Beyond parody

1  2020-01-15 by unrulyfarmhand


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Beyond parody -,

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How based would it be if Warren responded to that question with this?

Senators Sanders; when you raped Elizabeth Warren bad in Des Moines in 98’ how was it?

Lmao the CNN chick called him senator Sandjew

Are you kidding me? Lol

Listen to it again. That's what it sounds like.

Damn it does, pretty based name tho tbh

Bernie should embrace Sandjew and kvetch on all these DNC shiksas, yentas, and bad goyim.

would have my vote

"Sand Jew" is the politically correct term for a middle eastern jew, you dummies.

Jew pocket sand!

Sha sh sha

"Sand Jew" is the politically correct term for middle eastern jews, you dummies.

Sexual abuse is a real big problem on those reservations.

"Like sticking your fingers in dry oatmeal."

Like throwing a hotdog down a hallway

The Democratic Party is in fucking shambles.

A socialist Jew is by far the best option because the other candidates are a lying cunt, a child molester and gay Patrick Bateman.

I feel like I’m in an episode of Veep

no wonder Trump wins against these people. he's the only one legitimately qualified once you get to know all these crazies

What a fucking sad state of affairs lmao

John McAfee is arguing which column he belongs to.

John McAfee is probably gonna get a biopic this decade.

Is that before or after he eats his dick?

Uhhh let's not overdose on memes now.

Is there the superdelegate thing this time again ?

I would let Bussygieg slaughter me with an axe 😍😍😍

A Gay Patrick Bateman would make a cool president tbh.

Running around the white house naked, chasing diplomats with a chainsaw.

I want in on this.

Something horrible happened inside of me Peter and I don't know what.

Orange Patrick Bateman would make a cool President.

"Mini Mike B"

Most people don't pay attention to the lyrics of Bohemian Rhapsody but they should

gay Patrick Bateman

did I just become a Pete Buttigieg supporter?

“Let’s see Xi’s bussy”

I’m growing both moderately concerned and considerably entertained. I was just joking all those times when I said the Dems would keep themselves safe at the last minute again, they don’t actually have to do it.

I'd rather have a liar child molester then someone who will destroy the economy. They're going to lie and molest children whether they're president or not.

Imagine not wanting to destroy the economy

t. Cathbol Accelerationist

This is the future the cathbols offer you. Being a slave growing corn on a Jesuit plantation. I implore you to reject this and choose a centrist path like being a 1600s English Presbyterian.

Oooo I was raised Presbyterian, I could get down with this lol

I’m an accelerationist.

What’s that?

It means in any situation I pick the most retarded answer.

How is that different from being just regular retarded?

It’s not.

I'm an accelerationist because its like progressive but even better.

not wanting the entire world to be steeped in retardation

the “jokes on them I was only pretending to be retarded” of political philosophies.

Schizoposting has lost its edge

Gen Z is mostly twitter rose chapos, better buckle up it's going to be a bumpy soviet ride

The Soviets actually had a spine. It takes some rectitude to fight a brutal civil war or line up another human being against a wall and shoot them. Gen Z is absolutely incapable of revolutionary change. They'll always be expecting someone else to do it for them, and that person will never appear.

I would bet both of my testicles that you have absolutely no clue about macroeconomics or the President’s effect on it.

Did you grow up without a father? If Bernie wins with a majority demonrat Senate and House, it would validate progressive economic policies and he could push through some bullshit which would have drastic effects on the American economy over time. The only thing I said that was questionable was 'destroy' but I earned my right to say that cause I'm gay.

Yeah, buddy? What “progressive economic policies”? What “bullshit”?

Nationalized healthcare, like the entire rest of the Anglophonic and Western world have?

You’re probably one of those retards that unironically believes Presidents are responsible for economic booms / busts.

