BK says the D Word

1  2020-01-12 by Shubard75


At first I thought "no way this bitch is talking about damn, must be dicks."

Now I want BK to have one of the people in the ad say the burger tastes better than dick.

lol that's what I was sooo hoping for when I read the article.

I assumed delicious and was willing to sign

8675 signatures

Lmao not even close to one million


.8675% of Moms more like 😎

Isn't this the website that /r/loveafterporn links to?

Well thanks for showing me that cesspool of good Christian moms

I wonder if plant based burgers are responsible for all this craziness?

Everyone should subscribe to their email list. I did years ago, and get free laffs in my inbox weekly

I’m going to hit up my local beavers for a pass

What's one million moms?

An offshoot of American Family Association that pretends to be a grassroots concerned mom organization. Really funny stuff like censoring the word sex (s*x) and shit like that

you used the s word

Why censoring the number 6?

a bunch of single mothers who think their slacktivism will replace the man that left them.

If Mumsnet is the SJW version of internet moms, One Million Moms are the alt-rightoids

I digress, but what is with all the adverts for meatless meat? I can’t recall ever seeing a commercial for hooters, but even they are buying out TV ads for meatless chicken wings. Are boomers that think their tips genuinely impress thot waitresses really in the market for some meatless chicken wings?

I dont get meatless meat. Like, if you dont want meat dont eat it? Whats the point of meatless meat? It doesnt taste like meat, so why pretend?

If you like meat, but you're a weak-minded beta and live in a place infested with lefties who have managed to convince you that eating meat is bad, then this burger is for you!

You dumb brainlet, people don’t decide to be vegan because they don’t like the taste of meat, it’s because of the ethics behind killing a creature to be eaten. So if you have a meatless alternative that tastes the same, well that’s a perfect solution

You are the brainlet if you think it tastes the same...

This is why hazing should be allowed. Jesus Christ on a cracker, only 8 years left til retirement.


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Men who eat this are betas, and should be forced into gender reassignment surgery.

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Medicinally high estrogen levels in your food? I sleep

Using the word Damn to advertise said burger? Real shit

You eat tofu burgers?

Damn I thought that was a satire site at first...


The language in the commercial is offensive, and it’s sad that this once family restaurant has made yet another deliberate decision to produce a controversial advertisement instead of a wholesome one.

WAAAAHHHH everything has to be wHoLeSoMe WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH. Probably a redditor.


Can puritans fucking die off already?