Daily Nedry Quote: Conservative v Liberal

1  2020-01-15 by TheBigDogAteMyAss


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Daily Nedry Quote: Conservative v L... - archive.org, archive.today

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Dude nigger lmao

Haha, those sure are some kooky crime statistics you got there, dad! Where are those from, the FBI? Well, did you know that FBI crime statistics only track those that are successfully convicted of a crime, even though the vast majority of crimes committed aren't even reported, let alone lead to a successful arrest, prosecution, and conviction? Sounds like a big hole in the data if you ask me! And when you combine that with the fact that black neighbourhoods are more heavily policed black people are more likely to get stopped by the police, and more likely to be convicted by a jury for the same crimes as a white person, it makes you think that maybe those FBI stats have a lot more to do with systemic racial profiling than some sort of innate behaviour in black people! How's that for a brain blast?


Was this pasta in jest or sincere?


Do your thumbs hurt from typing thay


Just terrible.

ok incel

ok incel

Sure, I'll give it a go: "I'm not racist, but..." I want to murder all non whites except for Asian women so I can keep them as sex slaves in my all white empire while using jews as a food source to feed my black slaves... /s

Nah, doesn't work that well, still overwhelmingly racist as fuck...



Thank you for the comprehensive answer. I have one more question, if you don't mind: I've seen people make claims that either nobody knows whether puberty blockers have long-term harmful effects, or that it's been confirmed that they do. I've never seen anyone actually source these claims, which makes them worthless, but I'm wondering if you know whether there's actually research and/or a consensus on the subject? I'd google it myself, but due to my previously mentioned inexperience with the topic I'm not very confident that I'd be able to sort out the bullshit.

Incel, are you ok? So, incel are you ok Are you ok, incel

And there’s non-stop propaganda pushing the fetishization. Every sporting event is devoted to it, and when they take a break away from fighter jet flyovers and camo-accessory wearing coaching staffs and players, they hit you with recruitment ads and promotions for an endless number of war and domestic-paramilitary tv series. I learned the “Caisson Song” in elementary school music class along with other patriotic military songs, FFS. I’m not sure if children need to be enthusiastically singing about field artillery and bombs bursting in air.

Don't have sex noncel

What I like about this picture is that both sides kind of come off looking retarded.

Ok incel