Hey grandpa, the 60’s called, they want their sincerity back

I don’t sincerepost unless someone else is sincereposting and being a 60IQ mongoloid. Even without shilling for Bernie; the perception that a single POTUS, even with a cooperative House/Senate, has any power to “destroy” the US economy is fucking retarded. Of course he had to backpedal that once I pointed it out with “no haha I was just saying it could POTENTIALLY happen plus I was just joking...”. Idiot.

Get his ass king

im honored to have the nation of semen on my side.


Sorry my internet went out cause I'm a rural suburban retard and it's -30 degrees out, so sorry for the late seethepost.

This is why I love coomtowners, all the smugness of a hard leftoid with the pseudo-intellectual sophistry of a young rightoid and the benefit of being able to say nigger and faggot. It's the Eden for above average IQ social outcasts with bachelor degrees and a mental diagnosis. If this desire for political identity from the internet had hit you 4 years ago you would have been ordering your Ben Shapiro merch and quoting crime stats.

I would also just like to say that this is literally all of your comment that isn't filler:

Some tax plans can hurt some brackets, some tariffs can sting some industries, and some proclivities towards certain monetary/fiscal policies can seriously affect how your nation recovers from external shocks but, still you have to remember, the President doesn’t invent those shocks

Would a president be able to 'destroy' an economy: no, if you're using the word correctly (and I never use words correctly by the way, next time PM me and i'll let you know which definition I'm using).

Would a president be able to put in place policies, systems and ideas that could drastically effect the US economy by making it vulnerable over an extended period of time: YEET.

Am I going to explain why: No

Also side notes, if you send me full body nudes, I'll send some back.

How dare you insult my ethnostate?

no haha

Based and the-moon-is-a-harsh-mistress-pilled.

based mod

Pizzashill did it better tbh

Oh shit maybe you're right, can you link the motherjones article?

I was going to make a serious reply where I talk about fucking your estranged father but then I saw you were probably a NEET and I'm afraid a small push might take you over the cliff.

That Jew is gonna destroy the economy!!!

lmfao look at this retard that unironically thinks presidents have the power to singlehandedly destroy economies

n-n-no... I was just joking ... haha look at this retarded feminist magazine I bet u read it haha...

Cope harder.

I stand by everything I said and you misrepresenting it doesn't make me wrong.

Can we get back to talking about you growing up without a father figure and why you STILL don't have a job? Also, have sex.

Misrepresenting; lmfao. You literally said “someone who will destroy the economy”.

“Leftists don’t have a father figure” is as weak and overdone as “homophobes are secretly gay”. Just give it up, man. Admit you’re retarded and I’m 100 times as smart as you are.

I honestly don't think you're a real leftist, I think you just like to try and rile people up. That's why I don't think you have a father or a job, just tell me I'm wrong.

That’s all I wanted you to say.

I only really open up easy about my personal life with my semen brothers on Cumtown; random retards in open subs don’t get access to my personal details.

Lmao, now this is epic. Cringe bro...

I honestly don't think you're a real leftist

No I can attest that he is, in fact, a faggot.

God damn you got fucking destroyed.

Anglos 🤮🤮🤮

Nationalized healthcare

Uh, cool it with the nationalism there, Hitler.

Fuck globalist healthcare

Imagine unironically arguing for nationalized healthcare.

I’m not paying for some fatty to have their 5th bypass because they can’t stop shoving donuts down their face.


What about nationalized health care with aggressive death panels?

Obamacare’s death panels were the only good part of the system and for some reason they were taken out.

You pay for it anyway, in insurance premiums and with the fact that the US spends more of its GDP per capita on healthcare than any other developed country.

Just look at the numbers, the US spends litterally twice as much of it's GDP on healthcare as the UK does, and the UK has a fully gov run healthcare system

Imagine thinking that centralization at a federal level will work the same in the only western country that is the size of the United States and doesn’t have a vast majority of its population centralized in a few cities. I can’t wait to see how the feds manage medical clinics in bumfuck Wyoming, or how they’ll get doctors to move out there for federal pay.

