OH NO NO NO NO NO, r/movies fuming as Joker gets the most Oscar noms.

1  2020-01-13 by Stoicpeace


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no Dafoe


i need to watch this movie


I'm fond of yer posts

I really liked Joker but the fact that it got the most nominations is more evidence than ever how bland and unimpressive this years movies were. Take me back to 2007 :/

2007, 2010, and 2014 were the best years for movies in the last 15 years, change my mind

Joker was unironically a great movie. The weakest stuff about it was the Batman/Gotham tie-in stuff, which makes me think it was just a movie about a crazy guy that got reworked into a Joker movie.

It was a decent R-rated "capeshit arthouse" film that everyone saw and it made over a billion dollars on like a 65 mil budget. These noms are more so because Academy Awards viewership numbers have been on a nose-dive for the past decade. Not that nominating more films like this will change that trajectory, but hey, they're desperate for relevance.

which makes me think it was just a movie about a crazy guy that got reworked into a Joker movie.

That's basically what the director said lmfao. He convinced Joaquin to join by saying they were sneaking a real movie in by disguising it as capeshit.

sneaking a real movie in by disguising it as capeshit


Taxi Driver 2: Kapeshit Klown Time

Closer to The King of Comedy though

And worse than both

This is true

I feel like how he got famous was unbelievable and he was punished for existing comically hard but other than that I think it's a pretty cool movie.

I dunno, random people get famous because the perfect storm. 99 times out of 100, George Zimmerman would never have left the local news, but there was the exact amount of racial tension to launch it into the national conciouss.

Weakest shit was the imaginary girlfriend. Very obvious. Would've been better imo if they told you from the start. Would've made the scenes she "was" in feel eery.

Or if they gave the actress more to do and the whiplash when you realized was greater. She only had like 3 scenes with the guy before the hammer fell and easily 2 of them were non-speaking.

Or if they at least had cut the cheesy reveal montage

This. People here are complaining it was too obvious, but I thought that was the point. The reveal montage was redundant and treated the viewer like an idiot.

they have to cater to all the capeshiters. we’re talking about fat retards who dress up and go watch the avengers 7 times in theaters. not very bright people.

Don't talk about Lawlz like that 😠😠😠

But the average viewer is an idiot

conflating median with average

Median is a type of average retard


Mean, median and mode are all types of averages. Mean is just most common

Mode is the most common appearing number, come back when you have a degree in statistics sweety.

you said:

Mean is just most common

your link says: "Mode: The mode is the most common result"

retards in my drama thread? it's more common than you think

Oh damn now I sound retarded. I meant that mean is the most commonly used

I wonder if the reveal montage was a note from the studio. "Fat retards won't get this, make it more obvious."

treated the viewer like an idiot

not necessarily. I think it is one of the elements suggesting that >90% of the movie was in his head.


I felt pretty dumb, when the relationship started I accepted it and assumed the chick was just written as a weirdo.

Yeah, it being obvious was fine, they just needed to not act like it was a big reveal. We saw his delusion the whole time, the moment was about the realization crashing down on him, not the audience.

Or at least added some god damn yakety sax

they axed the scene where he murdered her, I think it would have had way more impact if they kept it in, but obviously the audience freaked out.

It was a pretty good movie(or at least better than most capeshit I've watched this past decade). Is it a top 5 movie from last year? Probably not but the academy noms rarely include all the best movies of the year. I mean we've got garbage like Bohemian​ Rhapsody and Black panther get best picture noms and mediocre flicks like the Green Book actually win the thing. So I don't know why people are acting this surprised at Joker's nomination.

And considering most of reddit and Twitter outrage is about how someone like Gerwig got snubbed, it just makes it all the more hilarious for me. I mean if it was for someone like Robert Eggers one could understand.

What would you call better last year aside from parasite?

Uncut Gems, 1917, OUATIH, Monos, Midsommar, The Irishman, hell why not John Wick 3 as well

John Wick 3

Based and attack-dog-pilled

JW3 was boring as fuck

I feel like Midsommar would have been fucking fantastic with about 30 minutes less in it. That first half was 👌👌👌

The Day Shall Come was pretty good - it's by Chris Morris, the guy who did Four Lions.

Also Jumanji:The next level, but that goes without saying.

