The absolute state of child free

1  2020-01-14 by 2Manadeal2btw


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what I love about childfree threads is that no matter how bitter and vitriolic they are, at the end of the day they will die alone and unloved. they will leave almost no legacy, and if they have managed to avoid a nursing home they will be quickly consumed by their cats. honestly they're probably within their rights to be bitter and vitriolic knowing what they've willingly doomed themselves to.

Yeah, but you forgot all the money they will have from having worked minimum wage jobs for 60 years and all the stuff they have bought. That's permanent! Until the state inherits everything I guess

Also, their pibbles will eat the cats anyways

Someone has a flair "cats > brats".

Honestly that sub has fetish vibes to it. That, or satire.

I think its just people who (ironically) never grew up and hate not being the center of attention or at least hate that soneone else is clearly receiving more.

I can think of no other reason for a post like this.

Imagine the pathologies someone has for being upset that nobody will take you seriously when you complain about mean things someone said to you as an adult

Holy shit. Imagine being upset because someone suggested you drink less instead of nursing a hangover all weekend like an underaged retard.

A lot of them confuse "being a parent" with " not being in college"

It's a perfect circle of life!

Or mommy’s allowance + goodboy points

How many people are unironically investing in Star Wars Legos for their retirement the way people invested in Beanie Babies in the 90s?

Tbf, Lego sets have done well in maintaing and improving in value. They're gold for nerds.

Imagine thinking a "legacy" is any comfort to the dead lmfao

Imagine raising a son just for him to fall for the trap meme and offering his bussy to chads on craigslist

I’ve watched people die, and I think was a great comfort to them for me and other loved ones to be there. Much better than being neglected by uncaring strangers.

Is that the same thing as having a "legacy"?

If you’re retarded enough it is

Nihilists OUT

Acknowledging that dead people aren't going to be comforted by leaving a legacy (or indeed by anything) is not nihilism, it's just reality. There is clearly meaning to the things you do in life, but having kids isn't the only way to do it. It's just the easiest.

Also, 99% of the time, people who view life as pointless unless you have kids are MDEfugees who literally cannot achieve anything good outside of having children. Look at the company you're keeping.

Hope you have kids bro

Idk if you know this, but when you die literally nothing you do in your life will have mattered. You could’ve raised a literal army of children to carry on your “legacy” and you won’t even know.

You fucking dumbass.

Everyone left to deal with my semen spawn will know though. Who cares about legacy, spiting antinatalists and dabbing on incels makes for a good death.

Childfreecel cope

Imagine COPEing this hard

Imagine the only way you’ll ever have sex being through the desperation of a woman who wants to have a child before she dies.

She isn’t attracted to you bro.

I'm married, and have 3 fully grown and adult kids, so I've had plenty of sex in my lifetime champ.

But keep COPEing and SEETHing, kid.

pats your head

Ok sir, would you like your prechewed dinner now?

Thank God your a genetic dead end.

Says the one who can’t even spell despite apparently being a grown adult.

It seems your mind has already degraded beyond salvation. I think pulling the plug may be the only option left.





Now all we need is some


Please stop yelling sir you’re scaring the other guests

There's that dilating

grade school spelling flex

wanna have some more? 😉😉😉

a r*dditor reproducing

May Allah have mercy

that's why the egg count is so important and stefan molyneux is a bro

nothing you do matters when you die so don’t accomplish literally anything, everything is meaningless hurr durr

Why are genetic dead ends this retarded?

I was going to say I have more sex than you, but you already knew this. Instead I’m going to wish you a good day 😁😜

Sex with your pibbles doesn’t count, they would fuck anything.

It does count

That is true, but the human imagination is a spectacular thing. It's impossible to live out your life without imagining how the future may pan out.

A childfree person will live their last twenty years knowing that no one will ever visit their grave, and no one will remember them.

The world will not view them as a failure, the world will not view them as a success, the world will just simply not view them at all.

Do you remember your great great grandfather?

Yes, I feel him in my bones.


Why is having a legacy an important thing? Billions of people have children. It's not really a special thing

i can see why people feel more comfortable with dying knowing that some of their genes + someone they spent tons of time and resources on are living on, that's what living things are designed to do. the people who are super preoccupied with it seem to be using the idea of a genetic legacy for coping with otherwise being mediocre and having nothing else to leave tho

Most people are forgotten after 4 generations anyway, and the ones who aren't eventually will too.

