Drag Queen story hour cut short by angry nerds

1  2020-01-12 by unrulyfarmhand


Is there any group more sad and pathetic than the Young Libs?

My guess would be drag queens reading to children.

My guess would be the people defending drag queens reading to children.

I'd say the person that thinks of the concept in the first place. Also, imagine reading.

You're right, but that nigga who went to a public protest and then loudly insisted they don't have permission to be filming him is really giving those fat middle-aged clout-chasing foids a run for their money

Extremely based. From a dude that has sex with other dudes: fuck clowns like this drag queen. This is literally what the rightoids use as a reason for not accepting gay rights. Thanks for taking a step backwards for me and my fellow faggots. Leave kids out of your political statement you piece of shit.

i know it sounds cliche as fuck but the couple guys i know that are gay hate this kind of shit too for that exact reason

its hard to convince people youre not evil when demon clowns pretend to represent the whole group

As a fellow faggot, I think it’s theoretically possible for drag queens to do drag for kids in what could be a fun, family friendly way, but I sure as hell wouldn’t trust any queens I’ve ever known to be able to walk that line.

Well I certainly agree with the part about being a faggot

As an in the closet faggot, I really dislike the culture that tries to emasculate gay men. We were Spartans at one point and society is trying to conflate us with these pathetic drag queen fetishists and trannies. We are not the same as them. We come from a long lineage of manly men and to see our heritage of masculinity and heroism tossed aside, for these estrogen-addled freaks to parade their bizarre fetishes, pisses me off to no end.

Now I’m not advocating violence but if the boogaloo did happen, I’d throw so many of these people that try to emasculate us in burn pits.

Based gay man.

But you get the stake too.

WE WUZ SPARTANZ. \ \ Too much of a faggot to come out as a faggot._

I’m just passing on my genes, thank you very much

Then jerk off into a cup for the sperm bank. Unless my suspicions are correct, and you’re not nearly the chad you think you are, and the sperm bank won’t have you for fear of untermensch contamination 💁🏻‍♂️

Just don’t blame the rest of faggotkind when you’re tying your Alcatraz ascot after Bethany leaves and takes the kids with her when she finds your oh-so-Spartan dick buried in some high school boy’s ass one day.

I haven’t had sex with a man in years and the only one I’d consider currently lives across the ocean. This so-called Bethany won’t know and because of that, there’s nothing wrong with being in the closet. I get what I want, she gets what she wants, and we all live happily ever after, even if her vagina makes me want to claw my eyes out.

Just because your bomb hasn’t gone off yet doesn’t mean there’s not a timer on it, sweaty.

Cope harder, closetcel.

The greatest men on the planet are in the closet, because we get shit done. We’re willing to sacrifice a life of hedonism to reproduce and sustain the fabric of society. Out-of-the-closet gays disgust me.

Be sure to write a good review on Yelp for your eventual divorce lawyer and your children’s therapist, boomerbrain ❤️


The Spartans would’ve shoved a spearhead through your throat if you suggested they were gay. Go find another civilization to rip off.

What's the point though? Why have a group that sexualized themselves read for children when you can have normal people do it?

I guess—again, theoretically—it’s the same idea as having a person dressed as a clown or a superhero come in and read for the kids; it’s trying to keep them visually engaged with the storyteller. Like, if the storyteller looks and acts funny, the kids are more likely to be entertained by them and want to come back to the library.

Again, in execution, it’s dicey. Not all drag queens work with completely sexual or explicit humor, and not all of them dress provocatively—many camp queens work outside both those boxes—but most drag has at least some element of sexuality or otherwise explicit behavior, so I (as a library employee myself) would be VERY loathe to have one read to kids, unless I knew and trusted the person behind the persona to work appropriately with children. I also wouldn’t want them reading any stories with an express political intent. Stick to the tried-and-true classics.

Again I just don't see the point. Children understand clowns and superheros and clowns use the lowest and most basic form of comedy possible so it's easy for kids to consume.

Do kids really understand the nuances of a man paroding woman? Do kids at this point have a strong enough grasp on comedy to understand parody much less on a complex topic like gender stereotypes? Like that's the point of a drag queen right? I doubt these kids even realize it's not just a weird looking and sounding woman so what's the point

That’s generally my thoughts. It’s basically like bringing in a clown. At least to the children, it might as well be functionally the same, just with added risk of offense, hence why I would have concerns if someone tried to make it happen in the library where I work.