Jumanji was one of the most mediocre movies of the year, the Danny Glover/Devito stuff was the only good part

The Day Shall Come

Holy shit, Thanks! Didn't realise Morris has made another movie.

It was good, but not great. Certainly not a top 5 contender from as stacked of a year as 2019. Phoenix is outstanding and deserves his nom, and Phillips for doing what he did with just the Joker to work with, but besides that I'm not sure it deserves anything else.

Peanut Butter Falcon, Parasite, Uncet Gems, The Lighthouse, Portrait of a Lady on Fire(apparently this is considered a 2019 release although it hasn't released near me yet), Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Honey Boy, Marriage Story, and The Irishman are all better easily

You don’t just think that, that’s essentially what happened and you read it somewhere. Dude believed he had an original thought lol

Joker was unironically a great movie.

People say this a lot, and I don't get it. Removing the memes, the movie really only had 2 memorable scenes.

Have you seen Taxi Driver or The King of Comedy?

Hahaha peasant, are you even aware right now that like Joker is just the baby version of Taco Driver? Have you ever even like seen a moving cinema picture before u idiot? Hahaha Joking Man didn't even have his own car. New movie isn't as good as old movie. Incel incel incel

I don't think it was a very good or original movie BUT it was a major cultural event so I think it deserves its nominations

And even though it's a bit of a rip-off it stands out alot from other superhero movies these days

I don't think it was a very good or original movie BUT it was a major cultural event so I think it deserves its nominations

joker truly is the incel's black panther

Well when you're right you're right

i forgot there's nothing better than billion dollar superhero movies.

there's not enough gatekeeping in modern societies.

the bad man didn’t like my favourite capeshit movie >:(

This movie is like two of the best movies ever made so it cannot be good.

Joker was unironically a great movie.

This is only true if you're an idiot.

Really kinda sad seeing that, at the end of the day, r/drama is still very much full of redditors.

Mad mad mad

Real idiots downvote the lolcows.

If you unironically think joker is a great movie, your IQ is prob the same as your shoe size.

It was average at best

Nuclear hot take

Imagine unironically thinking Based Mediterraneans are white

That's Schrodinger's minority:


minority_person = successful


minority_person_status = not_minority


minority_sperson_status = opressed_minority


The year was poor in good movies. China is taking over.

Edit / knives out was good.

Odd since this seems like the average redditor's dream film lol

I thought it would get the BR2049 treatment for sure. I guess r/movies has gotten woker since 2017

The Joker as Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver. Should've been an SNL sketch, not a whole movie.

lol I was actually pretty pissy when I heard it on NPR this morning too.

Its not exactly a bad movie but here's how I viewed Joker:

It was on the precipice of saying something for the entire length of the film, but never actually said jack shit. It was played FAR too safe to get an award for being a great film.

Did anyone actually feel anything watching this movie? Did anyone have any problem predicting scene after scene knowing exactly how it was all going to play out? Did anyone not get tired of them winding up being riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight about to make a point but then never giving you a payoff?

It wasn't typical blandness like the Avengers nonsense, but it was still bland.

Yeah dude I loved Joker! Spoilers below.

My takeaway was that Arthur was a tragic figure because he meant well, but over the course of the film he had every pillar stabilizing him pulled out from under him.

Throughout the movie, every single anchor he uses to identify himself is taken away, often intentionally and maliciously, by those who he trusts. He has mental health issues but the government cuts benefits, so he is expected to act healthy. He prides himself as a good coworker and employee, but gets betrayed by his coworker and then fired for it. He is a proud son who supports his mother, then learns that his mother had abused him into a neurological disorder, and may not even be his biological mother at all. Thomas Wayne may or may not be his father, but both answers lead to the same outcome, that of being unwanted and unloved. He wants to be a comedian, but the comedy club and audience mocks him and rejects him. Murray, a surrogate father figure, brings him on the show to insult him and refuses to act with a smidgen of compassion or care when Arthur opens up to him about his tragic existence.

The film to me is a warning to those who unnecessarily suppress aggression, and conflate being nice with being good, when it is shown through all of his interactions that only being nice is a function of weakness.

