Dramatic rightoid happening as Sanders Campaign field organizer is unsurprisingly revealed to be pro gulag

1  2020-01-14 by FearOfBees


They're just LARPers no different from that fentanylese Trump supporters that claimed they were going to overthrow the government from their mobility scooters if Trump lost in 2016.

That retard talking about burning down cities probably couldn't even lift a can of gasoline.

All he'll do is go home, hit the bong, and post some dumb shit on twitter about the next revolution after voting for Biden like the good boy he is.

I'm hoping my city riots. I'm in the market for a new tv and sofa

That all comes down to the demographics.

Im still waiting for my right wing death squads.

Sometimes I wish communism did happen just so rural people could bully all the white urban college kids.

Tyrone and Cletus would team up to throw them in gulags or worse

Imagine this jackass getting led off to the gulags and he's all, "don't worry guys, they'll pay us a living wage in there"


You get conjugal visits, which they can redeem for an hour of Nintendo Switch per week.

With the current state of white women, an hour of Switch is worth seven or eight conjugal visits.

Alt Right 🤝 black nationalists

This is exactly the goal of the big igloo. It isn’t about race, but uniting to utterly destroy the communists if they try to step

ok dronebait


Can you imagine commu-foids reaction to a bunch of short ugly malnourished working class Hispanic moids putting tall white trust fund Chads against the wall lmao

Yet if libertarianism happened all the rurals would be fucked over from losing their government welfare. Hmm... Why do they all support the worst system for them?


Isn't rurals realizing they were getting fucked over by free-trade libertarianism basically how Trump happened


User reports

1: It's rude, vulgar or offensive

I'm sorry the truth offends you

Yeah man, those rurals sure bullied people all through collectivization.

Ruskies don't count

Just as in the states, rural Russians are way fucking dumber than their urban counterparts.

Remember that NKVD death squads were made up of effeminate jews through the toughest years.

you know that commies enslaved rurals right

Yeah Sanders needs to purge his campaign of these retarded LARPing Tankies. They were bullied in high school so they have to act tough and aggressive as if they weren’t balding skinnyfat manlets. If a second October Revolution actually happened, these people would be sodomized with bayonets.

Nothing worse than smug white male locals living in the hipster radlib bubble.

In reality basically everyone else is worse. This is the insanity of modern America, the smug hipsters are the least retarded segment we’ve got,

If you don't find these people unbearably insufferable you're a massive fag too. I'd rather hang out on the street with homeless heroin addicts or in the psych ward with loonies. At least those people have a sense of humor and aren't about to od on their own righteous smugness.

They are insufferable 🤷‍♂️

But the people you like better aren’t even functional. That simply makes my original point even more true.

There's plenty of non insufferable people who are plenty functional. The vast majority of this country is perfectly functional and enjoyable to be around. There's a reason the US is still the world's largest economy. People might seem retarded because of social media exposure, but society still functions fine. Almost any job besides journos, politicians, and political organizers is mostly compromised of good, honest, not extremely online people. I guess I'm not a misanthrope that hates most of my countrymen

The reason the US is still the world’s largest economy is... smug educated coastal elites 🤷‍♂️

I'm not complaining about all the "coastal elite". The vast majority of urbanites and educated are likable people. I'm specifically talking about hyper online wokoid retards like in the video and the three jobs I listed above. He's not doing anything useful for society. The Berkely educated scientist and the Cornell educated lawyer are obviously the kind of people that keep the money flowing. That being said society is interdependent. The working class is just as essential as the educated class to overall function.

This hurts the rightoid.

aren't even functional

I'd rather grab a beer with a literal retard with a 6 word vocabulary than this white upper middle class faggot LARPing as one of the working class revolutionaries on twitter.

I’d rather drink a beer by myself tbh.

That’s all you do

tbh, the loonies in psych wards are more enjoyable to be around than a lot of people. I would have rather taken the patients at my job out for a smoke break than attend a staff meeting any time any day.

Preach man, sometimes you really ask yourself what that one guy is doing, you know he had a lot of great ideas and one single retarded idea that was so much out there that the rest is spoiled.

No, he’s a retarded hippie and needs to be gassed.

kermit was wrong

cletus detected

Lol Project Veritas

I like how their clips always have to have the same dramatic music to helps the mongos get through a 2 minute video.

How are they supposed to know which parts are bad without the music cues?? That's how you know who the villain is!

I know a guy who takes project veritas as gospel. He's about as dumb as you'd expect.

cope, your opinion is a nothingburger

Please, let us pass by that a leaf is trying to be an arbiter of important opinions.




