Sexless foid endorses prenatal moidicide cause dudes suffer from penis-induced original sin. Fellow hamplanets agree.

1  2020-01-11 by CodeBlueBoohoo


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I'm terrified of having kids of either sex tbh.

What about raising girls? Your daughter is gonna be bombarded with messages how the only thing that matters about her are her looks her whole life. She's gonna be sexualized/treated as an object by men the moment she turns 12. And what if she comes home one day and hits me with "I'm gonna become a sex woker mom! I feel very empowered selling nudes on onlyfans!" Like wtf. (I'm only half-joking about the last part)

Thus having a daughter is confirmed to be the ultimate cuckoldry, by foids no less

Jordyn Petersdottir: hits pipe

they don’t do their chores well

They always bury the real motivation like it’s going to be hard to spot.

Foids nagging moids before they even take their first breath Rip in peace

There's a blog I follow written by a radical feminist. She argues male nature is as it is, and that women should not have sons.

When a man does horrible things to girls and women, he is doing what his very nature commands him to do. Men can’t be reformed, they can’t be reasoned with, and they can’t be fixed. They are not broken.Their lack of intelligence, depth and human emotion is built-in.

Men Are Not Broken

These bad ass amazonians should create their own commune that is women centric and male free. Surely it won't collapse into bitch fighting to the death within a week....

Survivor-type reality shows have separated teams by gender multiple times and it’s always ended the same way - the men have a few scuffles at first but ultimately band together and have shelter, food, and a functioning social structure within a week; the women devolve into in-fighting and end up hungry and shivering in the rain.

I would unironically join such a commune tbh.

You should watch this

Foids fell apart in less than 24 hours.

47 minutes

no thank u

grows up into a typical moid who can't be platonic friends with women

This is just Friend Communism. It is not men's fault you cannot compete on an open market with:

  • other women that ARE willing to slobber a single (or not single lol) man's dingus in exchange for that same amount of attention.
  • other potential men friendships that can reliably survive whatever the man's current or next jealous foid relationship is

Really encouraging to see well received advice to not procreate at all on that board

These women are so trashy and hateful how are they shocked the kids they shit out are hateful as well

This just makes me sad tbh

This is why every Western country should have its economy eroded to the point that 90% of people are subsistence farmers who won't give a shit about any of this awful foidism.


Seriously agree. I realize the only reason I'm sad instead of laughing is cuz they're foids tho. If it were incel moids I'd just be laughing at the unlovable uggos, but with women I feel more empathetic. Wonder why


but my biology makes me a violent caveman, too confusing for my moidmind

It's simple, feeling empathy for foids is just as bad as being a violent caveman.

This doods makin sense

Have sex

Uhh dilate i think

Eat my bussy.

Dude bussy lmao

Being naturally empathetic and protective towards women is that “toxic masculinity” thing they’re always talking about

Imagine feeling bad for the obese foids of ribbit

They are fucking sick what the hell

this is art

wtf I love sex based abortion now

I unironically agree with them, except the original sin part. 90% of moids should be exterminated.

I hope she sees this HoBoLoBro

nigga smd


lol sure, as long as I survive. I'll be impregnating hotties in exchange for modest payment. won't have to work a day in my life.

glad to see such wokeness on the Moid Menace

People like this is why abortion should be legal.

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


  1. Sexless foid endorses prenatal moid... -,*

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where's the lie tho


You only need like 10% of men to keep the next generations population healthy. Sperm is low value and abundant, there's no reason to have so many male children.

One child policy when

TBF with mothers like this it's probably a mercy.

This reads like a gender flipped shitpost someone would write to make fun of incels. I can’t believe it’s real