Elizabeth Warren Snubs Bernie Sanders Handshake At Debate

1  2020-01-15 by Paypig4tranny


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. Elizabeth Warren Snubs Bernie Sande... - archive.org, archive.today

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Hot tbh

“I think the best way to talk about who can win is by looking at people’s winning record,” she said. “So, can a woman beat Donald Trump?

Um isn't this an argument against your position

Also the whole thing about her being the only one to beat a Republican incumbent in 30 years or some shit and Sanders saying he did it in 90' and her responding "yeah 30 years ago". I thought he was gonna have another heart attack lmao

i mean, she's not wrong.

30 years ago being a republican meant loudly and proudly saying you have sex with your wife even if she screams no.

nowadays republicans have to pretend to like women and blacks and shit

nowadays republicans have to pretend to like women and blacks and shit

And they do a shit job at it.

i’m sorry you see it that way 😞😞

nowadays republicans have to pretend to like women and blacks and shit

What the fuck, no we don't.

yeah but in fucking Massachusetts lmao

Still, she beat a Republican and won Ted Kennedy’s seat back to the Democrats. Texas is next.

It is when you realize Hillary actually won

I mean. She didnt. She isnt president. Retard.

That’s due to a technicality.

The technicality known as the US election system.

TIL the person with less votes wins in the electoral system. That’s why the Democrats have the Senate and the Republicans the House.

The democrats and the republicans trade house and senate majorities like clockwork.

But is it the party with less votes in control?

That dosent make any sense.


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Trolls get downvotes, lolcows get upvotes

I'm sorry, I thought I was in Stupidpol

He's our resident retard now that pizzashill left.

The resident retard gets downvotes.

Damn, if only there was some way we could have let Hillary know that winning by a billion votes in California wasn't actually going to help her!

I mean. She didnt. She isnt president. Retard.

Trump isn't my president either, so I'd call it a draw.

wew it's getting heated in here

Are you the legit SkrubRekker? le obiwan haven't heard that name in a long time.jpg

responding to Mr recall.

Are you this dumb?

Remember, don't downvote the lolcow!

i don't think it's a lolcow, it's just some retard doing a gimmick that hasn't been funny in years.

either that or he's a seriousposter so autistic that it doesn't matter if you downvote him, because he isn't going anywhere

I'm not sure which is sadder tbh

Recall isn't a lolcow

He's pretending to be only pretending to be retarded. Which, by the rule of squares, means he's legit retarded.

Hillary won a game that nobody else was playing

Really? I assume all politicians were trying to get the most votes

Everyone else knew that the president needs to win the majority of the 538 votes in the Electoral College. The most popular polling site in 2016 was even named after this fact.

But Hillary didn't know, so she campaigned in California which was going to go blue anyway.

Meanwhile Trump campaigned in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin,..

Who could have predicted that twerking with Beyonce and Gaga in major blue cities wouldn't sway the rust belt to her side.

Fucking Russians

Apparently her campaign was worried about winning the EC but losing the popular vote to Trump, which they believed would hamstring her agenda and administration due to Trump and the Republicans screeching about it going against the will of the people for the next 4 years and blocking everything.

Which is why she campaigned heavily in large blue states.

Kind of ironic, really.

the kind of irony you usually only find in works of fiction.

If you ever want a laugh read Shattered. Basically every call the Clinton campaign made in terms of strategy was 100% backwards from what they needed to do, shit was hilarious.

She assumed they were going to vote for her anyway, which she was very wrong about.

Nigga if cali is always blue why the fuck would Republicans get up to vote? Measuring anything by popular vote makes no sense. The smaller states are weighted for more value because in absolute democracies the majority is always tyrannical to the minority.

Yeah if we went by popular vote think of the millions of Republicans in places like CA that would vote who normally don't.

People can screech about her winning the popular vote all they want, but if the popular vote actually determined the president then the results would've been far different due to blue state Republicans getting off their asses.

There is a meme among the rightoids about how if it was done that way trump would just cater to New York City and California. Hillary Clinton played a game that no one else was playing. Trump intentionally secured all red States physically possible and focused on swing States and Florida a lot.

Just like football is about which team gets the most yards per game right?

Imagine being this retarded.

tfw you're playing chess and the other guy gets you in checkmate but you point out that you took more of his pieces which means you win

That is not a bad analogy actually.


and trump just said he doesn’t think Bernie would say that a woman couldn’t win the election. 2016 all over again

It's great. Trump will compliment Bernie and the left will do the rest of the work for him resurrecting the bernie bro shit. Bernie will lose and his asshole supporters will scream at blacks and other minorities for being "too stupid to know what's best for them." And Biden will sniff his way around the country some more ranting about corn pop. r/drama wins all around!

Bernie has higher support among minorities than among white people

Until a black Israelite finds a cozy grassy knoll to take a shot from

Holy fuck

Das rite

Bang ding ow

yo lmao

Good lord, imagine the absolute fucking shit show if Sanders were killed by a black man.

Alt right / alt left alliance against the 1350's that would put Stalin and Hitler's NAP to shame.


Too bad there’s no polling data that could help you make up your mind. Cunt.

