Another Insta-thot dies trying to collect more likes. Mother unimpressed that "internet trolls" aren't mourning her.

1  2020-01-14 by NagyonNagy


About like 30 to 45 minutes ago I beat the fuck outta my dick so goddamn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb and my dick has also went totally numb to the point where it feels fucking weird when I take a piss.


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Thanks EDP


EatDatPussy445. He is the one who originally said the quote.

Oh yeah, I knew his name I Just didn't recognize the acronym.

Even gravity is getting sick of thots

I think Instagram made her account private.

"I hope all the koalas and kangaroos are looking after you."

Stacy always find the words

Foids in only caring about fluffy animals shocker.




They're always bongs as well, why is this? Embarrassing display

Oh there's plenty of idiots everywhere.

And this isn't even close to complete.

This is a page?

It's a bit more of an epidemic than even the media is talking about, when comparing statistics to others types of injury and death.

where is the page for pogo deaths


So many Indians.

Not enough chiefs.

Ok racist.

Cruel online trolls wasted no time mocking her for her death after she climbed over a safety fence to get a perfect Instagram photo.

Thats not cruel, thats what you get for being a retarded attention whore.

'She always wanted to be famous so thank you trolls you are making this happen'.

At least she got that going for her, maybe put it on her gravstone.

She is the only one to blame

This is the one that got me. If she isn't to blame, then who is?

I'll acknowledge that blameless situations can exist, but this certainly isn't one of them.

It was the cliff's fault. It enticed her to take that selfie.

Western society for allowing her outside unchaperoned by her husband or a male relative

This is the real answer


then who is?

Gravity, I guess.

Oh for sure the family is going to sue the local government agency for not specifically stopping this special snowflake....

The mother it's too blame! I bet she's reading this right now.

That's what's so sad. Even her parents can't get off social media instead of just setting her instagram private and walking away from it.

They labeled this one as a troll too:

A third wrote: 'Fences and signs are posted for a reason. Your perfect Instagram photo cost you your life. Hopefully others will learn from this.'

How is that a troll? Sounds like sound advice.

I actually think the last one is the most infuriating. Trolls gonna troll but people who unironically go "akshually" and "play stupid games win stupid prizes" and then expect grieving parents to agree with them are literally braindead.

True. I feel for the parents but they really should get tf off of social media and POOF the trolls would be gone. It's not like they are harassing them in real life like some batshit crazy twitter trannies do.

I don't think the message was for the parents, but for other people who might see that and then second guess taking a stupid risk for a selfie.

imagine your daughter dies and the first thing you do is go look for sympathy online

They should just get into alcoholism like normal people smh

Why do you hate women?

Why do you not?

Because I'm not an incel.

Prove it

Ask my dad


Why don't you?


le username checks out

crosses EXTREME DANGER fence


no one dare blame her

Some kid does one stupid thing and tragically dies - "Stupid bitch deserves it!!!"

People are always climbing over these sea cliffs and even as young kids we would be jumping over them. How pathetic must your life be if you've never done anything that a sign told you not to.

You got some bad reading comprehension

You have some bad compassion when it comes to people of the opposite sex

Read what I wrote again retard

Cruel online trolls wasted no time mocking her for her death after she climbed over a safety fence to get a perfect Instagram photo.

"Thats not cruel, thats what you get for being a retarded attention whore."

'She always wanted to be famous so thank you trolls you are making this happen'.

"At least she got that going for her, maybe put it on her gravstone."

I don't get why you hate this girl and family so much, she doesn't deserve to die because she tried to get a selfie. Even with your horrendous sentence structure and spelling mistakes, its pretty obvious you just called a girl who died a whore because she happens to be attractive. And you're hating on the family for not having a fucken whale of a time when people are making fun of her dead kid

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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It must be hard for your family dealing with such high chromosome levels. News about a women dying snowboarding - "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, 100% that whores fault."

