Stephen King is getting cancelled by twittercels

1  2020-01-14 by shweinhund


Is there anything more mayo than a white man named 'weissman' on Twitter with a blue check explaining white privilege to another white man? I put it to you that, no, there isn't. That's the peak.

Yes it's peak (((mayo)))

missed 2 paranthesis


former Trump supporting Republican now liberal Democrat

His pinned tweet is also golden

I was a mess back then as an angry Trump supporter. Being a liberal has brought me down to earth in realizing the person I was. Having empathy encouraged me to get PTSD therapy, getting an education, being a better role model for my kids. I came a long way and I’m ready for 2020.

And he tagged Sarah Silverman, Alyssa Milano, Chelsea Clinton and other #Resistors in there. Peak performative "I'M A GOOD GUY, PLEASE EVERYONE LOOK HOW MUCH OF A GOOD GUY I AM".

It's like a fattie started taking MySpace angle pics and posting salad pictures on Instagram. Like, no, sweaty, you're still fat, just like this guy is still a retard, you're just fooling a couple thousand people on the internet to think you're not.

Somehow I doubt he was ever a Trump supporter to begin with

Somehow I doubt he was ever a real person and not a state department psy-ops account.

Yeah, the only legit ex-trump supporters or ex-right wingers I have seen are either realtively centrist or some sort of breadtube follower, not a literal SJW stereotype, lmao

you don’t go from supporting trump to supporting open borders and feminazism in 2 years unless you have a micropenis

Imagine not having a micropenis, fag

Having a micropenis means there’s more room to fit my wife’s boyfriend.

Or, he's just trying to get into some girl's pants.

Or, he's just trying to get into some any girl's pants.

We're talking about twitter lefties, men of the generation having the least amount of sex (millennials)


Most of the Trumpistas in my family are now apolitical, lol.

How about mentally ill losers who like blaming all their problems on other people? Aren't they liable to flip to either end of the horseshoe?

It's the twitter version of BelleAriel. Trump support didn't get them the internet points that they wanted, so now they are anti-Trumpers for internet points.

Bruh he has a picture in a Trump shirt, you can't fake that!

i'd be willing to wager a whole 5 dollars that there are far more converts from ultra liberal to conservative than there are in the reverse direction.

It's more likely he's still a supporter running black propaganda.

What does a Trump supporter have to be angry about? Too much winning?

He was probably rightfully called out for being exceptionally retarded by libs, like all Trump supporters deserve. So he decided to pretend to be a lib, hoping people will stop making fun of him. Now he's getting rightfully called out for being exceptionally retarded by both leftists and right wingers.

I'm angry because throughout 2019, the "experts" promised me a recession "any day now."
Despite all of their doom and gloom, by some wizardry the Dow is at a record high 29,000 and my investments are to the moon.

All of us are angry. Just buy calls.

lmao at that photo by the western wall.

This is 150% bad effort b8

Literally the "as a white man" meme in reality...

I've invented a new word: "Mayosplaining"

This is when a mayo tries to lecture another mayo on basketball American issues.

I give this word as a gift to the world.

NY Jew in Florida

Of course.

Army Vet

(X) Doubt

former Trump supporting

(X) Doubt


(X) Doubt

I was once lectured by a white woman who made 300k a year doing law.

I pointed it out, laughed at her, and she made a joke about me being poor and blocked me.


He is (((white)))

Twittercels trying to cancel Stephen King when he was still infinitely more successful than them while using a pseudonym lmao.

Actually now that I think of it he should make a fake another fake persona like Richard Bachman except go for maximum diversity points to get Twittercels to stan him, just to see the incredibly amount of seethe when he's eventually outed.

That would be peak levels of meltdown

He only writes well under a pseudonym, so he needs to hear this.

Jamal Jackson


I wrote a quality children's book on #IlhanOmar last summer & the struggle to get it published was painful & ultimately it didn't happen

I unironically want to read this drivel

Holy shit what a fucking retard, maybe it's because children want to read stories about cute animals or dinosaurs or princes and princesses or spaceships or LITERALLY ANYTHING other than fucking politicians and that children's book publishers actually know their audience. Holy shit the idiocy is astounding how does this person even understand how to chew their food

I bet she tried to make it a real, insightful book for adults, but the publishing company assumed it was for children because of the reading level, and she just rolled with it to avoid embarrassment

It’s much more likely the publishers were white nationalists looking to keep POC down though tbf

This is the simpler explanation.

It's why we have so many books about Nazi dinosaurs and fairy godmothers committing hate crimes.

You need to come home by midnight Cinderella or I will show Dresden, Germany, why there is "Cinder" in your name.

12:01 and no sign of the bitch


Sieg Cdace

The funny thing is she’s actually kind of an awful person, one of the few people who refused to vote “yes” when the senate finally agreed to acknowledge the Armenian genocide.

Make her secretary of the Based Department.

idgaf about hijabi mommy but it doesn’t take even a 101 understanding of politics to réalisé the senate passed that shit to piss off turkey and not some moral superiority.