That's not an excuse to justify being forgotten within 1

caring eitherway

Genetic legacy is just cope for poorcels/retards who can't do anything meaningful with their life

Neither of us are gonna achieve much aside from kids, buddy, so you're the one coping here. Let's all descend from fantasy land and live in reality.

Unless you are top 1% (you aren't, that's for sure) then your contribution outside of your children is pretty much meaningless. Keep coping tho.

We cant all get in the world record books for sucking the most dick in a 24 hour period.

It's important to people because they know children is their only route to a legacy. There's plenty of other routes, but not everyone is cut out for them

Failing at what you were born to do makes you a loser at a biological level. Imagine failing at something even roaches are able to do.

Unironically big talk from a dramatard

Not everyone has to cope, some people reach acceptance 😊

Imagine feeling accomplished by acting as a meat puppet for your genes.

Imagine thinking the world is actually anything more than that.

I don’t know, personally I really have no interest in having kids, but I’d still like to be married some day. I just have a lot of things I want to do in my life, and kids would make it much more difficult to achieve those things.

Imagine not firing some nuclear missiles into the middle east in your last moments and being content with your legacy....

As if Jeff the accountant will have a legacy echoing into eternity if he leaves behind a couple snot nosed turds.

lol at this cope. When you're 75 and stuck with your loved ones, the childfree people will sipping mimosas after a morning hike and posting on IG.

Man I get not wanting to have children, but why does it have to form even the tiniest basis of their identity? Why does it have to immediately go from "I'd personally rather not have children" to "I can't believe how fucking stupid my family is for reproducing, I'll never hang around those little crotch goblins to whom I'm biologically related"?

This needs to be a snappy quote.

It's impossible to find happy, healthy, likeable childfree characters


Really makes you think.

Pardon my wandshit, but Sirius Black.

He clearly wished he was Harry's father.

I wish I could blow Daddy's bussy inside out, but that doesn't make me unhappy.

Nigga also died, so he's also unhealthy.

Just be imprisoned most of your adult life then die shortly after being released, bro!

Dude was an incel

I don't think you really understood the purpose of house elves.

Yeah cause Childfree doesn’t match up with happy, healthy or libeable

Thanks for adding to my post

You’re welcome

One of these days I'll write a self-insert again, and then "I'll" have to call badly behaved children "feral creatures" very very far under my breath around guests and at full volume around my coworkers at least once, for verisimilitude's sake.

Yeah that’ll really show these fictional characters

That's actually really creepy.

Fanfiction is the worst of all.

Thats generally the case, but fair enough.

I'll be reading a really good one and then a character gets pregnant and it's just boring after that. Reader inserts are a thousand times worse. I'm outta there the second the reader gets pregnant. That will never be me, so there's no point in reading any longer.

Who is reading a book because 'this could be me'?

How much you want to bet that this person is also a huge capeshit fan?

Also: fan fiction 🤢


They should stop reading when the character does something important cause that’ll never be them


Totally not coping btw.

Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. The absolute state of child free -,

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The people at this sub are a parody of themselves.

How the fuck does that subreddit have over 700,000 subs

Envious redditors.


Neckbeards who don’t like kids because they’re involved in their hobbies

Like gaming, porn and Marvel movies

MGTOW: “It’s not that women don’t want me... i don’t want women!”

Childfree: “it’s not that i can’t have kids or that nobody wants to have kids with me... it’s that i don’t want kids!”


I feel sad knowing some of them would become mellow and more content if they did have children

Commies: is not that the market doesn’t want me, I don’t want the market

reading fanfics

Are those people 15 year old girls?

Fan fiction is a disease. Maladjusted losers are incapable of letting a story end. It was bad enough when nerds were reading Star Wars novels, but then it got way worse when any dipshit with a keyboard could post their own poorly-written stories and people would read them.

I wouldn’t have been caught dead reading fanfics when I was 15. Or any age.

Joe abercrombie books aren't hated enough for how reddit they are

You know this thread was created because they finished wandshit book 7 and are mad that not a single one of the characters chose the orgasmic child free life

The worst case for this was Big Bang theory,... in the final episode, she falls pregnant and somehow, after declaring many times and insisting she doesn't ever want children, she's happy about it?

Yeah, her hormones kicked in. That's how it works in real life, too.

Imagine reading fan fiction

They people should be forced to go through all 28 volumes of Lone Wolf and Cub, A Clockwork Orange style.

These aint people who just dont want or cant have kids, this is child hatred, much like atheists who are anti-religion instead of just not believing in a Higher Power.

I don't know which is worse, being a childfreecel or reading fanfiction.