First Trans-Black Leaf Prime Minister Bows Before Big Shiite Cock and Blames Daddy for Iran's 9/11

1  2020-01-13 by AugustinesBitchBoy


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When will leafs stop being such big cucks, and become a good ally?

When the Chinese evict them from all of their major cities.

God willing this is soon.

He said good ally

The day of the rake is near.

They have copied literally everything from American culture except the fucking spine. Day of the rake pls kthx

Even worse, they filled the void left by spinelessness with crap traditions from off-brand French people too stupid to head to Louisiana where all the money was made.

We haven’t copied your obesity problem and you mass school shootings.

We got that going for us atleast.

Maybe if your weirdos and losers would grow a fucking spine, they'd be able to commit some decent mass shootings.

Please maple-head. It's January and you've already got your February fat on.

I think I'm with Trudeau on this one, it's clear that Iranians are so retarded they can not be responsible for their own actions.

It's obvious when you think about it. When a brown person does something bad, you have to look at what white person was involved and find a way to blame it on them. If it is a conservative white person then even better.

Oh look - Trudeau is parroting the same sentiment all the other literal faggots on social media are spouting right now. Color me (no pun intended) shocked

based leaf daddy, rightoids seething

This but unironically.

These are dual citizens. Iran was home for many of them.

So their deaths are not important ?

What like, statistically?

Imagine living in an monarchy with an unelected head of state, then using your vote to choose some cosplayer whose only qualification is being the son of a previous PM 😔

Communist dictator

the son of a previous PM

"son" sure

Why are leafs like this? What caused it?

bagged milk

Edit: bring on the downvotes. Everyones getting off work, and the right-wing crowd has popped in for some outrage!

LOL he admitted left wingers are unemployable

There was a study a while back that showed that conservatives are more likely to be employed and work harder. I'll have to find it for the drama. I'm sure recall_rethuglicans would love that copy and pasted in some replies.

Why are you guys always criticizing black leaders like Trudeau but not white leaders? Are you guys racist or something?


Wasn’t he siding with Daddy a week ago?

You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. First Trans-Black Leaf Prime Minist... -,

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Man, America has like zero mojo any more. No one is afraid of you guys.

Look at this wuss with the curly pasta hair. His country is literally economically dependent on the USA but he feels totally comfortable talking shit about you guys and your president and blaming you for the acts of Iran. To put it in perspective, the Chinese literally enslave people in concentration camps and harvest their organs, but this little monkey does a dance for them and speaks mandarin and welcomes them in to Canada to buy up all their maple syrup and valuable real-estate.

You guys should take a lesson out of the Chinese's big red book and stop trying to get people to like you and just fucking curb stomp them. Threaten something like 200% tariffs and see how long it takes for Trudeau to fall down a flight of stairs onto a bullet or five.

Foreigners get most of their info from establishment propaganda like CNN. Everything the US does right now that they don't like that, they blame on Trump. And they don't see Trump as representing the US, they think everything will revert back to "how it's supposed to be" on the day Trump leaves the WH.

What are you going to do about it Justin, oh right nothing, shut up and continue being our hat

They're not responsible for the holocaust, but Pat Buchanan makes a convincing case that Britain could have prevented WW2 and the holocaust from happening by not giving Poland a security guarantee it could not fulfil:

Leafs are so bent on bashing Trump that they are siding with Pat Buchanan? I never thought I'd live to see the day!