"The time is right and you're ready, you just need to do it!" Travesty of justice as SCOTUS refuses to hear the case of the encouraging foid

1  2020-01-13 by wow___justwow


She was sentenced to 15 months in 2017 (started serving Feb 2019 iirc). If you took the money spent on her legal defense and threw it into the stock market then, she would be free and own her own home outright by now lmao

Pretty good example to use for people confused about criminal laws for speech, requires imminent lawless action. Yes something about nk law against assisted suicide I heard her attorney, prosecutor did good work to overcone that.

Straight up evil cunt. From 20 years down to 5 and ultimately 15 months but I guess that just isn't good enough for some assholes. Here's hoping she gets manhandled by a tranny in the prison shower.

Troids in foid prisons is Allah's way of cortecting injustice created by creations of yakub.

ok incel

first of all I am not an incel. I literally went on a date a week ago, so I’m not incel. Second, you don’t even know that there are different extremities of incels. I want an egalitarian world, not a gynocentric world. Third, there is a common misconception that all incels want is sex. Yet I am not even ready for sex. Fourth, don’t assume someone’s ideologies based on one thing they said. Just because you can’t handle the truth doesn’t mean you should go out and say “I’m wrong” without validly proving your point. I was mainly going off of science, and apparently most people in the world don’t agree with science if it doesn’t fit their ideologies, even if science is true. That is like even if Trump appeals to you and you agree with his viewpoints on issues, you still vote Clinton because you call yourself a Democrat. So if you could kindly educate yourself a lot more about Incels, TRP, and other related topics before you say stuff, I would appreciate it. But as I know of how stubborn you are, you won’t even consider looking deeply into topics and act like you know so much about them. This is what separates people like you and people like me. I look at both sides of every argument, and choose the one that is most rational, not go off of what other people say is “cool”. I rationally choose what I think is best for myself, my family, my community and my country. If you would like to know more about what I believe in, ask me (I know you won’t and you would still make stupid assumptions about me that aren’t true) in what I believe is right or wrong and not just say random shit that doesn’t align with my ideologies. Ya so please stop saying shit about me that isn’t true.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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ok incel

dem brows, yeesh

mayo foids, not even once

the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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She looks like that guy who played harry Osbourne in the andrew Garfield spiderman movies

She needs to be locked up for that trailer trash haircut.