This site is hunting down instances of online misogyny, located on REDDIT. Will Pizzashill be targeted next?

1  2020-01-13 by 2Manadeal2btw


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I haven't seen Pizza in like two weeks. Is he ok?

I'd ask who cares?" but truthfully I do 😞

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Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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This is probably my 50th Pizzashill apologia in the last year but I have to do it:

He's usually not wrong. Like remember when he said that "incel" would become a meaningless insult and then it became a meaningless insult 2 weeks later? He's pretty much right about foids, his only problem is not hating moids just as much.

People started calling anyone remotely critical of feminism an incel approximately 2 days after the term started gaining traction.

Incel was a meaningless insult prior to him saying that and even if he did predict it, anyone could have.

Also, he might be right about women but he's still a lolcow.

He was pretty quick to anticipate it, definitely caught on before I would have.

he's still a lolcow

Careful there pardner, some folks 'round here might call you a lolcalf. 🤠

Technically correct but rightoids use "cuck" in the same way as well.

Shut up incel cuck

his only problem is not hating moids just as much that he thinks pointing out the obvious makes him brilliant.

wehuntedthemammoth is the most pathetic m’lady site of all

just look at the cuck's FAQ:

why am i not surprised this f-slur has cats and no gf?

Pizza is immune to the foid wrath

Bitterness and sexual repression are his sword, and virginity is his shield. He's too good for this world.

Leftard boomer is still boomer

Where is he btw? Haven't seen him in a while.

He's spending a lot of time arguing on r/news and r/stupidpol commenting with his professorshillphd account. Very fun to check in on him every week or two.

prolly shouldn't say this, but his gf got doxxed recently. He's prolly lying low.

Isn't his "girlfriend" a literal Discord tranny furry? I thought they'd never met in person and have an e-relationship like fat NEETs did fifteen years ago in Warcraft. I can just imagine him using emotes on "her" via private message.




I don't believe so.

She's just mildly autistic NEET and wears cat ears for him.

His discord e-gf who cheated on him by having e-sex with some other discord loser?

Yes lol that's why he isn't around. He couldn't give any shits about his e-gf getting doxed. The dude himself got doxed ages ago but kept posting albeit after a short break


These people always dox themselves for attention, no need to search very far to get their names (e.g. the picture of them in the sidebar).

This entire article should be a new snappy quote.

Hilarious almost self-aware sidebar image. Take that Mr. Mysoginist I just donated to We Hunted The Mammoth

Weasels are tearing my flesh