Libertarian Muslim shows up in /r/Coomer to argue for exactly what you'd expect a libertarian Muslim to argue for

1  2020-01-14 by XylGryphon


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Removeddit since he nuked it.

Let's get wahabbi up in here

as long as there are kids in this world some people are going to fuck them, i don't understand how telling pedos go to hell is helping kids in this process.

helping them, not telling them.

make the law death penalty for anyone who rapes a kid, no parole, no plea bargains.

You're equating rape with consensual sex with a 15.9 year old. That's pathetic and stupid

Only chomos and small children use fractions when tallying someone's age

Hey achmed, how old is your wife? "Nine and a half." Aluha akbar!!!