Dems can’t find a single colored to debate them.

1  2020-01-11 by collectijism


Reasons like this are why leftists lose

Did these retards forget that a black guy was elected president

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The absolutely retarded rightoid takes here are beyond funny now. Being a leftoid on modern /r/drama is suffering.

which retards? the DNC for cucking all the coloreds?

edit: I'm serious I don't know who you're talking about

They know the whites threw them a bone to shut them up. No one will ever vote a black dem into office ever again after that fatherless cuck

Could you at least couch your retarded racism with some humour or irony please?


What is racist? Your telling me white guilt fed by government mandatory schools and media had nothing to do with a blck man getting elected in a 60% white country?

No amount of white guilt could have made HRC give up that nomination. The idea that the DNC put Obama up is a smooth brain take.

I have no horse in this very special race. I just miss the good old days when the word "opinion" existed instead of the infinitely more retarded word "take."

White guilt for theee not for me. You do realize the elites spawn don’t need to actually get good grades or write some essay diatribe about their disabled immigrant mother to get into Yale right?

Yes, unlike you most people don't vote along racial lines

90% of blacks vote dem? Why is that?

Because the Republican party does everything in their power to make it harder for us to vote instead of giving us a reason to vote for them?

Found the black guy too stupid to go to the DMV and get a drivers licence.

That fight began in 2013, when the state made cuts to early voting, created a photo ID requirement and eliminated same-day registration, out-of-precinct voting and preregistration of high school students.

"More than half of all voters there use early voting, and African-Americans do so at higher rates than whites.

In its ruling, the appeals court said the law was intentionally designed to discriminate against black people. North Carolina legislators had requested data on voting patterns by race and, with that data in hand, drafted a law that would "target African-Americans with almost surgical precision," the court said.

Sounds more like your to dumb to realize the GOP has a nasty habit of implementing voter ID laws then finding out in DMVs in poor minority counties aren’t needed for one reason or another. They’ve tried pulling that in multiple states.

Because the GOP has much of a say in DNC states and counties.

They do when they control the state government... You know, the people actually in charge of the DMV...

Blacks can’t get IDs they don’t understand computers but they’re totally not stupid enough to vote blue across the voting block

You don't even need to use computers, you can literally walk up to the person there and say "I don't know how to use the computers" and they'll fill out a written form for you, or do it on the computer for you. The next step is getting your picture taken and there it is, an ID.

I have a license. But it is suspicious that at the same time as voter ID laws are passing, DMV offices in minority areas are suddenly shutting down.

Did the area become high crime and not worth the cost to operate a state building? If your area is low income high crime, and contributes barely any taxes, why should more tax money be spent on the area to keep a facility open? I find it very hard to believe that these DMV offices are closing without a good reason, what with Democrats probably in power in those districts.

Ok, how about a local source, you know someone who doesn't think well used hand gestures or random numbers are signs of white supremacy.

Haha jews run that shit can I link an info wars article about gay frog evidence? No? Why not?

maybe u guys should stop robbing them

I honestly really hope the Republican party wises up and realizes that criminal justice reform at the very least should be a shared platform item between Dem and Repub. That would at least be something.

Your a moronic child. Look at the rest of the new world countries. Why would we follow them by eroding the rule of law? How’s that working for them? Mexico, Columbia run by cartels that command actual tax funded divisions of police and military. With more murders per year than any war. Brazil has government phrenology trials to see who gets benefits and Argentina default on their bonds to their government every other generation. Thank god our ancestors gave us a shot by killing the natives

I'm not sure how "Reducing the revolving door of incarceration" is eroding the rule of law or in any way related to your very very strange examples.

Dude they dindu nuffin.

unironically believing in "touch on crime" policy

imagine being this much of a boomer brain lmao. Though to be fair burgerstanis are so incompetent they do often end up more like 3rd world countries when they try to implement any policies.

You want gibbes for votes huh? Maybe you and your people are too stupid to be in a democracy

90% of blacks listen to hip hop why is that?

Because RNB is legit good, idiot baby.