You got some bad reading comprehension

Imagine caring about grammar when shitposting on reddit lmfao

Fucken lol

If a few typos stop you from being able to understand things you probably actually are mentally challanged. And snowbording and making selfies for instagram fame in an area clearly marked as off limits is not the same, so stop using strawman arguments please sweaty ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿป

she doesn't deserve to die because she tried to get a selfie.

p sure everyone who takes selfies deserves it tbh

True, as well as anyone who doesn't take selfies also deserves to die

can i just take photos of women falling off cliffs instead

Heโ€™s not wrong though. They are grieving parents looking for meaning and trying to honor their kid and retards on the internet are schadenfreuding over a kid dieing in a mistake.

Thats why they just shouldnt look at the internet for some time. That was really to be expected.

How pathetic must your life be if you've never done anything that a sign told you not to.

im alive and not retarded falling off a cliff though so you kinda weigh up the options

Not even that hot.

That mom is way more hot

She really is. Imagine your mom being hotter than you.

She's also flashing the altright hate symbol in that photo!

The alt-right must have killed her.

Maybe, that's what made her have so many surgeries and become so shallow and attention grabbing?

Some of us don't have to imagine ๐Ÿ˜

Yeah happens a lot with the offspring of trophy wives. These women used to marry chads that play football

Bruh she fugly

How was she 21? Looks like a ragged, used up 33.

The editing/angles worked wonders in some of those pics lol. This is why online dating will never work. The moids get tricked and the foids convince themselves they are all 10/10 because photoshop told them so

notorious selfie cliff

The extinction of the human race can't come soon enough.

So she actually died on the job

doing what she loved

And getting more attention in death, then she ever did in life.

Becky loved to plummet.

How is that women that look like that are considered models, her mom is hotter

The cliffs are a notorious selfie spot where another tourist died in similar circumstances in August after climbing over a safety fence.ย 

At least she's up in heaven with Epstein now.


I am ready for the EMP. For the love of God, we need Uncle Ted more than ever.

She got yeated by that cliff ๐Ÿ˜…

She's welcome for our service.

She looks like like a mixture of a Vegas bar on the strip and that really grimy brothel in Krakow I walked past a few years ago.

She 21 lookin 31

Why do all britbong women look the same

It's like they all buy the same fake tan lmao. I don't know why is she a "model" every other girl in any collage town ecstasy club looks exactly like her.

She looks a little fat in that pic

natural selection at work

It's always the trolls, never the lack of father figure or boundaries.

Oh God. That never came to my attention. No mention of a daddy anywhere, or any 'family' photos. Nice catch man.

"She went to get a selfie but instead got a Darwin Award" Fucking oof.

She always wanted to be famous so thank you trolls you are making this happen.

Maximum C O P E

my daughter died but retards online are saying mean things about her. looks like i win.

"heh this grieving mother posted something kind of irrational? what an idiot lmao, imagine being impacted by your childs death"

edgeposters are the lowest form of life. only stemfaggots and janitors come close

Parenting 1000

Second most liked comment on dailymail:

>I for one have nothing bad to say about this young lady . It could have happened to anybody. Very very sad.

Do boomers actually believe this? Itโ€™s not like she got some incurable deadly disease. She climbed over a fence and fell down a cliff while (presumably) drunk.

Never regret thy fall,

O Icarus of the fearless flight

For the greatest tragedy of them all

Is never to feel the burning light.

-Oscar Wilde

And another one of the Queen's subjects, too


fyi girls like this are literally hookers, they advertise via social media "model" photos and then go get paid to have arabs and indians shit on their chests

you ever wonder how "influencers" get money when nobody actually likes them or cares about their opinion lol

its all the way to the top too, every single insta thot is a prostitute trying to be subtle

Troll quote:

A third wrote: 'Fences and signs are posted for a reason. Your perfect Instagram photo cost you your life. Hopefully others will learn from this.'

They can't even get what a troll is right.

My daughter was not self-obsessedย 

...Is insta famous.... Does not compute