The US is the wealthiest country in the world and has a pretty effective civil service, it really would not be that hard.

If the poor ass Italians and Spanish with their retarded and incompetent civil service can deliver universal healthcare the US can too

“It wouldn’t be that hard” I actually agree with you, but I know how this country does it’s federal projects,. And the whole thing would be a complete shitfest because this country has a hard time understanding that what works in New York won’t work in Oklahoma or Utah.

The best way to do it is to do it state by state but that’s would be untenable for half the country.

Nationalized healthcare

where the fuck is the 33 trillion going to come from?

Bro we already spend that much just move it over into a new column lmao. Someone doesn’t understand economics

Even studies from conservative think groups estimated a 2-3 trillion dollar surplus if we nationalized healthcare.

You could cut military spending 100% and it wouldn't pay for nationalized healthcare.

You could sit in an elementary level reading class for 6 months and still leave with an inability to read.

Bold this time, maybe that will help. Focus really hard.

Even studies from conservative think groups estimated a 2-3 trillion dollar surplus if we nationalized healthcare.

Would you like a list of studies that show we would actually save money? If I linked them, do you think you would be capable of reading them?

1) You can't study something that doesn't exist

2) If you're so confident in these "studies" why aren't you linking them?

Get the fuck out, faggot. Bernie ain't gonna win, and health care ain't getting nationalized.

1) You can't study something that doesn't exist

Your brain fucking blows lmao.

2) If you're so confident in these "studies" why aren't you linking them?

Beg for them, pussy.

Get the fuck out, faggot. Bernie ain't gonna win, and health care ain't getting nationalized.


I had a hunch, but thanks for confirming that the studies you're talking about are so retarded you're too embarrassed to link them even on drama.

Here you go you fucking brain damaged retard. This one's funded by the Koch daddies so you should absolutely love it.

Let's see if you can make it past the big bold letters at the top.

Absolutely shit on, retard.

I earned my right to say that cause I'm gay.

Aren't you also Canadian tho? Really interesting the things you notice when you RES-tag everyone by nationality. 🤔

Not all gays are Canadian but all Canadians are gay.

If Bernie wins with a majority demonrat Senate and House, it would validate progressive economic policies

Those idiots winning wouldn't validate failing policies. It would just mean they'd get a chance to remind us why those policies were retarded in the first place.

You really think moderate Dems would just go along with his proposals?

Trump had the house and the senate too, and he still didn't get the shit he wanted.

Politics isn't black in white in which it's just Red team vs. Blue team and whoever has the most people wins.

All of them? No. But voting in a president who supports certain policies does set a precedent for the implementation of them.

Politics isn't black and white in the US but it's also not as grey as you think. It's not the Republitards who stopped most of his initial agenda from getting pushed through. Look at the impeachment trial. Look at all the 'never Trumpers', who now go out of their way to show their support. They talk about party unity so much because it's important.

People fall in line, things become normalized which were considered radical only a few years before. The policy Bernie will attempt to push through and the increasing normalization of progressive politics will be a disaster for the US economy.

The policy Bernie will attempt to push through and the increasing normalization of progressive politics will be a disaster for the US economy.

Unintended Ted-posting, I love it

will be a disaster for the US economy.

And the US economy crashing is good for drama.

chapo check

0 of mrmarfanman's last 965 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

he must have an alt




you got me there. checkmate, dramatard

He's a cumtown tard, not a chapocel

Just because I BTFO retards doesn’t mean I’m a tranny.

Usually retarded commies are the only people who use the term “macroeconomics” in here, retarded commies just often happen to be trannys.

Trust me man I wouldn’t sincerepost if that guy didn’t start it with an extremely retarded point.

Actually “that guy” is an expert in the field he was discussing. Your comment was very disrespectful and completely ignored that. His comment wasn’t about the economy, it was about molesting kids, and if anyone knows something about that topic, it’s him. Now apologize.

