-11 by zsfh


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I'm confused what type of person visits that sub. There is an upvoted comment calling FDR a communist.

Tradcon LARPers with even less of a chance of continuing the white race than soyboys who settle for a landwhale with 3 kids because they can't shut the fuck up about whatever their favorite rightoid buzzword of the week is from some Twitterer or YouTuber

Pretty sure 99% are actual teenagers.

So the same thing but add a dash of /r/lewronggeneration?

yeah pretty much, kids who think they're super duper smart and mature for their age, and experts on political and social sciences

Partially stupidpol posters but largely hypocritical MDEfugees. Someone posted how expensive Sam Hyde merch was and everyone in the comments went on and on about how much they wanted it lmao


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope or /r/democrat

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Der Ewige Auth-Center


men clothes are gender neutral, female clothes are for women only

That’s actually solid point nigga. I never thought about it that way.

That sub only gets better with each passing day.

You raise a good point in a way what with the father basically being a cuck serving his boss instead of God and the local community. The longer I live, the more I respect the Amish, tbh

You're cucked if you work to support your nuclear family.

We have come full circle.

Universal horseshoe theory confirmed once more

Any "right-winger" critical of capitalism who hails that model is an inconsistent retard. Not as big of a retard as supposedly anti-capitalist "leftists" who cheer on the current development of gender relations, though, which is just the further deterioration of the above model into one in which every individual has an outsourced battery of cheap labour recharging them, which is a state in which all relations have become openly commercial.


i wasn't doxxed, but i don't enjoy reddit as much as i used to. it feels like an addiction or a distraction at the moment and it's surprisingly sad how often i am noticing myself think "oh you should take a picture of this and share it" or "that's a funny story you should post this", i don't seem to enjoy doing things for the sake of it any more and rather it's me trying to get reactions out of people, whether that's disgust or laughter. last month i challenged myself to take a week off reddit because i noticed i was on it too much, i lasted 2 days and then started coming back on now, so recently i just thought fuck it i need to be able to go more than 2 days without going on here, that's not healthy. i was going to write something more in depth but i really just need to stop coming on here for a while, i said a month to myself so i'll go for that. the more time i spend on reddit, the less time i spend doing other things and it's not worth it for me. i see people spending so much time on social media and said i never wanted to be like them but i have become like that. so ill probably make a blog/video/something in a few weeks just to talk about it properly because i think a lot of people will be in similar positions and won't be aware of it or willing to try and change.

there's a lot on my mind at the moment so i just need to step back and think about what i should do now.


  1. /r/ConsumeProduct is very confused ... - archive.org, archive.today

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