The fine people of askmen have finally cracked the code to getting laid. Clean bathrooms.

1  2020-01-13 by dannet-menneske


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Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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LOL what sort of NEET degenerate loser needs to be told to clean the piss and shit splatter off their toilet

I leave it there as a reminder that while I may not matter, my actions leave a mark.

I know a dude who works in water damage restoration and his goddam bathroom ceiling is covered in mold. Dude owns multiple ladders and anti microbial cleaners but just refuses.

So that guy.

Mechanics cars are always jalopies

The cobbler's kids go barefoot

Lobster Daddy got a cult following by telling these same people to clean their room. The r*dditor needs to be explicitly told to do the bare minimum.

I thought that was kermit daddy

A surprising number of people. One of my friends is independent and if you lift the seat at his place the rim is covered in hair and piss. I mean his advice isn't really wrong, keep your place clean. But if you have to be told that there are probably other bigger issues in the way.

Imagine not having parents that would beat the shit out of you if you didn't wipe the toilet rim down after you piss in it.

Do people think the toilet brush is for show or something?

Tbh his parents would. They were overly strict if anything which I feel like is part of the issue. If his room was insufficiently clean they would literally take his door away. Paired with the fact they were far more lax with his younger sister I think he just doesn't really care and has mentally filed it away as rules for rules sake.

Imagine not having maids lol

Good parents make their kids clean up before the cleaners come.

To be fair, I didn’t have good parents.

remember that dr. kermit wrote a bestseller including the revolutionary knowledge that told adults should clean their rooms. this guy is basically a modern prometheus delivering forbidden knowledge to the redditor population.


Lobster daddy: clean room for mental health

Redditors: lol no

A Redditors: clean room for pussy

Other redditors: wow you’re right

tbf pussy is a better motivator than generic self-help reasons, and it always was

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww yikes sweetie.

This is a family subreddit, don't use slurs like the R word here

You can say reddita, just don’t use the hard “–or”

If it wasn't for this post I wouldn't have know about "cleaning" a bathroom. I also just found out that you have to flush everytime you poo or pee.. What a waste of water 🤦‍♂️

There is another way


Finally the sub for me

I do this most of the time but the sink in my bathroom is almost a feet higher than my penis :(

get a stool, manlet

(leans into mic)

Only in everywhere but California

I can only imagine where natural selection will take the humans species in the future. Only the best bathroom cleaners will be able to reproduce, each generation perfecting the fine art of toilet brushing to impress the ladies. Maybe millions of years in the future our descendants will have evolved scrubs for hands and will be able to spit bleach. Truly a sight to behold.

Hot Take: nobody wants to fuck disgusting manchildren. So if you want to get laid, try and disguise the fact that you're a disgusting man-child.

Still doesnt work. One must also cover themselves in honey or chocolate or anything else sticky and sweet. Semen will not work in this situation.

Don't try to pick up chicks after weekend with the boys

Thanks dude, do you have any more tricks you could share?

If you dont believe me put whats left of your foreskin over your glans and put some type of retainer (tape, rubber ring etc.) and leave it there for at least 2 days.

That sounds similar to how farmers castrate rams, only they put the rubber ring on the scrotum.

Hold on lemme just go get my foreskin back real quick so I can glue it to my cock.

Your dick is not supposed to be dry for your whole life and sex is better for you AND her.

The rest is pure autism, but he ain't wrong with this one.

Holy shit his post history is an autism goldmine. He seems to be obsessed with foreskin regeneration.

I grew my best friend from a discarded fore-skin.

Amerilards COPE

Damn, I never thought it mattered that I didnt flush the shit in my toilet more than once a week. TIL!!!

and that gross part that collects pee at the base

I have no idea what they are talking about. Do Redditors regularly miss when pissing?

My dick is too big for my toilet so sometimes when I shit the piss just ends up running between the seat and bowl and I piss on the floor.

The first time I pissed through the toilet onto my pants was an enlightening experience

Imagine having a dick so small that you never have to worry about your dick head splashing around in the water.

Just redditor things

Only between binges. The stimulants keep it turtled up quite nicely.


They spend half the piss sesh digging their tip out of their fupa while piss just flows out of various crevices

Oh my god I thought I was alone

I used to work with this guy who was the prototypical Chad before I even knew what a Chad was. He pulled girls almost every weekend while living on a friend's couch in a crappy 1-bedroom apartment that was never even close to clean. Dishes in the sink, trash bags not taken out, etc.

He'd bounce around to these various girls' places for a week or two at a time, only to find another girl and repeat the same cycle. Putting an extra roll of TP in your bathroom will not get you laid. If you take any single bit of advice from /r/askmen, you will never get laid.

This doesn't matter because none of these people have women in their homes.

Also that tip about displaying the extra TP? Fuck outta here the guests get the 1ply. I keep the luxury wipes I’ve seen your bathrooms.

guests bring their own beer and TP

Based and japanpilled