Redditors sperg out when someone questions climate change

1  2020-01-12 by Corporal-Hicks


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The OP went to the effort of linking like 5 sources and quotes to make his retarded claim and then got thoroughly debunked. Idk how this is drama but it helps rightoids circlejerk I guess

If you're not on drama to see people spam literal books of responses to each over nothing then you should get the fuck out

Lol there's a difference between logical arguments & discussion and the typical rambling, funny, seething of Reddit.

I only like when people do that with pibble drama tbqh.


The radical centrist position is that global warming is real, but that its only effects will be on the Third World and the East Coast and so we shouldn't do anything about it.

tfw global warming will cause junkies to stop dying from freezing in my area

with only a decade left to go






^ only reads headlines lmao

Climate change deniers should be forcibly relocated to Bangladesh, CMV.

Do like the britbongs did and send them all to Oz

Australia would be good too since it will be even more of a hell hole in the future. I chose Bangladesh because will flood first, and flood of Muslims into India will trigger the super power 2020cels, if not bring about the final Inshallah this world deserves.

Calmly explaining why they are wrong using evidence ≠ sperging out

any post that long is a spergout regardless of what it says

So what your saying is the rightoid sperged out first?

yes, that is what i am saying

This is an extremely lazy way to disregard things you disagree with.

i don't know if i agree or not because i didn't read all that shit

Sir this is r drama


Are you going to order?

I already have, but thanks.

Thank you drive thru

The Bible is the biggest spergout of all time.

Why is climate change one of the few things this sub gets unanimously butthurt about. It's a meme at this point

Because climate change is a direct cause of rapefugees IRL which also results in rapefugees into r/drama.

Lmao look at this chud


Shut up fascist : ^ )

How am I a fascist?

That’s what a fascist would say sweaty

Honest question for you: are you on the spectrum? Whenever someone responds to or labels you something, you always try to get that poster to elaborate on whatever stupid slur they call you. Rather than just calling them a faggot, you want them to explain why they called you a nigger and the reasons behind it. You have a poor grasp on social intuition/environment it seems. It’s fucking arrr drama dude you’ve posted enough here to realize there is absolutely no weight behind anything anyone says here lmao

are you on the spectrum?

Yes. Unironically.

Thought so. But don’t worry!! Just means you fit in even better round these parts 🤗🤗


How am I a fascist?

The fact that you even have to ask. Wow um yikes.

How are nazis allowed here again?

yeah if theres one thing crazy climate change activists all have in common is that theyre calm and know facts

"Guys the climate is warming because we're all releasing too much CO2! If we don't stop it in the next 10 years we're all going to die! To fix it we must take your tax money and invest it in new, green technologies such as wind and solar. Then, we have to make a carbon credit trade system where wealthy countries pay poorer countries so that they can keep producing CO2 and middle-men can skim money off the top of the transactions. 97% of SCIENTISTS agree and the time for debate is over! There are tons of SCIENCE DENIERS out there who don't believe it, don't listen to them! You believe in SCIENCE, don't you?"

"Well how about we do the most scientific thing and use nuclear, which has 0 CO2 output, has none of the storage and demand problems of wind and solar, and releases less radiation than coal and has killed fewer people since we started using it than coal does per year?"

"No we can't do that."

Solving the how am I supposed to virtue signal and own rightoids if we actually do something about it

it has nuclear in the name thats how i know its bad

The actual answer to that is that nuclear facilities take five years just to build, let alone all the bullshit required before that. I don't think it's a sufficient reason not to pursue nuclear power plants but there is a long pipeline to getting them into production and the U.S. has very little practical and legislative experience in this field compared to France and Japan.

Reddit makes me want to deny climate change

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Redditors sperg out when someone qu... -,

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Is that actually a default? How the hell, is this bizzaro world Reddit. Questioning the cult around muh climate change, next they will be Questioning whether trans women are women, and be upvoted. I don’t like this, I don’t like it one bit

Oh I reported it for harassing content

Based and Reddit pilled

Gods work

Well, he isn't quite questioning climate change. It's a good thing.

I just realized this sub is filled with people who think they’re acting retarded.

China is doing a lot nowadays to reduce CO2.

Redditors cope in the weirdest ways unless this is the new chinabots I keep hearing about.

I love pointing out that animal agriculture is by far the number one source of greenhouse gasses and asking them when they’re going to go vegan. You can actually see the mental gymnastics going on in their head to justify it.

It's radical centrist time: Climate change is real and caused by human activities. Any scientific uncertainty regarding the cause basically amounts to whether humans are almost entirely the cause, or just by far the largest cause. Humanity moving to primarily renewable energy is both necessary and inevitable. Denying the reality of the situation will only leave a bigger mess for us to contend with after we face the facts.

The reality of the situation is not that the world will end in 10 years if Joe Six-Pack doesn't eat the fucking bugs. And acting like a smug, cunty prophet of doom about the fact that Republicans still drive pickup trucks is every bit as counter-productive as actively denying climate change. The problem will likely not get solved until technological advances and entrepreneurship bring a more economical energy solution to the market. And when it is solved, it will be despite the retards in politics and the media, not because of them.