I am the foremost expert on child molestation among the rich and powerful. My thesis advisor was Dr. Nicholas Mullen. I did field research with Brace Belden. I will not apologize for correcting that mans mistakes.

How cute, the other guy studied under one JEFFERSON E. EPSTEIN, you may have heard of him.

I believe that he didn't kill himself?




“that guy” is an expert in the field he was discussing.

don't think so

He knows more about molesting children than you could ever dream of. Now sit down, the adults are talking. 💅

That's even worse tbh.

Did you just chapo check the guy who wrote the chapo check bot?


Wtf, you forget 1000 dorra man?

Daddy vs Sleepy Uncle is gonna be gud 🙏🙏🙏

I wish daddy Biden would sniff me. I'll even become a miner just so he'll dig in me for coal UWU

gay Patrick Bateman

hey, he can fuck women as a power play too, but generally chooses not too, instead choosing a twink slave

he's the spiritual successor of Nero, Sulla, Hadrian and all the other chad Roman emperors and senators

What about Yang Gang?

more like Yang Gong (because he’s Chinese, in case you didn’t get it lol)

gay Patrick Bateman

fucking neck yourself smooth brain, patrick bateman was gay as fuck, learn to read a book

theyre all child molesters

It's because they cast out yang, we don't deserve his light.

Named Buttguy

gay Patrick Bateman


seems like more dnc fuckary, as usual dems are too retarded to go with their best horse. this "no foid pres" attempt is at least funnier than the bernie bro shit

I watched this happen live and knew it was coming somehow, they've pushed the narrative already and they cant back down now. Even funnier because Sanders and Warren's teams both put out statements saying they shouldn't attack each other and then Warren answered the question like he was lying lmao. Giulio-cesare had it right I think, Warren is only there to fuck Bernard out of the nom so she can be VP for Biden.

Also, what a shitty debate in general. My boy Yang missing, Steyer the only one that seemed to have real conviction on his stances, everybody else just wanted to slapfight, Klobochar severely over estimating herself lol what a fucking trainwreck

Everyone was just like “I’m gonna say the complete opposite of anything Trump has ever done, ever”

Its honestly astounding. Trump got in because he promised people things they actually wanted and these retards are saying "No, that's all wrong and nobodys ever wanted that!" Things they themselves have advocated before lol it boggles the fucking mind

Did you see when they were asking about troops overseas and Biden stumbling to give a coherent statement then warren saying she’s just gonna do the opposite of Trump.

Yeah, Warren the War Chief has a good ring to it lmao

After this shit show I don’t want to hear any Democrats bitch about how these people are more qualified than Trump.

For real tho dude 😂

I would vote for her if she promised to wear a headdress and do smoke signals every time there was a war.

Because Drumpf has been a total disaster for the world


Things they themselves have advocated before

Give me five(5) examples of this

Also known as the reasonable stance to take.

If you're a retard with zero moral convictions yes

In this case Trump is the retard with zero moral convictions so it is the logical stance to take.

Lmao seethe faggot, all of these "people" are spineless trash. Every single one of them is against things they pushed for strongly before in a pathetic attempt to appeal to twitterfags instead of real people with real problems.

real people with real problems

You make a good point, what they really need to be doing is browsing /r/drama for campaign advice.

Unironically better than anything their handlers are telling them

You make a good point actually. If nothing else I would actually start watching the debates again if they started discussing how they would punish masterlawlz for bad stickies or whether TERFs or troids are the bigger lolcows.

Hell, the average dramacel is probably feeble minded enough that doing so would earn their vote instantly.

Big true, whoever does it has my vote

against things they pushed for strongly before

Like how all the Republicans chimped out when Obama pushed Romneycare for the nation?

Yes, they are all hypocritical morons

Holy cope as if anyone on that debate stage is literally any different than trump.

Thats basically every debate though, people trying to explain why they are just like the current president or the exact opposite of them even though the people that get elected are always going to be within the same distance of the center.