I’m just saying I think it’d be possible to pull off safely, not that I’d be enthusiastic about managing the associated risks.

Yeah I feel you I guess like I have no doubt it could be pulled off safely but I don't see why you'd even risk controversy for something kids don't understand

Can confirm, am rightoid, use shit like this as an excuse to seethe.


As a bi dude myself, there is nothing I hate more than trans/drag queens that spend time with children for the purposes of spreading their retardation

From a dude who pretends to be gay on the internet: I don't understand this shit at all.

Why are there so many examples of drag queens doing story time for little kids.

It's how they reproduce.

Because degenerates only reproduce by grooming children

Why are rightoids correct about so many things. Who could have foreseen a child molestor dressing up as a drag queen to scout out future victims.

Leftoids are blinded by a combo of compassion for tards and resentment for normies.

Are you familiar with the stereotype of most education majors being room-temp IQ alcoholics?

When the memos went out that transness was going to be the new cause du jour once gay marriage got legalized this is what your average schoolteacher thought trans meant.

There aren't that many they just get amplified a ton

Didnt one of those Drag Queen reading to kids turn out to be a sex offender? Like a real they have a record sex offender?

At least two in just Houston.

2 were sex offenders, and one was arrested on prostitution charges.

one of

What is she was actually transgendered and the dead name was the actual pedophile? What then?

this happened several times

Can someone explain the non fetishistic aspects of drag to me please

Yeah sure, here it is:

The drag queen is subconsciously expressing hatred for his mother by parading in a grotesque caricaturization of the archetypal matriarchal form.

Drag is like blackface but with foids. It's actually a completely misogynistic power play in mocking women.

Powder puff day is the day I learned what men really thought about women.

And that's why it's incredibly based.

It can only be communicated in a new form of speech that is entirely different variations of "yaaaaassssss slaaayy queeeen!!" the information is both contained in the number of As and cursed.

Cringe. The drag queens need to go back to their gay clubs and suck up used condoms or whatever they do for fun. Antifa are pussies and I bet you’ve never thrown a punch in your life kid

Infinitely based

The best reply to that guy sperging all over the thread.

The jannie cries out as he y’all’s you.

"youse can't behave"


Haha yeah got a 5 day ban. Absolute faggots. Thought we loved protests?

The average roz redditor protester - with bonus a.c.a.b

surely they do this for monetary compensation?

for freeeeeeeee

“It’s funny how being heterosexual and cisgendered is not considered an agenda” said in response to someone saying “Don’t push overt sexual agenda on kids”.

I’m done. I’m 100% done. Someone actually said that following your biological imperative (hetero) and not being mentally ill (cisgendered) is an agenda.

I refuse to believe that these people are adults. I hope to god they’re just stupid 15 year old foids.

Being gay is a biological imperative too though

No, gay is a biological urge. Not an imperative.

An imperative is like a purpose. Gay dudes can’t reproduce. The biological imperative is reproduction.

Also, being gay and being a drag queen is totally different.

Gay dudes can’t reproduce

So wrong on so many levels

  1. Gay people are physically able to fuck the opposite sex
  2. Gay people help their relatives reproduce, indirectly passing on their own genetics
  3. Gay people can directly reproduce by raping children

Check mate.

only homosex: extinction.

only heterosex: no problem.

No, gay is a biological urge. Not an imperative.

An imperative is like a purpose.

Purposes don't exist in nature, silly pagan.

Clean it up jannie

Ok reading to kids is fine, but why does it have to be a fucking potential sex predator drag queen?

Is there no end to degeneracy anymore? Are we supposed to to take it in the ass?

It’s too late.

Just don’t have kids. It’s immoral to bring people into this world.

It’s only going to get worse and worse.



Drag queens involved in serious social situations is the funniest shit ever.

hang on what the fuck why is this in my country now theres barely any jews here at all

should we tell him?

All along, the Bogs were just pawns of the boongs

You are the Jews bogan.

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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The greatest revelation here is that the drag queen is named “Diamond Good-Rim”. Gross!

I mean, they aren't wrong.

I swear the last person on the right looks and sounds like a trans

Why are people suddenly taking drags seriously ffs? Back in my day, before nam, they would just be overly flamboyant gays that liked to dance on stage. Now they are put to tell stories like they are mother terezas. I'll yall myself