She’s was unironically redpilled against virtue signaling here

Yes, but she's got a towel on her head

I mean you say that but the Ted Cruz coloring book was 🔥🔥🔥

Imagine thinking a kids book is hard to write.

I struggle to believe that even #IlhanOmar would subject her spawn to such a boring subject.

Honestly doubt it happened lol. If you’re that passionate, I doubt they’d give up like that

yeah it didnt get published because theyre BLACK not because kids dont want stories about fucking politicians

The author twitterverse is pretty much a bunch of bad writers trying to grift their way up the ladder.

The man wrote a scene where a bunch of preteens fucked in a sewer but his mayo blood is what’s gonna get him in the end

I don’t see the problem there, like I’d like to see some parental supervision while it happens but otherwise sewer orgies are normal

tbf he was under the influence of massive amounts of cocaine

Cocaine doesn't turn you into a pedophile.

some of the weird short story collections make it seem like Stephen King had stuff shoved up his butt against his will when he was a kid

Probably by one of the big nosed frens.

If I remember correctly, he had a somewhat large babysitter who liked to sit on him when was a child. Might explain a few things

Writing about murders doesn't make you into a killer.

Shut up lolicon

Yes it does fag

turns steven king into one lol

It does makes you create a movie about an evil truck, though.

You could never hope to comprehend the mind of cocaine powered Steven King.

Even Steven King couldn’t.

He’s definitely on a list somewhere. That 80s photo of Drew Barrymore lighting his cigarette gives me the heebs.

(I know it’s supposed to be a cute photo because she was in Firestarter, but read into Drew’s history and tell me that preteen pussy wasn’t getting slammed at those parties).

Cocaine is just mayo powder.

Also the fat kid was the most hung

Stephen King writing MasterLawlz fanfic

Having weird and fucked-up shit that mirrors the monster horror themes is like horror writing 101.

It's like Stranger Things (in case you haven't read a book). The mother basically goes mad and destroys her house because she can't accept her son died. This keeps the less credulous morons in the audience engaged, because the idea of a mother going mad when her son goes missing is more credible and scary than imaginary monsters. This tension then makes the monster scenes also seem scary.



I love it when beta wh*te men publicly self-flagellate


White men are 35% of the population. It's not logical they produce 100% of the quality art.

What's that "Woke or Alt-right" subreddit again?

Something something architects of Weimar Republic.

They also produce most shitty modern art so it balances out.

It's logical if you look at IQ distribution. But of course you're not allowed to do that.

Wouldn't that mean asians would make all the art retard?

Why do IQcels always forget about asians and jews?

Asians do have a long history of making art, though.

White men are 35% of the population. It's not logical they produce 100% of the quality art.

It's logical if you look at IQ distribution. But of course you're not allowed to do that.

White men are maybe at best 10% of the population. Purebred mayo stallions are probably under 5%. Tell that guy that mayos have already been replaced

Not good art... anime and hentai wow amazing art 😒

It's called 'hentai' and it's art.

Creativity has nothing to do with iq. A lot of artists are idiots

So are doctors

I'd argue writing novels is more correlated to IQ than, say, singing.

Well, no shit.

That explains why very little art comes from rightoids. Research also shows that they have lower IQs

and despite being 13% responsible for 90%

What's that "Woke or Alt-right" subreddit again?


You're a very smart person ans one of my favourite writers, but you must acknowledge you've had an easier path in your career than a woman or POC, right? White men disproportionately reward other white men, regardless of quality.

This is what I will comment on Lalwz's next sticky post.

White men disproportionately reward other white men, regardless of quality.

I think the hugo awards say otherwise

White men are pretty much the only group on earth that doesn't have an ingroup bias and they're the only ones called out for having one.

White men disproportionately reward other white men, regardless of quality.

"Merit-based practices are racist/sexist" - people who suck


White men disproportionately reward other white men

But there's no nepotism amongst Jewish people. They just work harder!

Because it's not like (((they))) come from a community that outright admit they reward each other.

if niggers and white people are equal than world would be same with or without niggers replaced by white people. So there are no reason for white people to not genocide niggers.

You've got that completely backwards

because niggers and white people are equal they are interchangeable. So yes you can do it both ways. Enjoy your race war.


The best part is that ironically a lot of his stuff is really diverse, especially by wokie standards since now you also need to have disabled mentally ill retards to be diverse.

One of the main characters in the dark tower series is a disabled mentally ill black womyn. The stand has a woman protagonist, a mute black guy as a main character, a retard as a side character, and an old magic black woman.

Not that that'll stop them.

Cultural appropriation, innit? He only went and stole some black magic woman's story so he could spew patriarchy all over her/she's face.

mute black guy

I thought nick was white

King originally wrote his name to be Nick Guerr but that was too obvious

Stephen Kang

Ya Andros is white, but I think he’s black in the new tv show coming out


I remember him being black but maybe that was the retard

I'm an avid Stephen King fan and he pidgeon holed more than a few jabs at Trump in his latest book. Loved the book btw, it's called The Institute.