I'm one of those who fell hard for this movie. I see some previous aspects of myself in Arthur (used to be way too nice and spineless when I was younger because I was taught that anger was almost always a bad thing.) I've been taken advantage of by people for my good nature and I've been forced to redefine who the fuck I am after having my view self absolutely shattered by outside forces. While extreme, the story of Arthur is something that I believe everybody can relate to on at lease some level.


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Good bot

They should. It was lazy filmmaking.

We are all clowns

You retards are seething more in these comments then in the linked thread, have sex and dilate


Why the fuck should anyone care if your movie was shot in 29 days, does that add anything?

Yeah that just makes it sound super rushed--not exactly a flex.

The movie was good. But it was shot like any plain ol Hollywood movie to me. Nothing overly artistic about anything they did. I guess the story is interesting but the way it was done was very plain.

Why are they so afraid to call it prostitution?

Because they've got to glamorize one of the most disgusting and predatory industries out there while being the usual spineless dolts who can't say meanie words.

I can’t believe that is real.

Thots: Patrolled.

Lots of seething going on in Twitter right now. It's absolutely amazing.

They expected multiple mass shootings and all they got were these lousy Oscar's

The first real human bean.

Someone pointed out that the central irony of the Blade Runner movies is that the robots (Rutger Hauer, Ryan Gosling) are more human than the humans

not many people saw the original Blade Runner

Didn’t know he made up the line. What a chad

This is just straight up disrespectful. Delete this.

Someone ought to have their internet access permanently revoked for that.

Honestly it would be based if a black incel shot the Oscar's just to fuck with them.

No it’s gotta be a black Israeli so the media can’t cover it

Hillary Clinton in blackface wearing a Hijab.

Huma might be angry about the cultural appropriation. No one wants to pick a fight with their girlfriend.

What's wrong with BMW?


snappy has evolved, and branched out into twitter


Come on, zoomy.


You have to go back.

But they won't have me back. What should I do?


Hustlers is the new Citizen Kane and Cardi B is the new Bogart

Citizen Kang

Simpsons did it.

[citation needed]

BMW Cope

The Joker deserves an Oscar as much as the Joker deserves his schizo dream girl in the movie

/r/moviescirclejerk is seething so hard they're not even bothering to tag their unironic spergouts with "/uj"

the Oscars have always been a scam and don’t mean anything

Yet they’re getting pretty worked up over this meaningless award show 🤔

Society Status: Lived in

I'll never understand why this shit is relevant to anyone.

Is Joker this timeline's mascot?


So, were you going to link to any actual fuming or no?

Is there any one actually fuming? Link?

Yeah OP

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. OH NO NO NO NO NO, r/movies fuming ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Maybe foids should just make better movies?

you know what would be fresh? another take on what it's like to be a woman and how women aren't allowed to like be lawyers or artists. i would see that.

What will be more juicy? The /r/movies cope when Joker wins or the /r/Kotakuinaction cope when Little Women wins?

Lmao Little Woman is not gonna win. Nobody wants a foid movie.

Isn't it like the third Little Women adaptation in four years or something?

Make a movie about the night witches or something, fuck.

Foids need to unironically read another book

Strike witches already said all there was to say on that subject.

There's been a shitload of adaptations of that very story but she totally deserved to win for making another one, really.

Watch and cry. 2020, year of the foids.

Wrong, 2020 is the year of the troids.

One and the same, sweaty.

Wrong again. Men are better than women at everything, including being women.

Sure they are my dude.

Why would they cope when little women wins? KIA loves little women, especially if they are 3000 years old.

You're forgetting one important thing. The little women they love are also 2D.

not by choice

I dunno a movie about rich white women tends to get the academy hard so it might win

I watched that American Factory one and the only reason it got a domination was cause Obummer made it.

The whole premise is Ching Chong bing bong Lets bring some chinks to the Midwest to work with these obese corncels.

How does it compare to Empire of Dust

Never seen that one

The whole premise is Ching Chong bing bong Lets bring some chinks to the Midwest to work with these obese corncels.

That seems entertaining and important as hell

It’s neither

All this chatter about Parasite... Seriously what am I missing? I thought it was good, like a 7/10... but this "best movie in the last 10 years" bullsh*t... Someone please explain?

It’s certainly better than whatever your favorite movie was this year.