Yang is one of the few with integrity.

Yang definitely doesn't have integrity. He's one of the more obvious demogues. But at least he's not a corporatist puppet.

I don't plan on voting for him because I don't want to give neetbux to reddit and 4Chan addicts, nor fentbux to rural Americans, but he has always been the smartest candidate on the stage.

That money has to go somewhere. That's why it would work in theory. Just become a furry porn artist/ethot/drug dealer and take in those NEETbux s from simps and fent Americans.

There is 0 chance Yang actually gets neetbux done, but at least he has vision so the rest of his cabinet and departments can get something done

I'll be cold and in the ground before we have a chink president.

Do you prefer woman president, faggot president or old socialist Jew president instead then? Wait, just noticed your name, don't answer

TRUMP 2020

woman president, faggot president If you could please refer to obama by name in the future.

I will only want those if it's a single person.

And factually sound policies. The rest of them are fucking mush, and would drop everything they believe in tomorrow if Trump said he was in favor for it.

If Trump came out as pro abortion tomorrow they’d then come back and say how immoral is lmao.

You know without a doubt they would lol

I can already see articles like "How legal abortion hurts black community"

"And that's a good thing".

Imagine wanting tiered restrictions on AR’s.

Literally the only thing I dont agree with him on is 2a stuff

The problem with Yang as president is that the president is not supposed to be some visionary who thinks up the best policies. He's supposed to be the guy who executes, the guy who gets stuff done, the guy who you can count on in an emergency. I'd vote for him for congress, but I can't take him seriously as president.

But hey, what do I know? I'm just some old fossil who remembers the concept of separation of powers.

I think it would be interesting having someone as forward thinking as him in power. Most everyone else is fine keeping the status quo but he see the problem with keeping it and what we have to do to survive if we are going to keep it. Ok boomer?

At the risk of seriousposting, I'm done with visionaries.

Bush's vision of invading Iraq to spread democracy to the Middle East was really dumb, but he kind of meant well and it might have worked eventually if he wasn't incompetent and surrounded by retards.

I liked what Obama was telling me on the campaign trail, but he ended up having basically no foreign policy for 8 years because all he knew was Chicago politics and he wouldn't trust advisors from outside that circle.

What we really need is Eisenhower's ghost to show up and be like "oh yeah, I commanded a whole goddamn war fought by a dozen countries with millions of people and got them to work together" but I know that's not going to happen.

We must work on our cloning technology to bring him back

who remembers the concept of separation of powers.

smells pretty fashy to me, fam.

Yang thinks automation will make truckers rise up and established armed barricades across the highway.

My step dad is a truck driver and that's really not far from the truth lmao

Truck unions regularly spikestripped roads into truck depots when on strike, and that's to other people.

You're pretty far off the mark if you think they won't fuck up some robot trucks wherever they can get their hands on them

Truckers are the gamers of the highway

why do you think euro truck simulator is in the steam best sellers list?

this man knows

I wouldn't be surprised if that happened.

What about our pineapple queen?

And factually sound policies

His UBI proposal has a budget deficit of 1.3 trillion dollars even on paper.

If you pay now to help get your people now get educated, medical care and housing it turns out that deficit decreases drastically

What omega-cope is this? UBI will cost 3 trillion (12k a year for each of 250 million adult citizens). Yang's own website details a plan to get 2.5 trillion dollars to fund UBI. That's a 500 billion deficit according to what's written on Yang's own website.

Yeah. In my opinion, Klobuchar had a bad night. She was just stumbling over her talking points, and went over the time limit frequently. Sanders didn’t have a great night either, and the moderators clearly set him up against Warren. Mayor Pete did well, but sounded boring. Warren probably was tonight’s winner.

In conclusion, Tom Steyer will be our next president. You heard it here first, folks.

Steyer seemed the most focused and determined, and that's fucking pathetic lmao. I wish Yang coulda been there to wipe the floor with these idiots.