90% of blacks grow up with no father in the house why is that?

Hmmm yes I use out of context stats unironically how can you tell

90% of blacks do X. Why is that?

90% of blacks do jism's mom. Why is that? 🤔

Because only 10% of blacks are smart enough to be in a democracy. It’s called the Pareto principle ie science definition of the human condition. Name a single functioning african democracy in history?

Because only 10% of blacks are smart enough to be in a democracy.

Pareto principle is 80/20 dumbdumb.

So if 80% of whites are smart enough for democracy, we'll still need to somehow deal with you plebs in the 20%.


The Pareto principle keeps going out of that 20 there’s 20 percent of them and so on.

You shouldn't dwell on this.

You might be the 80% of the 20% of the 20% of the 20%, and that's still OK. Just stay positive.

Positivity is what gives me hope it’s all over the constitution.

The Constitution is a great document, with its roots in the Magna Carta from way back in 1215. One that democracies around the globe incorporate today.

The thing is, that due to major industrial, technological, and society changes it does need some updating.

Because gibs, not because Dems run a candidate of a particular color.

yeah obama def didnt get all the black votes

You do realize when you say most people you mean most whites. Cause your so white and upper class you have to cope by pretending that blacks are like you

Unironically based

If you can’t handle the truth move back to Africa

If you respond more than once to a comment, you've automatically lost.

If your a leftist who only attacks sources but not ideas you’ll never win

Damn did a black person jizz in your cereal AND your wife? Jealous maybe?

Are you an actual mdefugee? 🤔 Regardless, yikes on the serious posting.

Why is it that rightoids hate sources so much? Almost like they can’t stand it when facts don’t care about their feelings🧐🧐🧐

Bruh just take the L and run on back to stormfront



If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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you a gamer dude? me and my girlfriend, we’re a gamer couple, alright? zombies? i don’t think so. 2 rounds with the pulse rifle? take em out. i prefer the shotgun tho. shotgun’ll- shotgun’ll make it’s- it’s bad news for any zombie. i’ll take on the entire zombie apocalypse, just gimme a shotgun. you ready for the zombie apocalypse? … you just get back from vidcon? i-i’m goin to comiccon. did you go to the convention? i’m going to comiccon. and i’m gonna meet all my favourite ironman and… all my favourite characters are gonna be there and my favourite comicbook artists. yeah i’m really-i’m really souped for uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh diablo iii. when it comes out in 2014. am i right? epic fail blizzard, epic fail… uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i just went to a steampunk convention. flew there in uh a steam powered gyro copter with my musket and my corncob pipe and my monocle. and an ascot and a newsie cap aaand doc martens and suspenders. and my characters name is humperdink. that’s my character. humperdink. and i’m 32 years old, so i guess he’s level 32. aaand i have a kid with my wife. and my wife i could’ve gotten, if you were gonna use a rating scale to rate women, which is disgusting, and if you do that you’re a disgusting person. but my wife is a six point… eh no my wife’s a five. i could’ve gotten a 6.5 uhhh but i’m a disgusting pig. i’m a slob. i smell. i have bad hygeine. she has the worst hygeine, which is why i’m comfortable with her because that’s how i- because that’s the way.. i’ll make that i’ll take that choice. i will make that compromise. that’s my uuuh yknow. thats what i’ll do. i’ll forego a 6.5 in favour of a sloppy, 5. because i’m comfortable with the way i smell around her. because i smell really bad. and we have a kid. we have a little baby.. that we shouldn’t of had but we did cus i don’t know cus i do wanna.. i do wanna yknow. procreate. i wanna yknow. see my- my offspring in the world. cus that’s important to when uhhh you know… aaaaand i gave him some little f****t name. like arcadian. i named my kid arcadian, so that my kid has to suffer my steampunk… desires. but the good news is he’ll proberly-probably grow up to be a loser and he’ll like his name. he’ll like the name arcadian because he’ll be so stupid, cus he come from my genetic stock so he’ll yknow he’ll be wearing rose tinted vampire glasses. at some point. and corduroys. yknow. so it all works out

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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2 rounds with the pulse rifle? Take em out.

