Interesting content from the most interesting moderatordid you guys know that Macaulay Culkin is not actually a heroin addict

1  2020-01-13 by caliberoverreaching

this honest to god blew my fucking mind when I found out. The only drugs he's ever been caught with are marijuana and Xanax. I sincerely thought he had a huge drug problem and was shooting up on the regular but I think he's just unfortunate enough to naturally look like a junkie. The reason I think that is because his brother is also an actor and looks the same. They both are skinny and have a pale complexion and smoky eyes so I think they would look strung out even if they never took so much as an ibuprofen their whole lives.

Macaulay said the rumors surrounding him became ridiculous to the point that he had to say "No, I was not doing 6 pounds of heroin a day", lmao.

I think it actually helps his brother out because he usually plays weird, shifty-eyed characters. I imagine it's best to just own it.


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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I think the rumors started because he left showbiz to play in a band and for more chill stuff.

And he was also in that movie where he was a fucked up junkie.


I bet you're fatter than lawlz. Especially now that he lost a bunch of weight

I'm like a holocaust victim