It really is a shame because if you're going to be a braindead moron who takes conspiretards seriously you should at least listen to the interesting ones, like Alex Jones, not some boring faggot like O'Keefe.

Okeefe causes plenty of drama, just not if you only take his side.


Yeah their videos are selectively edited and over dramatic, but it's hard to claim bullshit on someone saying on camera that citizens need to be forcefully re-educated.

Forcible re-education has been de-facto democrat policy for decades

All editing is "selective" that's what editing means you walnut. How is this "selectively edited" to change what this obvious tankie said?

Get caught on camera saying something retarded

This camera evidence doesn't count

yee lmao

Are you capable of reading?

it's hard to claim bullshit on someone saying on camera that citizens need to be forcefully re-educated.

No shit all editing is inherently selective, but the term selective editing is understood to be editing that's exceptionally chopped and mixed. Veritas is known for this especially with their abortion coverage.

Walnut is a reddit tier insult, be ashamed

wow haha you called him a walnut! r/RareInsults much?

kill yourself

Yeah but a campaign will literally hire any r*tard to be a Field Organizer. Source: was once a field organizer

I never said it has to be 100% fake, there are hundreds of thousands of commies who want Bernie to win on the internet, it wouldn't surprise me if one of them was actually proactive enough to join the campaign.

It's just that it has a lot less credibility and will have a lot less impact because it comes from Veritas. It'll never go mainstream, and the extremely online rightoids already think anyone left of George Bush is a commie, and the extremely online leftoids either agree with the guy or say "but what about Stephen Miller".

Easy there killer

muh deceptive edits amirite

haha fucking liberals who don't believe a guy just because he's been caught making shit up over and over and over and over and over and over again amirite?

what did he make up?

are you going to reference the old acorn thing like american media always does or just say "deceptive edits", its def between those two right

turns out hubris fucks people over and they shouldnt openly talk about their dumb ideas even if they feel safe and coddled by the establishment

what did he make up?


James O’Keefe released a new video today supposedly exposing voter fraud in North Carolina by highlighting non-citizens like Zbigniew Gorzkowski who have voted in recent elections.

The problem: Gorzkowski is an American citizen.

Dude dildo boats LMAO

first of all id like to lol at you unironically posting think progress while simultaneously accusing me of falling for propaganda

and second if the best critique you have is "he was mistaken on one guys citizenship status" then are you admitting all the other shit is true and you cant disprove it

and second if the best critique you have is "he was mistaken on one guys citizenship status" then are you admitting all the other shit is true and you cant disprove it

I listed just one example he touted as a big story.

You can read his wikipedia page if you want everything but you huffed so much glue in your life that you'd just say the same thing for every debunk, because you consider anything but Breitbart to be a (((globalist))) propaganda.

because you consider anything but Breitbart to be a (((globalist))) propaganda.

lol no all media is propaganda

also dont trust anyone who uses the word debunk or cites fact checkers

lol no all media is propaganda

I see , you were just pretending to mad when I made fun of Project Veritas 😏

theyre hardly "the media" its just some guy

independent reporting can still be good when its someone reporting things that are happening

when its a corporation its always just telling you stuff they want you to believe

Lol. You just posted literal propaganda from 2012. Now tell us why this tankie didn't say gulags "weren't that bad".

if bernie doesn't get the nomination Milwaukee will burn

Lmao why theres nothing about shitbeercity that would make this a reasonable concern

I hope he suspends his campaign there honestly. That city needs a good cleansing

Shhh. You're pretentious IPA breath is making the room smelly

That's wife beating bourbon breath to you Nancy

Brandy is better, 'speshilly when it come to Makin a old fashioned


My dad got me into IPAs a while back before I knew anything about them or the people who drank them and for years I'd go into bars and and ask word for word "you have any IPAs?" and then about a year ago I saw this on normie reddit and realized I had been coming off as a massive fucking loser for years.

Still like IPAs though.

IPAs are just gay ales

The day the world fears rioting 120 pound males wearing plaid is the day the world burns.

oh no not milwuakee


Breaking news: communists is infact a communist

Learning how to be a Nazi is hard work. Why do they think I would need help becoming an agreeable pussy

Project Veritas

I mean his face is in full view. If this is fake we'd find out pretty fast.

Who the fuck cares what Project Veritas "uncovers." They probably hired someone to say this shit

faggots like you ignoring facts becuase you dont like them are no different than trump rightoids


James O Queef

Every. Fucking. Time.


Wait...so boomers are afraid of what an out of work barista thinks?