/r/nonmorons for non morons discusses selling men back into slavery to correct society

1  2020-01-11 by the_nshi


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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say people who post in that sub are in fact morons themselves.

I like the stickied post with plans for an eugenical society of bigbrains in the model of Yakub's breeding https://www.reddit.com/r/nonmorons/comments/ejscqq/my_plan/

It's all so simple! Just separate the sexes at church and we'll have world peace.

That post says nothing about peace whatsoever. In fact, we prefer that morons kill each other.

How does one become such a nonmoron?

In your case, they need to shoot themselves. Sorry, that's the only way something as dumb as you becoming a nonomoron.

It's all so simple! Just separate the sexes at church masjid and we'll have world peace.

Yakub did nothing wrong.

Can't you read? They're non-morons.

I don't post there so obviously I'm a moron.

Reading this Totally True story made me dumber than my drunk-ass self already was. Seems the subreddit name is a misnomer.

“I met this based black man who did an Al Jolson tap dance routine and said ‘I won’t bother you no mo massa!”

I read it as non-mormons

where's the lie

The entire story

Jews did this


  1. /r/nonmorons for non morons discuss... - archive.org, archive.today

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Right after slaves were released a quarter of them died off

I wonder why that could be 🤔 it's not like we needed years of protests to get people to stop lynching blacks

The industrial revolution made slavery unnecessary.

what possible role could modern day slavery play in society?

industrial advancements and mechanical advancements phased out any need for slavery and we continue to advance

do these guys know that slavery still exists? what are sweatshops, what is human trafficking, etc.

Is this the latest mde/lse hangout? It's not bad pasta, but I can't agree with the take on slavery. The explanation I find most credible is that slavery started with agrarian societies. Farming raised the labor requirements of primitive societies enormously, and agricultural slavery was by far the most common kind.

On the other end, notice how slavery began to get phased out once mechanization set in? Look at the cotton 'gin and it's date of introduction.

Umm this is a little embarrassing, but maybe you didn’t read that those guys are non-morons? Perhaps you’ll retract your statement now that you know

You're the one who is confused. Its a sub for dyslexic ex mormons.