‐------------------------------------------------------------------‐----------------------------------------‐----------------------A brave man stands up to the civil engineers of r/Drama‐-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1  2020-01-15 by ArlenBilldozer


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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300cels out

What’s the deal with it? Plz explain 🤗

If you use Reddit in a certain way, r/drama forces your titles to be 300 characters

Strange, thanks

New Reddit users and phonecels that use the official Reddit app have a title character minimum

Are you fucking serious I thought it was just a meme


drawing gaymbos to keep people out of voting booths

Hmmm could this be a way for the left to meme?

This is a patriot on par with George Washington. Godspeed you hero.

A legend would walk on that crosswalk with muddy boots and make lgbtards mad.

"Take that faggots, I just stepped in some dogshit before I walked on your cross walk. Whose the loser now liberal?"

> Jesus freak says retarded shit

Could it be?

...Also his profile pic is pretty funny. He obviously thinks he looks like some oldschool cowboy but he just looks like a meth addict in a gay porn shoot

Ram raaaaanch

He looks like Beck

Yeah, exactly

these tweets are protected


The dude's a pussy, but you're another retard who doesn't understand what snowflake means. Snowflakes are people who insist that they're special and unique for ridiculous personality traits and identities.