Checkmark doxes """high profile""" conservative twittercel for having the wrong relative I guess. Twittercel asks 'is it because I is one of {{{them}}}?' Followers of both collide in an overly online disaster.

1  2020-01-11 by OnTehFull


It astounds me that on Twitter you're allowed to witch-hunt and dox whoever you like and they treat it as no big deal, but the moment you say a naughty word you get wiped off the site Òvò

Oh but he's not doxing, hes "uncovering the influence of prominent neoconservatives in the DC and media power structure." Totally different.

lol yes the dude whose twitter is 95% him sperging about anime, video games, and his dog is a prominent neoconservative voice online.

Twitter doesn't bother zoophiles and pedos either, anything that brings those sweet rage-induced clicks is welcome there.

When leftys are gonna realize that American neoconservatism is the final redpill ?

Neoconservatism is the ultimate dramapill because it's the ideology that manages to piss everyone off

I mean it's hard to say considering neoconservatism is the neoliberalism of things that aren't neoliberalism. Everyone throws around the word to mean "thing I don't like" but really have no idea what it means beyond that. At best they may have some level of understanding that it has to do with foreign policy, but just wait until you explain to them that neoconservatism is a form of radical liberalism 😂😂😂😂😂

What a loser. He is pleading journalist integrity but his big news is a twitch streamer got an uncle.

How dare he have family!😤

This guy has 100k Twitter followers and is a Tw*tch streamer, who fucking cares if some literally autistic journo reveals his name? The rightoid seethe in the replies is amazing regardless, got both boomers and NEETs riled up.


Why do all leftists look the same?

Lombroso was onto something

Lombroso's theory of anthropological criminology essentially stated that criminality was inherited, and that someone "born criminal" could be identified by physical (congenital) defects, which confirmed a criminal as savage or atavistic.

Wow, utterly based

He's a leftoid but he's a stupidpol esque leftoid so less insufferable I guess.

"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. Checkmark doxes """high profile""" ... -,*

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I feel like bringing the word snitch back into popularity is the only way to fight #CancelCulture.

Is it doxing if he revealed his identity already?