Its what happens when your majority audience only sees disney remakes these days. A slightly above average movie ends up blowing their minds.

As for Parasite, it's probably the most koreany Korean film I've ever seen, so it should honestly get an award for accomplishing that alone. It was also made by the most popular internationally famous Korean director, and the story is easy to understand for international audiences. It was super weird and competently directed, and so are his other films; but since the years most popular film theme is classism, and this is the one that arguably handled that theme best, it's getting the most recognition. Its basically an "all the stars align" situation.

I think you nailed it, man... I hate to serious post here, but you explained that really well.

/r/drama is intelligent when it wants to be.

Also, dude, bussy.

Haven't seen Parasite (and I love Boon-ho), but the top Korean movies are usually miles ahead of the top Hollywood movies. No Oscar bait, no Americentric retarded shit. Another scope, other issues. Same for Japan.

Cinematography is just great in general.

I've been a horror movie buff since I was a kid during the 80's and the "video nasties" scare in the UK. Korea and Japan are putting out some of the best horror in the world by either making it unbearably creepy (without too many jump scares) or so over the top it's like a live action cartoon. It's just styles that are so much fun to watch without being treated like a moron all the time like Hollywood does.

That's the reason I loved The Wailing. It has a couple of jump scares but its well done and intelligent psychological horror. It makes you feel nervous and restless during most of it, not in the verge of a heart attack.

For similar reasons I like the East Asian thrillers: they have this pace and cinematography that make you slightly anxious. The neon and neo-noir helps too. Last time I felt like that with a Hollywood film was maybe Good Time.

I thought they weren't allowed to watch TV in Korea.

but it's nowhere near as good as "Memories of Murder"

It's the best Jordan Peele movie that Jordan Peele will never make (and better than anything he will make).

It’s all downhill for Jordan Peele from here. His third movie will perform dismally.

I can't, it started out like a comedy and ended like Wtf.. That's probably it.

Movies that depict East Asian poverty usually do really well. Everything we see from that region is usually the glamorous side, even if it's crime-related. Have you seen Shoplifters? It's like Parasite but much more visceral in it's depiction of poverty

Yet shoplifters didn't get this much love at the oscars.


Man is Reddit predictable. When it came out everyone gushed over it, but since everyone just loves it now they are legally obligated to bitch and moan about it because reasons. Awards are gay as fuck, nothing will ever change that, just watch a movie, form your own opinion of it, then keep that opinion to yourself and go to greenland.

Ah a fellow dick show listener. Whats your rage? Also tits or ass?

the boat and both


tds janny

Voted tds worst janny 43 weeks and running

2020 will be the decade of the Gamer 😎



I'm contacting my local Kaiser-romulus union representative to report this


Some mayo should help it get some buzz by doing a mass shooting wearing clown face paint.

Guess it really was Black Panther for incels

The key difference being BP was never a major contender in the big categories. You know its best picture nom was purely a token nomination when it got no director or screenplay noms or even the major technical category noms like cinematography and editing.

I mean maybe the Oscar's actually do have a shred of credibility left. Don't get me wrong, BP was a decent movie and it actually was one of the few times something has been smart-woke, but it doesn't change the fact that it was also one of the most overrated movies of all time. It was a solid 7/10, maybe an 8 if I was being generous, but all I can remember after watching was thinking "this is it?"


Hi, we live in an advanced technological society, but we are also literal spear chuckers.


The most technologically advanced society in the world and we choose our leaders by forcing the leaders of the tribes to participate in a literal death match.

are you saying incels run hollywood? careful, or you might have to publicly apologize like gary oldman or marlon brando.

didn't Hollywood first popularize fedoras?

Just wait til you see r/Jokes take on all the Oscar noms that Movie got.

Wow what a movie! Smoking! Slow mo dancing! More smoking and not ever ashing! Wow! Much amaze!

Uncut Gems was snubbed

Why would anyone watch a movie with Adam Sandler in it? Why would people be upset with it not winning an award? Why does anyone give a single shit about awards shows?


Adam sandler is a genius that found a way to drain money from movietards just recycling fart jokes.

How is it cope?

Straight up seething, awardcel

I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about, I literally don't care about or watch awards shows.

Sure thing sweaty. Sure thing. Im so convinced.