two xer complains about themselves purchasing the wrong products

1  2020-01-12 by -M-o-X-


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80% of consumer spending is done by foids and 95% of bitching about consumer products is done by foids and yet corporate America still won't listen to them. God bless those based corporations.

Corporations also know that they wouldn't actually buy the shit they claim to want, and even if they did, they'd find something new to bitch about.

Maybe don't buy retarded clothes if they're retarded. Christ. I never understand bitches who buy fucking gay-ass pocketless clothes and then be like wHy DoN'T i hAvE pOcKEtS??? because you fucking bought pants without pockets ya dumb bitch

Why does no one make pants with pockets? Must be some conspiracy.

No, not those pants with pockets, they don't fit as perfectly as pocketless pants.

I've heard women complain about this for years, a lots of female celebrities have started clothing lines yet for some reason none of them ever think to make women's pants with big pockets. If there's such a huge market for it then why has nobody jumped on it? 🤔🤔🤔

Yeah, as if she’s 5’5” 125 with F cups. Get the fuck outta here. Your shirts don’t fit, not because of your boobs, but the fact that your entire torso is spherical

Nah that's plausible.

...altho maybe not for the sort of foid who posts on reddit

1000% possible. But that’s not who’s posting this lmao

More like 5'5" and 251 pounds

10'11" 900lbs pure muscle LEAN and i can bench 20 pl8 for reps.


A few rows of comments down you will find that, shockingly, if you are not the average size in dimensions then you have to buy speciality or tailor clothes to fit you. But yes, they do make clothes for you. They make jeans with pockets. You just actually have to purchase them.

Absolutely shocking that you actually have to pay for well-fitting clothing

White women complaining that their cheap clothing made by child slaves doesn't fit them like it's custom made. What a shock.

Their subreddit icon looks like the annoying type of foid noone wants to be around, and thats probably how they all look too, except a bit fatter.

A lot fatter*

I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


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To quote a great man:

"Buy bigger shirts, you fat retard"