You forgot that this will be 2016 all over again. Cling to those polls and cope, cope, cope. 😂


Then why Berniecels call them "low info voters"?

Because that's the Bernie bro slur for wh*te women

The issue is that he has a lot less total support than captain sniff.

Just because there's more white women than any other group doesn't mean they're not a minority.

Biden has the most minority support.

Trump will be seen as the greatest politician in the world in the 2040s. his ability to just manipulate everything plus his extreme luck make him the MJ of politics.

not a single person on the left even feels they will win. he's going up against a group that knows they will lose.

and he's adding fuel to the fire.

the MJ of politics

Jordan or Jackson?

haha le ebic yes response where i do not give straight answer


Just suck his dick already.

I wish I could invest in r/drama but the best I can do is wait for Biden to make a comment about Mexicans.

Is this ess? Asshole supporters who bash black people? What a Joke

Oh I wish Uncle Bernie would actually win the presidency...just so his supporters can learn immediately that 99.9999% of the shit he is promising is never going to happen.

A president Bernie would be the most insanely unpopular president in history. Both parties would end up not showing up to his state of the union addresses, and most likely he would die in office his very first year from a second massive heart attack.

Implying president Sanders wouldn't gulag the majority of the US government day one 😂😂😂

How exactly would that be accomplished? Trump can't even get the wall built...

Obviously you just accuse every person with even a small amount of power of being a pedo. Then when everything falls apart Bernie leaves the Democratic party to form a national Bolshevik party that finally puts white women in their place.

How exactly would that be accomplished?

By building gulags and putting people in them.

Considering the average weight of Americans, that's already a massive challenge.

Imagining thats a bad thing

I could really go for some cereal right now. It's been ages since I had a nice bowl. Not corn pops though. Probably golden grahams.

his asshole supporters will scream at blacks and other minorities for being "too stupid to know what's best for them."

Be fair, most of us have realized white women are the true enemy.

A lot of his votes came from disgruntled Bernie supporters. If Biden becomes nominee it might happen again.

Its honestly amazing what that man can do with only a Twitter account.

Like starting WWIII

Inshallah, brother.

in Ender's Game. Ender's siblings become the leaders of the world through shitposting online. Most people believed that was a bizarre idea that would never work in reality others have never seen a skinny person drink diet coke

Great book tbh, but could never get into the rest of the series. Is Ender's shadow worth reading?

Many people enjoyed it, but as a continuation of their enjoyment of the latter books. I would think if Xenocide and Speaker for the Dead were not your cup of tea that you might not care for Bean doing more things like in those novels.

To be frank Ender's Game is not much like the other books at all.

I haven't tried reading them since 2014 or so, worth another shot I suppose

I think they are good books, just not at all like Ender's Game which is a roman a clef for a young Alexander or Caesar.

Depends on what you're into. If you like the weird alien metaphysics stick with the direct sequels. If you like global geopolitics Ender's Shadow and its sequels are 1000x better.

Read another book

Did he? I searched his twitter and I can't find it.

this "no foid pres" attempt is at least funnier than that bernie bro stuff, I just don't understand why is the dnc is too retarded to go with their best horse

Because like with Hillary, Bidens already the chosen one and this is all a charade, one that Sanders is kicking to pieces. Again.

I don't know much about politics but now this makes sense. for a sec I forgot about the dnc rigging and how it's more important to get their corrupt candidate than their side win anyway

Bernard's only real option is to give them the finger and run independent but hes too much of a pussy, worried about breaking up the voters. Just take the fucking leap old man and maybe people will open their eyes to how corrupt the DNC is

but hes too much of a pussy,

if he wasn't a pussy he would be a republican.

in all seriousness though i watched this debate with a berniebro, he was sickened by how much of a bitch Bernie was. I asked him what Trump would do if he was attacked by the moderators and candidates the way Bernie was. now trump has another person voting for him in november.

Trump fought like a motherfucker aganist everyone to get his nomination, he was attacking fox news, the bushes, the jews. he didn't stop attacking until november 11th. and that was 3 days after the polls closed

I still remember Bernie giving up his stage at his own rally to two screeching BLM chicks last election cycle. I lost so much respect for him when that happened. It doesn’t matter what your stances are if you lack the willpower/backbone to be able to implement them.

The moment he got cucked onstage by BLM was the moment he started injecting identity politics into his campaign instead of the usual far-left refusal to balkanize workers. I lost a ton of respect for him after that and I'm not even a commie.

in all seriousness though

stop this

Handing the election to Trump isn't a very liberal thing to do, friend.

Pelosi straight up said Trump is the greatest thing to ever happen to DNC fundraising efforts.

Anyone who legitimately believes the DNC would prefer Sanders over Trump is room temp IQ.

Think about it. If Trump wins they can just keep up the "resist" bullshit without actually ever having to do anything whatsoever. They don't even need to pass legislation and shit; all they have to do is post snarky one-liners on twitter and their base will celebrate.

Meanwhile if they were to win then they'd be held accountable for shit and their base would get pissed when they didn't pass the shit they promised to.

It was the same thing with the Republicans and Obama.

