AHS getting their panties in a bunch about the Yang post

1  2020-01-12 by Phil_Leotardo_


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Active on AHS and Speedrun. Oh and also is german and unironically uses the term "landlord". Did we just win at Bingo?

Speed runners are just incels channeling the rage of their virginity into autistic levels of video game obsession.

the fuck is wrong with using landlord

He’s probably implying that the lady is a Chapo

Landlord is an archaic word used by bongs and burgers. No actual european not indoctrinated by reddit calls them landlord. Everyone is using renter.

damn you are a retard

You’ll be the second to go when the revolution comes

Well yes. I dont deny that. But theres no direct translation of landlord in any european country except UK. Everyone uses something closer to renter than landlord. but continue being a bong apologist.

Literally who gives a fuck

damn you are a retard


Damn. You are a retard

Atleast im not a feudal faggot like you.



Sent from my own appartment.

Not wanting a feudal system

Ok wagie.

Basically this. Nobility> bureaucracy

Feudalism is the natural order. Also, apartment*. Damn you are a retard.

As I said yes I am. But what are you considering you got triggered on drama over trash talking a fucking word. Amazing.

Damn. You are a retard.

Europoors were a mistake

Are Canucks bong apologists? D: We still use landlord & landlady.

you are half bong half baguette so depends on how you view it

Half bong half bagutte quarter clover quarter shepherd quarter Sauerkraut. Ouch. xD

tbh youve taken the worst traits of the bongs just like the americans but atleast the americans still have some based people there. Youre just ... lame. Bongs are not people but atleast they still have their history and national identity. You dont even have that.

Identity? Canadian? Heck no, b'y! Anybody who doesn't do this and this and this and speak to so-and-so is a rascal who needs their bum changed, absolutely! :D

Well the reason 'only bongs and burgers' use the word is because because it's an English word. Obviously we all have different words for different concepts and 'landlord' might not translate 100% identically in another language. If you are trying to argue political meanings of 'landlord' then do that without whining about terminology.

A 💯% serious post is 💯% gay.

Are you memeing, or are you legit retarded?

Holy fuck I managed to actually trigger drama by trash talking a fucking word. Amazing. ofc im memeing and you faggots took the bait like you take dick in the back alley of the local gay night club

> legit retarded


Imagine not owning land in 2k20. Stop being poor incel

I own an acreage and working farm, and I have posted several pictures of my livestock and gardens.

Me too! I have 11 horses and too many fucking pigs. I hate pigs now. They're smart animals so I'm thinking about murdering one in front of the others to teach them a lesson next time they bust out

pigs are okay they are smart but not vindictive.... goats on the other hand...

I've never actually owned goats. Pigs are dirty as fuck when they're pinned but if we don't pin them they literally destroy everything and they often find ways of escaping. I also made the mistake of not castrating them early on and thinking they'd be easy to sell so 3 turned into 9 really fast. The males make really good milk tho. I've been considering buying a few chest freezers and butchering them and just eating them for the foreseeable future. That or driving them down to texas and releasing them


show me one (1) language that doesn't use archaisms or historical words adapted to the new age

Holy fucking hell you faggots who the fuck care just drop it. i hurt your little fee fees it seems.

Guys, stop downvoting lolcows.

Also, damn. You are a retard.

No fuck you. I fucking hate you. I will blast your fucking bussy

landlord is a normal word though? he's still a kraut, but pretty much everyone uses that word

The appropriate term is landperson

Person of Land*

Temporary advantaged renter


You should use their actual noble title, peasant.

Germans aren't human

Idk I learned german and went over there last summer and dear fucking christ they are SO incredibly cucked over there. I had to nod along and pretend to agree that ORANGE MAN BAD LOL constantly and ARENT MIGRANTS COOL?? and OMG FAST FOOOOOOD WHATS IT LIKE?? Hitler would freak out if he saw germany today the whole place is a giant over-acceptance jerk. It’s honestly too much tbh.

Go to Bavaria, it’s not great but much better.

Wir Bayern sind besser als der Rest. That is a fact.

I only got through 2 levels of Kraut. English?

We Bavarian’s are better than the rest of krautland

god shits to the kaiser

It's actually embarrassing to be German in 2020. Send help

I mean like bavaria is a bit based but like so expensive and you can smell the old money from 10 miles away. Like everywhere else tho is like so extreme left and brainwashed it’s crazy. Very America obsessed too like I said. Fast food fetishized when my reaction was the opposite “OMG REAL FOOD”. Now I’m back in the US slaving away over clothing doing my debt time like a good little boy stuffing my face with fucking Taco Bell living on gift cards. Like the Germans need to appreciate their own shit and recognize that they have culture to be proud of. Sorry just my hot 21 y/o take but that’s sorta my opinion after visiting and actually being able to speak the language unlike the rest of those zoomers I went with.

recognize that they have culture to be proud of

Quick way to get called a nazi and get canceled

The German people are so incredibly self loathing it's unbelievable

On some level you've gotta know that's not true. No one's gonna say a thing if you, as a German, take pride in German customs, poetry, music (shorthand: culture), as long as you're not completely retarded about it. Same way there's a difference between narcissism and healthy self-esteem.

Actually, I take it back. Self-loathing in a German is unironically great, becoming megalomaniacal aspiring rulers of the world is in your genes and there needs to be an active effort in Germany's children's upbringing and education to suppress it. Long-term, I'm thinking the best course of action is, obviously, genetic dilution.

Sincerely, your schnitzel neighbor laughing at your indignant ass 💅

there needs to be an active effort in Germany's children's upbringing and education to suppress it. Long-term, I'm thinking the best course of action is, obviously, genetic dilution.