I doubt any wokeys replying even read anything by King.

disabled mentally ill retards

I wonder what the most fit-for-advertising dIVeRsE person possible could be? Then we could just shoehorn that one person into every advertisement and stock photo.

How about a black, gay, disabled, jewish, mentally ill, retard with vitiligo?


Once again wokecels seem incapable of understanding context, replying to his tweet as though it was made in a vacuum and not in response to librul whining about the Oscars being too white.

The fact that an artist saying art awards should be about art is controversial in any way shows how fucking idiotic the terminally online are.

Reminds me about commies and their passion for "right kind of art, which glorifies their ideology" and pity on you if you dare not to tow party line.

It’s just trying to win internet points.

I dream of the day when we as a society stop supporting internet NEETs because of their personalities

Damn, he's getting ripped apart. Deserved tbh, that's what you get for using Twitter.

It’s pretty crazy; he says all of these critical things of republicans and then the instant he slips up his fan base eats him alive.

He's been feeding the woke crowd on Twitter for a while , he now reaps what he sows

The Diversity Brigade don't really care about quality. They care about triggering the rightoids.

lol no they care deeply

the shit pretend troll stuff is just cover for being upset

Welcome to the canceled authors club, Stephen. JK Rowling and Amelie Wen Zhao.

This motherfucker wrote an entire library of literature at this point. Leave this guy alone.

Not until he rereleases Rage



Like seriously though fuck twitter. It's not even worth the drama giving these twats attention. Bunch of stupid cunts the only purpose twatter serves is as a roster so noah knows who not to let in the boat.

i would have thought were better than this

Who the hell are these people?

I'm eagerly awaiting a cancelled person to reply to one of the "wow i thought you were better than this/do better sweetie" with a simple "lmao who the fuck are you"


To imply quality and diversity are mutually exclusive tells us quite loudly how threatened you are by the potential of a level artistic playing field in which said ‘diverse’ stories are exponentially more compelling, vast, resonant, poignant than your own

Heights of delusion.

How the fuck does he feel threatened? Dude has fuck you money at this point.

Dude had fuck you money from the eighties

I imagine he lost that all on cocaine, but got it all back by now.


Diversity would destroy some movies and books, especially if they were trying to be historically accurate, along with racial, stereotypical, and cultural demographics of certain countries and era's; Or where physically and mentally impaired people try to do things normal people do and simply can't and they become a liability throughout the story, ect.

Quality would be sacrificed for the sake of diversity when diversity isn't called for or a driving part of the plot.

Trying to force diversity onto a story when it's uncalled for often makes diverse characters be the first ones killed off because they aren't needed or wanted in the series, but 'woke' people still demand their representation.

Take the cliche of 'the black man always dies first in horror movies.' as an example of 'woke diversity' quotas that get diverse characters killed.

Exactly. Like that remake of the Australian classic Picnic at hanging rock.

Women are the majority audience for books.

Discussion over.

This is hilarious. I’m sure Will Smiths kids have had it so rough.

He's folding like a cheap lawn chair and it still isn't enough for the wokescolds. He needs to grab ankle and make a tearful apology. The concept of merit is just a dog whistle for Nazis. Doesn't he know that?

Stop saying implicit

Damn, Stephen. Damn. I thought you were better than this. It should be obvious that diversity and quality aren't separate qualities, or in opposition to each other -- except in the minds of bigots. Damn.

What insane world am I living in? How the fuck are they NOT separate? What the fuck do they have to do with eachother? WHAT

I love his tone, it's like he's talking to an old friend. Listen, Stephen, I was there for you when your marriage fell apart because of your drinking, but Stephen, I don't think I can support you anymore after this tweet.

These people act like shows like Empire don't exist or Peele films don't exist.

wow its the first time hes said something that wasnt dumb as fuck or about watching children have sex

Scrolled thru quite a bit of the thread and all I see are random people and some lame blue checks disagreeing with him. Not a single call for “CANCELLING!!?!?!”

This sub might as well write Daily Wire headlines for Ben Shapino at this point lmao


Who cares about riveting storylines if every single minority on the planet isn’t represented, how am I supposed to enjoy a well told story if I can’t visually insert myself into someone else’s idea? How am I supposed to enjoy stephen Kings work if I can’t make it all about me? Also, a children’s book about ilhan Omar? The only way I’d let my kid sit through that is if some shady 6’4 dude in drag was reading it to my son

Didn’t ice T do that when he posted some meme with a q symbol in it?

Last time King was this based, he was hit by a minivan and almost killed while speedballing and playing in traffic

There have always been retards.

Sadly Twitter has no entry requirements.

And here we are on the precipice of yet another great decline :(



This is what happens when you tweet to try to appease the “woke” crowd. Same thing constantly happens to Mark Hamill and Harry Potter’s mum.

Omg! My foid detests cancel culture, liberals, and soyboy beta cucks!


This is really all about POC wanting the power that they think white people have