masc bussy vs. fem bussy drama

1  2020-01-12 by queerjihad


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Faggots mad (x24) that not all homos are faggots.

I like fem-appearing bussy that acts masc. Basically cute trap-lookin' guys that have careers and are just normal guys (or at least just don't act like they're an anime girl)

What's the gay-ecosystem term for that? Whatever it is, it should be something like "Iraqi WMD" because it's impossible to find ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

The guy with the orange hair?

Fuck yes

Doubly so because I'm in to metal

Dear lord, zoomer metal.


you like qt3.14 twinks who aren't fags?

Exactly ๐Ÿ‘Œ



The term for that is based and redpilled

Seething. If you were really fem, you wouldn't have to purposely talk with a lisp or sit with your knees together.


Being masc is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you arenโ€™t.

Lol based



muh logical fallacies

Why is it that brainlets have this weird obsession with logical fallacies? I know you think you're smart because you got a B+ in philosophy 101 but that doesn't mean that it's normal to respond to a rant on a gay shitposting subreddit with a link to a pseudointellectual page about logical fallacies like that's any better of an argument than the brainlet take you're disagreeing with.

muh seriousposting

a two sentence response mocking me is a seriouspost

is this what you end up like when you skip brain day?

That was a long second sentence

Lmao look at this tard attending brain day

Because they are magical spells that allow you to destroy an opponentโ€™s point without any additional thought.

Yeah, it sounds like the equivalent to straight women who have to say "Oh, I'm not like other girls" or "Oh, I hate drama". Fuck that shit, if it were true then you wouldn't have to keep telling yourself and other people that, it would just be obvious.


Henny that's just AGB for you. There's a reason that sub has a circle jerk sub, which also has a circle jerk sub.

Bussy is bussy ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ‘

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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a totes #notliketheothergays masc dude that loves burping, wings, and sports

undeniable gay as fuck

OP is totally a str8 guy who is upset a gay dude hit on him.