Spoken like a true German leftard

Ok krautler 😊

Reminds me of once talking an Austrian guy in WhatsApp and when he typed in German, I responded with "sorry I don't speak Nazi".


And everyone knows virgins hate the Chad /r/Drama user base.


Nah, I like you guys

Why would you ironically use the word landlord

its the commie equivalent for "jew"

Nazi's don't use Jew ironically and nobody (including communists) use landlord ironically. I don't understand your point

i misinterpreted your question. i thought you didnt know how they were using the term landlord, but you seem to be educated on this matter george soyros


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. AHS getting their panties in a bunc... - archive.org, archive.today

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Yeah bro this is a little harsh. I've been talking shit about you because you got cucked into not giving us removeddit and snew.notabug links anymore so you decide to do me dirty like this? It was your fucking joke bro! Now I'm the homophobe!? Not cool you sentient motherfucker. Not cool.

I thought bardy had an understanding with us, what gives? Is drama the hot item on their not-discord today?

The user who submitted it is a speedrunner. Obviously any understanding of social agreements is out the window.

Eww, a tranny.

Nah, speedrunners are way worse than trannies.

Speedrunners and trannies.

They're the same picture

... I thought all speed runners were trannies?

Speedrunning is a hobby that attracts mentally ill people of all kinds, even moreso than g*ming. Being a troid is a huge risk factor for having a myriad of personality disorders that usually go completely unchecked on account of this whole "doctors are transphobes" meme, so of course there's gonna be a lot of notorious troons in the community. But believe me, there's way more and way worse kinds of spergs who are into speedrunning.

Just because Bardy does, doesn't mean her users do. Especially when every rightoid sub gets shoahed. They end up running out of content.


>thinking I want to claim that thing as a part of my gender

No thanks, you can keep her.

That’s an unfortunate point.

Who is this lolcow?


The worst thing that AHS did was turn TMOR, which was a fun but lighthearted sub dedicated to making fun of ridiculous conspiracy theories, into a radlib attack dog. Chapo and TMOR are the military NEET army wings of the AHS central intelligence. Pathetic.

This is AHS basically blaming us for their unintended consequences. AHS gets rightoid sub banned --> some of those rightoids come to drama because we don't autoban rightoids --> drama becomes a little more right, which fucks with The Balance --> the drama jannies have to try to weed out the new dramanauts from the new degenerates but we're all lazy fucks that do it for free.

AHS is basically US foreign policy in South America and our southern border patrol is drunk and retarded.

We should let them drill for oil into drama janny bussy so maybe they will leave us alone.

Alternatively, why don't AHS come here to tell us their faggy opinions instead of crying in their own sub?

/r/drama is a safe space for all

Because they can only argue within the safe confines of an echochamber

Hey, I’m a Nazi landlord chud who keeps getting banned for being DDF. Help.

Example: dramanaut or degenerate? I happen to know that SBL is a dramanaut but what if I didn't recognize the user name? Am I supposed to go through their history to try and make a judgement? Manually since redditsearch.io is broke? For free?

It's Sunday morning and I'm high so I think I'd rather do just about anything else 🤷🏽‍♀️

For free

Perhaps, Jannie. Perhaps.

And if you keep getting banned for being degenerate then stop being degenerate I dunno what else to tell you lol

stop being degenerate

How about you shove it in my asshole. Slowly.

Kiss my neck and tell me I’m ur pay pig, too.

You're my pay pig u little bitch 😘

I volunteer to make the jannie judgement on all users. I do no research but I am willing to ban people.

Jesus. AHs has too much time on their hands

hey I know the poster of this post he is the most mentally ill /r/osugame user who had a conspiracy theory about the creator of the game violating every law in the book and other nutjob shit wasnt expecting him on AHS

> mentally ill

> wasnt expecting him on AHS

Doesn't compute

didnt give me that kind of vibe thought he was a rightoid tbh but its like a cointoss on the internet if you are gonna be far left or far right

We should negotiate a percentage of rightoids that should be banned to please our janny overlords

I have a better idea. We should try and pull an AHS and get Chapo banned. This way the refugees will come here and reset the balance.

Chapos wouldn't come here though they'd just infect another leftoid sub.

Maybe if we get some more trans mods they'd be more inclined to come here.

Become a tranny for us then. 😾

No, I'm not based enough for that.



How about 100%?

top posts is in speedrunning and terraria

post your discord socks, georjje.


Checklist! "Because homosexuals reproduce by raping kids. Duh." upvoted (+218)

You know, I thought the whole thing about speedrunners being all autistic was just a meme, but this... Jesus. How can a person be so immune to sarcasm that this flew right over their heads? How can such a person function in society?

Ugh escuse me, but that user failed to use the customary "/s" required to denote sarcasm. How do you expect people to be able to pick up tonal shifts through written text? Picking up on context clues, than using critical thinking to differentiate between being sincere and being facetious?

Fuck that sounds hard!!!

Not putting /s is the best, because two retards will start fighting below you whether or not that post was being genuine or ironic.

My favorite is making it as comically over top the top as possible, i mean like misspelling and misusing any buzzword that I could possibly shoe horn into my post, peppered with copious amounts of "!!1!11" and "???" after every sentence, then watching as some moron somehow takes what I said seriously.

My comment is in the thumbnail 😎😎😎

Wait a sec, I saw that comment about reproduction and in the context of the thread it was in, I thought it was a sarcastic remark about the silliness of the topic and not made in hate at all. Granted I was stoned at the time, but I took it as not being anti gay due to the absurdness of the comment. Also, for an anti hate subreddit, they sure do spread a lot of hate themselves.

4chan references

The bowl quaking terror.