They've got a fag, a Native, and a Jew. What's the big deal

Reminds me of a terrrrrrible joke that one of my in-laws sent me around 2012 or so:

A communist, a Muslim and a Kenyan walk into a bar.

The bartender asks, "What'll it be, Mr President?"

Unironic OK boomer

Only black people can be diverse



Still got an Asian and a Pacific Islander. Not progressive enough tho

Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., told the Associated Press this week that he had one of his best fundraising days during the December debate, even though he wasn't on the stage, because of the "reaction of the absence of me, and frankly, people with more diverse lived experiences."

Booker thinks he has the same lived experience as average black people?

Average blacks don't suck off trannies in a subway bathroom?

That’s why Obama changed the bathroom laws to keep his brother from his lived experiences

Wow what a fag

diverse lived experiences

Where's the candidate that understands the struggle of affording Stinker Station hot dogs with a meager teenager allowance in a medium-sized Idaho town?

That fucking mouth breather Steyer beat my boy Yang?

Fuck this gay Earth TBH.

I don't think anyone outside of Reddit knows who Yang is. He doesn't run enough commercials on boomer network television.

Thank god the only polls that matter are polling people that answer cold calls.

They're the ones that vote lmao

Like the Bloomberg ads? "Donald Trump is bad! I'm going to give everyone medicare like I did in New York" suddenly the reason New York is going bankrupt and begging for federal dollars becomes clear. I mean if your policies in New York have left New York bankrupt, how do you think that's going to go running them federally, if you bankrupt the fed, then all your government programs disappear.

In silicon valley I've seen more Yang posters than Warren posters.

But the silicon valley is notoriously misogynistic now since all the mainlanders and pajeets moved in and kicked out the muh feels mayos so maybe thats it. And thise yuropoors who were too rightwing/moneygrubby for yurop. Or maybe we just like NEETbux more.

I would think that a guy offering a free 1k a month would be more popular but I guess not.

Most people can do the math, people don't pay $1,000 a month in taxes. If you take everyone's taxes rich and poor, that still isn't $1,000 a month. So taxes have to go way up, which is pointless, why not just tax people less.

VAT doesn't raise income tax though. The only argument that could be made is that some of the tax cost is passed.down to the consumer.

If everything you buy has VAT on it, then it's another tax on income.


I didn't give people the benefit of the doubt to look further than that.

It doesn’t help that he looks like a retarded short person

You're surprised the guy who wallpapered #resist facebook with his name is polling higher among the kinds of people who respond to political pollsters than the asian offering everyone neetbux?

OP has made over half the comments in this thread 🤔

Here’s another one your a faggot

Now that's a good comment

What’s the right percentage? 25%? 20%? 5%?

About tree fiddy retard

"It's a troubling indication of the built-in bias toward white men and white candidates over everyone else," Allison said. "There is a deep cultural belief that hasn't been adequately challenged."

Yeah they need to get that bell curve stricken from the record the 1350s for some reason won’t even vote to make it an african democracy

Warren qualified for the debate tho

Can she even fire dance?

First troid president when

I'd vote for you any day hun. uvu

Entire cabinet of troids to have dilation parties with :3

If they can’t handle a real women’s period because they might hit the nuke button because of hormones. How they gonna vote in a fake women on HRT?

Well we would still press the button, it would just be to mass 41 percent the entire world

people dont even trust actual women to lead lol might be a while

That's a problem that can be solved with some blackface.

Based and corn pop pilled

This thread is full of leftoid cope and seethe

I like how the dems are now calling their own base racist lmao

Racism is the lynch pin of wealth redistribution it’s how they decide who gets how much of that sweet old white wealth

It appears america isn't ready for a person of color being president


wtf did they mean by this? Only dems are voting right now. It's their fault they aren't on the stage.

No, as Harris explained, they mean America is not ready for a woman of color being president. That is why Kamala had to withdraw.

wtf what about elizabeth warren

There are serious posting retards and then there's you.

Lol exactly

Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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