The only winning move is not to play, brilliant

its called accelerationism, you win by losing and you lose by winning

I don't want to live in a world where Justin Trudeau is right

Trudeau's statement is almost never wrong in the 21st century. Whether it's politics or insurgencies, killing your enemies just gives them the moral high ground.

China, Russia and Assad tho

Warren is the chosen one now

Best horses don't have heart failures midstream.

That's what VPs are for. You get two presidents for the cost of one!

And you just know he's going to choose some rinky-dink sycophant like Nina Turner for that spot.

Heard he might pick Stacey Abrams lmao.


Like I don't get it. If you really need to pick a black foid for diversity points there are plenty out there that aren't retarded / pretty smart.

Not sure why they're choosing to go with the dumbest one they could dig up.

I think it's a troll. They figure that they'll find the stupidest, ugliest, fattest black chick to put up there, and fucking dare the Republicans to say anything negative about her, so that their allies in the media can scream racist/sexist nonstop for the rest of the campaign.

I'm not kidding, btw. I sincerely believe that's their thinking. Sort of like the seemingly inexplicable Greta phenomenon. Why pick a weird-looking half-potato child to be the face of the Climate Change movement? Well, because you can't criticize a retarded little girl, that's why!

Or maybe I'm just too cynical.

I would have loved to live in an alternate reality where the "cash me outside" girl was the face of climate change. It's hard to criticize jailbait.


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It's the only way to prevent the CIA from making sure the next heart attack finishes the job.

agreed, they didn't promote crystal mommy nearly enough

Bernie isn't electable outside of a core group of middle class millennial. He's the American Jeremy Corbyn, his vocal social media fanbase won't translate into real world votes.

Biden is their best horse. I mean, still a pretty fucking lame horse but their best one nonetheless.

But Corbyn came out with all the best lines- remember the TV interview the day after he lost to May? 'I think we all know who won yesterday' he said smugly.

It was retarded enough to be hilarious.

didn't he basically say the same thing after getting utterly flounced by British Trump or am I thinking of another momentum Labour politician?

"we won the argument but lost the election"

corbyn is an insufferably smug retard, even more than most lefties

I think Sanders would have a pretty good shot, actually.

Memeing as a retard troll or just trolling?

No I think he actually has a shot.

yikes sweetie

People thought Trump had no shot, and now they look like retards.

britbong giving his opinion on American politics.


What do they call the short bus across the pond?

If she is gonna do this to him why doesn't he just get in the mud and list all the times she has been caught lying?

Implying bernie has ever been anything else but a massive fucking pussy.


As soon as those dumb black foids muscled him away 4 years ago, he was already done. Replace those worthless cunts with something like iran and you see how well bernie would fare on the national stage.

The fact that he can rock the boat this much while lacking any semblance of a spine is hilarious. And yeah, his foreign policy would be even more of a disaster than his economic one.

oh yeah, imagine if Bernie was as ballsy as his supporters

I think a lot of it has to do with age. Guy just doesn't have the energy to start being a pushover.

It's called principles.

Either Trump wins or Sanders wins. Either way humankind gets the US president they deserve.

"Millionaires and billionaires are the reason North Korea has turned Guam into a green, glowing cavern of radioactive glass."

He could end it all by tweeting “Pocahontas” @ewarren

BB it he won’t because he is bitch made



I prefer Lie-awatha

Oh god I hope Warren goes up against trump so I can hear him say Chief Running Joke

Imagine Sanders becoming Trump's VP.

NazBol fusion ticket ftw

It's perfect. Trump the Nationalist picks Bernie the Socialist to be his VP.

The National Socialist ticket is truly the unity ticket America needs in these polarized times.

Get out of my dreams

poor bernie, but i gotta say i'm hyped for the minor lefty civil war that will occur because of this.

2016 2: we didnt learn our fucking lesson

2020: our hindsight isn't it

You'll love this then

According to some people in politics, this is Warren vying for Biden's VP position.

Oh man. How the fuck would I vote with a Biden/Warren ticket in play?

Why, for the Andrew Yang/Tulsi Gabbard Green Party ticket, of course.

this but probably unironically tbh

Dude dont fucking tease me like that

I can't wait to punch some reporter during the DNC; it will be 1968 all over again. Rich Evans is going down

I wonder how many men she has #metoo’d after they romantically rejected her.

The man who woudl be a President

lmao - I dont think so

2016 was pretty fucking awesome

The Democrats reliance on the black vote really is a double-edged sword.

On one hand, they vote like 90% Democrat which helps the Dems immensely. On the other hand, the Democrats need them to do this and have to play along with their shit.

What a garbage website. Was that really the best link you could find?

I hate both of these people but the only end Bernie deserves is absolute humiliation - again. If the wretched old librarian stepper can do it before she loses then so be it.

Shouldn't Bernie just call Warren an anti-Semite? That is the way it"s done nowadays.

She was going to make the traditional "How" signal with her hand, the mainstream media speaks with forked tongue!

Pochahauntus begging for votes

So, can a woman beat Donald Trump?

Yes, but not a Native American woman. Sorry, Lizzy!