I miss Surfer Mommy 😭 🏄‍♀️ 🌊

Yeah her too honestly. I dont even know why Steyer and Klobachar where fucking there lol

I find it more difficult to pay attention to the debate when half the blood in my body is in my dick though.

Only half?

Gotta leave some in the intestines to digest all the food I'm eating.

Yang and Bloomberg are polling higher than fucking Klobuchar and Steyer get these clowns off the stage and put in the more entertaining clowns

Tonight I actually met an unironic Bloomberg supporter. Was pretty fucking cool.

A real life unicorn lol

Did you make them bite the curb or did you fail to do what is right?

Giulio-cesare had it right I think, Warren is only there to fuck Bernard out of the nom so she can be VP for Biden.

ayy that's me

I think shes sacrificing herself for the VP spot honestly, taking down Bernie so Biden can waltz in. I'm sure it was all hashed out behind closed doors

That was what happened with Tim Kaine and Clinton. He was the DNC chair beforehand, but he stepped down and handed the position to DWS- a Clinton lackey.

At the time, people were wondering why he would do such a thing.

Then Clinton chose him as her VP.

Exactly, people need to stop pretending this isnt all planned in advance

It makes a lot of sense when you look at Warren's background. As soon as she got a following, the first thing she did was go to Obama and threaten to attack him and fuck up his plans for ending the recession unless he made her the head of the CFPB. She's been climbing the ladder by stabbing everyone else in the back ever since she got into politics.

It's funny to occasionally see what people who only read rt and Breitbart think happens

Steyer the only one that seemed to have real conviction on his stances

It's amazing that someone who is squandering his fortune buying his way into this shitshow sounds like the adult in the room. I loved it when he told them you can't start promising free healthcare for illegals when you're not giving it to actual citizens.

Did he say that? I didn't watch, but that's based tbh. I'm always amazed when progressives promise things for illegal immigrants that they haven't even succeeded in providing for their own citizens. And then they act like anyone who doesn't immediately go YAAAAAAAAS to their idea is some sort of heartless bigot. I'm not conservative, but this sort of stuff makes me so fed up with the left. And yet, the democrats have seemingly been unable to self-reflect on their flaws since 2016 and still think Trump only won the election because no one stopped Russians from posting fake news on Facebook, or something

0:15 Senator Sanjew

Yeah, that was such a bullshit question. Screw those guys.

Actually Pol Pot was right and every effete, psuedointellectual lanyard-wearing “journalist” should be shot in the street like the worthless dogs that they are.


the polpotpill

wasn't Pol Pot a nazbol that tried to kill undesirables (the entire vietnamese race, rich people, disabled people, nerds with glasses) and enslave the rest to live the ideal of a primitivist autarkic society with zero modern tools and mandatory 12-hour a day hard labour?

talk about a fucked up ideology lol

Yeah I was just talking about the nerds with glasses part

nah I am just appreciating that unlike virtually all other ideologues, he didn't imagine some wannabe noble sunshine and roses endgame, his endgame was like from a movie villain

Pol pot was incredibly based, yes.

He managed to kill like 1/3 of his country's population. dude didn't fuck around.

if everyone who wears eyeglasses was summarily executed tomorrow, are you honestly telling me america wouldn't be a better place?

there are always sneaky motherfuckers with contact lanses

My coworker has good vision but started wearing glasses for aesthetic reasons and I totally agree with you.

Isn't that what all leftists want? Come to think of it, that's what all rightists want too. I wonder if there's a name for this phenomenon...🤔



Democrats really seem to love false accusations.

Well he got her back when the bitch couldn't even do basic math.

The r/sandersforpresident megathread is a salty place right now: Bernie Sanders Wins 7th Democratic Debate! [MEGATHREAD]

Gulags aren’t that bad

Yeah, I realized why they were made now.


