Zoomer foid an heros over lack of orbiters

1  2020-01-12 by Maclife


Chloe had been taking selfies moments before she killed herself, according to Nick Coombs, 55, who was at the house when the brunette was found dead.

“When we took her body down, her hair and makeup were still perfect,” Coombs said. “She was wearing some new lingerie that she’d been excited to model.”

What are the chances that this 55 year old “family friend” molested this poor girl? He’s always over at their house, he’s the first person into this 19 year old girls bedroom as she’s wearing lingerie, first thing he says about her is her perfect makeup and the fact she’s wearing new lingerie (how did he know it was new?)

This creep touched her, she committed rope, and now they’re blaming it on social media to make it the perfect zoomer crime

Edit: and her mom and sister were at the bar when this happened? Just a 19 year old in lingerie and a 55 year old “family friend” at the house? Fucking weird man

Edit 2: this guy is a fucking creep

“She’d get hundreds of messages each day, mostly men asking her for sexual stuff,” Coombs said. “Sometimes they were nice, but other times they told Chloe they wanted to hurt her.”

He’s so obsessed with this girls sexuality, despite “knowing Chloe since she was young”

Sorry for seriousposting but this is gross as fuck, and way more disturbing than the zoomer narrative in this article.

Edit 3: and his fucking name is coooooooomm. Disgusting

Edit 4: did some research on symptoms of childhood sexual abuse in adults

-Low self esteem is common in adult survivors.

Both adults agreed that the girl had low self-esteem and relied on social media for reassurance.

-You may experience isolation, or a fear of intimacy with partners.

Chloe struggled socially at school and rarely went out with friends, instead staying indoors and taking pictures of herself for social media.

-Many people try to cope through promiscuous sexual activity.

not very subtle

-Many people contemplate or attempt suicide or self injury.

Killed herself


Nick Cooms

Totally didnt murder her out of some sexual fetish

He did it.

Dude totally raped that poor girl

Shit, you might be onto something. Damn.

He also knew she was always active on snap chat

>Nick Coombs

oh god


Came here to say this. It sounds like a case of mom's boyfriend who was touchy feely with the daughter.

Holy shit, he definitely fucked her one way or another

This fucking dude killed her, and her dumb cunt mother is blaming social media.

That nigga def killed her. Any of you UK retards can report this? For extra drama of course..

Sure, my n word. Where should I send it?

I just remembered, it probably wont do anything because everyone on that island diddles and gets away with it.

Accodring to this page you should call crime stoppers.


Is it just me or is this kind of based? What’s more climate neutral than killing yourself for some super dumb reason? On many levels this ‘person’ has contributed more to society than any dramautist, and double so goes for a obese power jannie. You hate to see it, but gotta look at the upsides to these types of things in 2020.

To be fair, many Jannies are morbidly obese.

That’s why I said doubly so for them, I don’t know that any r/drama mods are power jannies 🤔

Our literature teacher in highschool told us that in 18th and 19th century there were authors who committed suicide just to know what it feels like to die and they tried to record their thoughts while they were dying. This is probably the only interesting reason for suiciding yourself.

Autoerotic choke-jerking tho

Based. What does it feel like to die or did they expire too quickly to write anything?

I don't know. I never read said authors or can't remember their names sadly

Climate change isn't even real, just walk away from the ocean.

Fat people are good for the environment. Why have many small people when you could have one big person. Same argument for taking the bus instead of everyone driving


“When we took her body down, her hair and makeup were still perfect,” Coombs said. “She was wearing some new lingerie that she’d been excited to model.”


Oh shit, I'm COOOOOMING.



He was a the house when she hanged herself. He did it.



deleted it before noticing you replied. too disrespectful

Oh yes keep going bb, humiliate me


Chloe’s mom, Clair Reynolds, said she blamed social media for what happened.

Apparently the mom allowed this to go on for years without intervention. Parenting? What's that? Óvò

surprised she didn't blame daddy

tbf it is his fault for not glassing the British Isles when he took office as he should have


Also, the Mom was apparently OUT DRINKING AT A BAR with one of her daughters! That sounds like super bizarre parenting to me.

I'm telling you if you've lived around Co. Durham for as long as I have you'll realise how bizarre some mother daughter relationships are here.

Well, what are they going to do if they don't get drunk? They're britbongs after all.

There are many delightful things you can do in England other than drink.

You can take smack instead or throw rocks at buses.

sure but wtf are u really supposed to do. it's not like its possible for her to get away from it. even people whose parents are actually not retarded get addicted to shit

I mean she was 19 and this started several years ago. At least take away her phone and computer? Get her some help? This is basic parenting stuff I think.

Damn bitch if you gonna throw that pussy away anyway might as well take out some incels before.

