Don't talk to me or my funkopop collection again!

1  2020-01-15 by twawaytrust


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Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Don't talk to me or my funkopop col... -,*

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Those people HAAAAATE Funko Pops.

They resent the fact that pop culture has more appeal to average people than their shitty white supremacist ideology.

I’m glad that AHS can still shock me by how much they miss the point sometimes.

Ah yes, my favorite product, [WHITE SUPREMACY]

Take that white supremacists! I’m gonna consume products of white people made by white corporations!


Honestly, if you had a collection of figurines that weren't funkos I could give a shit. Those things are just so damn ugly.

>thinks buying funko pops is doing politics


Is that MovieBob?

of course it's moviebob, he's the consoomer personified. Dude thinks 9/11 happened because of WWII games on the ps2 lmao

Dude thinks 9/11 happened because of WWII games on the ps1 lmao

I've never considered this, but I believe it to be true

you believe the US government tried to prime the American populace for the War on Terror via having Hollywood movies and American video games constantly depict the destruction of American landmarks?

You're in company with Moviebob and Slavoj Zizek.

I think they used the glory you feel from PC's acclaimed Medal of Honor: Allied Assault to prepare you not only for war in the desert, but also for using slow, clunky and below milspec rifles. I discovered this view a half hour ago, but I'm willing to defend it zealously.

Imagine thinking two nig rectangles were worthy of being some sort of revered landmark, even the Washington monument is more interesting and that's saying something

Hey I'm not the one claiming them blowing up in Armageddon and Max Payne was a psyop by the spooks to get joe high school to sign up for military service.

I unironically can believe movieblob believes that, but can you point me to where he says it? I want to hear him try to wheeze that hot take out.

LOL u have arachnophobia?! you must secretly want to fuck spiders then!!!

Fuck I've been found out

Lmao what??? One would imagine lefties would hate consumerism and corporations, but I guess in the end it’s all just an act on their part.

Also lol at some of the insults they throw. Literally the top comment is calling them “racist grandpas” even though that insult literally doesn’t apply here, even from their perspective . /r/consumeproduct and its edgy rebel user base resembles zoomers more than anything else, but I guess it’s hard for ahs to resist the urge to complain about their daddy issues.

Someone should experiment and made some type of right wing communist sub to see the reactions, would be hilarious

They already had that experiment. It was called the Soviet Union.

No, this can't be true. I was told by my local barista the Soviets were totally progressive, they had women fighting in the trenches and whatnot. Reagan put anti-gay frog chemicals in their water supply in the 80's, which is why the Soviets collapsed and the people immediately voted in a right wing religious oligarchy.

Lmao what??? One would imagine lefties would hate consumerism and corporations, but I guess in the end it’s all just an act on their part.

They so badly want too. Like, they totally hate those big banks and big "CORPORATIONS"... just not the ones that make their lives "easier" and provide them with plenty of entertainment media like capeshit.

Here, let me link you tell you to look up 500 pages of meandering, pointless, and self-contradictory theory to understand why I'm not retarded.

Also, it's impossible and unreasonable (even for a vanguard of the revolution like me😎😎😎) to not participate at all in society since I need to eat. So me getting the newest IPhoneTM and pop-culture gadget is the same, and totally fine.

You know I am astounded at how quickly the left went from its anti-consumerism to a complete obsession with an endless series of novel foods, drinks and hackneyed plastic representations of pop culture.