Based tbh

Are you implying that you wouldn’t want this to happen to American journalists

You bring a fair point.

Learn to break rocks

It's for the Berniecels.

"Senator Warren, what did you think when senator sanJEW"

Is CNN redpilled on the JQ?

What did they mean by that?

So they promised her vp or what?


It honestly impresses me how journos continue to set new lows for themselves; every time I think we've reached the bottom, they pull shit like this, bravo.

Lol but it was cool when CNN was only trying to target Daddy with the hatchet jobs, huh Breadline?

the lefties that have been constantly defending and championing the media establishment to spite trump finally figured out its not on their side huh

whoops oh well guess we repeat 2016

If everyone just donates a couple thousand dollars, it’ll surely solve everything. Match me, bros!

The people who actually believe lefty things instead of thinking that taxation is socialism have been mad at corporate media for decades now.

is that why they team up with massive corporations to deplatform people they dont like and then act all smug about it

dont try to tell me its liberals that want everyone deplatformed

Manufacturing Consent was written in the 80’s. From the leftoid ideological perspective, the press is a bunch of bloodthirsty neocon shills.

And cancel culture is liberal, yes. The likes of antifa LARPers take matters into their own hands without regard for optics.

The likes of antifa LARPers take matters into their own hands without regard for optics.

on twitter, doing cancel culture because theyre pussies irl

No actually there's quite a few of us lefties who fuckin hate everything to do with the DNC and their corporately sponsored machine (join us in /r/stupidpol) and have watched Bernie Yang and Tulsi constantly getting ratfucked by the lizard people. Only people licking CNNs shaft are Warren, Kamala, Buttigieg and Clinton stans

LOL, the only one of those 3 that's actually being ratfucked is Yang. Tulsi's basically a Russian plant, and Bernie's a moron who doesn't understand anything about economics.


Also lol r/stupidpol aka nazbolland

Hillary ain't gonna fuck you bro

Bill on the other hand...

It didn't really matter which Clinton it was, but I did always want a Clinton to fuck me in the ass.

i got banned from stupidpol for asking why they like idpol so much when the sub professes to hate it

We have 80 no-life jannies. Does this behaviour really surprise you

ok that kinda makes sense

I'm just irritated because I got into one arguement where I got like -2 on a couple comments and now I have an 8 minute wait between comments. I like the sub but fuck that gay shit.

People are reading Manufacturing Consent

Imagine needing debates to decide which of the party of gun grabbers and steppers to not vote for

The fuck is it with all the rightoids in this sub lately. Go back to shooting children in high schools and leave normal people alone.

Fuck off grabber. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

I respect your right to own guns, as well as my own right to own guns you mook.

Pretending the constitution can’t be amended however is retarded as fuck.





Redefining things has been a staple of government since the creation of limited power.

Again, I’m not disagreeing with you exactly, I just want you to know you’re a mongoloid.

Bruh do you even constitution???? Do you even know the 2A?

The government can literally remove a constitutional amendment if they have the proper support.


If tyrants try to step, they will be removed

Really? By who? Because the support required to repeal an amendment is quite substantial, and if the United States government agrees on something, Bubba’s rifle isn’t going to be doing all that much work.

COPE you authoritarian :)))

Homer badman is still the 2nd best episode of the Simpsons.

I like the one with Frank Grimes

A classic

The veil is lifted on 2020 and it’s just as batshit as it seemed it would be.

I mean this is logically consistent with what they believe. Women don't lie, so to say "when Bernie allegedly said to you" casts doubt on Warren's claim and thus tacitly calls her a liar. Which is impossible, because women are perfect virtuous creatures as long as they are Democrats

Biden is a drama candidate. His mere existence has caused both the Sanders and Warren campaigns into spastic fits of rage.

What am I going to do grind my feet on Eddie Murphy's couch like it's something to do? Come on now, I got more sense than that.

Yeah I remember grinding my feet on Eddie Murphy's couch.