Foids would rather an hero than spare a coochie to incels smh

this is an entry level blackpill


Why does every British woman think it's cool to be orange ? Sorry luv u look like Donald Trump xx

It's honestly a plague but this isn't Scandanavia and 90% of girls are fuck ugly so they load up on makeup to impress the LADS!!! Who can't see past a pair of tits anyway.


They're white and think fake tans make them look good.

Is it just me or this "family friend" Coombs guy creepily knows too much about his girl? And that line about her still looking fresh moments after offing herself.

That’s what I effortposted about! Absolutely massive creep.

It was just him at the house when she killed herself! Said her mom (44) and sister (20) were at the bar.

He did it.

Sugar daddy likes them cold

After she started using social media several year ago, “all she would talk about was how many likes she got,” her mom Clair Reynolds, 44, said.

On Friday night, Chloe’s mom and sister returned home from a bar around 11:30pm, and found the teenager hanging in her bedroom.

This is all her sorry ass mother's fault. The mother should have taken away internet access and devices just as soon as this problem started to develop, and never let it get to the point that it did.

edit: what the fuck is mazechmedia? Fuck that site, somehow managed to get around my adblocks, which are considerable. That's a shady site for those of you on vulnerable (non unix based) systems


Chloe’s mom, Clair Reynolds, said she blamed social media for what happened. “Social media took over Chloe’s life, whether that be Snapchat or Facebook.”

Yeah, its the fucking internet's fault that your daughter with dangerously low self esteem got to the point of killing herself over Instagram. Hmm-face.

I use arch btw

Get back to me when you've figured out the ChromiumOS/Android hybrid that I work from.


Just use uBlock Origin on Firefox. Dumb ChromiumOS-cel.

Firefox? What is this, 2010? Who the hell uses that anymore?

ChromeOS? What is this, 2010? Who the hell uses that anymore?

What are you, a parrot? I think we have enough birds around here already. Gonna have to start calling r/drama an aviary.

What are you, a parrot? I think we have enough birds around here already. Gonna have to start calling r/drama an aviary.

Thots are patrolling themselves good work o7


Chloe’s mom, Clair Reynolds, said she blamed social media for what happened. “Social media took over Chloe’s life, whether that be Snapchat or Facebook.”

Social media enabled it but she let it get to that point. And why didn’t her family do anything about it?

She looks old as fuck for a 19 year old. Good thing she anheroed tbh, if she looked like that at her prime when her 30's came around she woul've hit the fucking Great Wall of China.

Lots of Northern English girls are heavy on the makeup, not an abundance of natural beauty here so it's a way of making up for it. Very plastic-y, particularly popular among lower income kids with no prospects as a lot of their Mum's will be OK with it, leading to low self-esteem because "whose the prettiest of us, most likes etc."

Combine with hurtful group chat stuff (kids are brutal here), bullying, overcrowded schools and yeah this is an inevitability.

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Oh sorry I mispoke, I meant to say mayo foid lmai.

Lots of Northern English girls are heavy on the makeup, not an abundance of natural beauty here so it's a way of making up for it. Very plastic-y, particularly popular among lower income kids with no prospects as a lot of their Mum's will be OK with it, leading to low self-esteem because "whose the prettiest of us, most likes etc."

Essex too. I taught there for a few years and know. Another teacher and I had a quiet word with one 13-year-old orange thot over how much fake tan she was slapping on (because school rules, not that the little twats fucking cared) and she was all BUT I HAVE TO, I HAVE SELF-ESTEEM ISSUES, IT'S MY RIGHT!!!111!!!one!!

Too fucking many of the kids spent the entire lesson cyber-bullying each other on their phones so you're probably right there about the underlying cause.


I thought they hid like number counts last year?

If my niece turns into one of these thots, I'ma show her what it's like to be married to a black man myself.

For select accounts, not everyone.

Nick Coombs did it.

Yeah, her parents clearly failed here, either they didn't raise her properly or didn't get her help when it was obvious she needed it.

This can't be real. There's no way.

Fun fact, I live 5 minutes away from her (former) school. Got mutual friends on Facebook. Never heard of her though, I went elsewhere. Lot of girls round here like her though, awful environment.

Chloe’s mom, Clair Reynolds, said she blamed social media for what happened. “Social media took over Chloe’s life, whether that be Snapchat or Facebook.”

So not your shit parenting skills?

Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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19 going on 39

Fake and gay


This society is sick.

so sad would've smashed

white f**d with dreads

And nothing of value was lost


If only she's the start of a revolution…

Damn. Was hoping this was about contrapoints.


And I had like a total of 0 non family members wish me a happy birthday yesterday on my Facebook page wall

Later skater