the south won the culture war

1  2020-01-15 by viscous_continuity

all these faggot yuppies and city slickers are saying y’all like it’s gonna run outta fashion. y’all is official a word in the dictionary. check mate unionists


Bless your heart 😇

I’ve been saying this ever since the war of northern aggression!

out of curiosity where do you live

because I live in the southest part of the south and I think the only thing we won was the race to normalizing clinical obesity

My highschool in Florida had several special desks for kids so big they would break normal ones.

While 100% correct about obesity, the south east is the only place in the US with a distinct culture, love it or hate it.

the culture of fast food and walmart? yeah, try again buddy

Being morbidly obese is culture 😡😡😡

the south east is the only place in the US with a distinct culture

you're talking about a geographical region that's 1000 east-to-west wide and 500 miles north-to-south my man

also there is more distinct culture in the shittiest part of philly than in the entire state of mississippi

visit a city like miami, savanah, augusta, tallahasee, etc. they're all very unique communities

And we all hate eachother until it's time to compare to 3rd coast or northeast or Midwest or west coast.


I've been to augusta it's an absolute shithole. so is Tallahassee, my god what an awful city. white trash everywhere. there's NOTHING of value in the FL panhandle

can't argue with you on the other cities, especially miami. also charleston is a very very underrated southern city

can't argue

That is a massive insult to Birmingham, IMO. Augusta is Monroe with the greatest sporting event to attend in the world

nah keep going

augusta is just yazoo city but tiger woods shows up once a year

the 'ham has been in decline ever since their steel industry died off. huntsville is rapidly becoming a major aerospace industrial metropolis though, alabama has some very modern cities tbqh

Ham is Atl without the airport. Huntsville is weirdly blowing up.

Augusta blows

lots of federal money funding big contracts, much of it military contracts

lots of federal money funding big contracts

gotdamn hippy loser liberal faggot ni-

much of it military contracts

oh nvm this is considered cool and good

I've been to augusta it's an absolute shithole. outside of one week a year where they host the golf tournament, it's basically birmingham.

i agree 100%

so is Tallahassee, my god what an awful city. white trash everywhere. there's NOTHING of value in the FL panhandle

only part of tallahassee i been to was in and around FSU campus, but north florida is peak white trash especially the panhandle

😍 Aiken, Hilton Head

All I see is old white people and old Cubans, so old white people.

The low country (like coastal Carolinas) is very, very distinct. I don’t really like the food but I love the people. (Carolina-cel here)

she-crab soup is the shit dude

I just don’t like all the fried stuff 🤢

Trans crab soup

you're talking about a geographical region that's 1000 miles wide. that alone kind of deflates the, "distinct" part of your statement

You could argue that’s what’s unique to the south. You can pretty go anywhere from Tyler Texas to the east coast on I-20 and know you are in the south.

Most those places blow so not sure why that’s good thi big

You only took the bait bc I’m right, and you are likely a bugman that sees having a ton of different commodities in an area, as ‘culture’. I’m not defending southern culture, as there are tons of shitty parts, but from Texas to northern Florida to North Carolina there is a pretty distinct culture, dialect, and way of living. Culture isn’t a good or bad thing, being absent of culture like philly, could very well be considered it own culture.

you are likely a bugman that sees having a ton of different commodities in an area, as ‘culture’.


/ˈkəlCHər/ the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.

sorry whitey, looks like applebees and percocets doesn't really measure up to cities with operahouses,30,000 square foot modern art museums, and more than 4 different varieties of fast food.

mayonnais opinions, as always, are discarded.

That’s a major cope, the only reason the south has even held onto its culture is bc of the lack of development, this allows people to hold onto family tradition etc.. longer. Having a ton of immigrants in your city hosting other cultures, isn’t the majorities of the inhabiting mayos culture, sadly. You must have been born in New Orleans, moved to somewhere cucked, then tried to reconnect to your roots via SEC sports 🤔

You must have been born in New Orleans

look at my /u/

the city with more immigrants than anywhere else in the south

oh and the best economy, with more jobs than anywhere else, and pretty much the consensus best overall food scene as well (mostly due to all the immigrants)

this is getting sad, sweaty

That’s southern culture you fucking retard. Southern culture is not just mayo, creole and African cultures are all intertwined. That said, Houston is a fucking shit pile

you 10 minutes ago

you are likely a bugman that sees having a ton of different commodities in an area, as ‘culture’.

you just now

Southern culture is not just mayo, creole and African cultures are all intertwined

stop arguing with yourself Kyle

It’s likely a combo of the two. Imagine how gentrifiEd parts of Houston are. I can see the mayos living among Mexicans and blacks thinking that them adopting their eating habits and novelty cultural events as peak enlightenment. 🤢


Fucking what lol. Don't compare me to Californians ever again bucko.

That's like no Kabob though.

Also FYI that culture is drying up fast. Like half the south is a bunch of strip malls, wal mart, and fast food next to a highway. I'm like 30 years old and I somehow got to experience my home town devolve from a distinct local community with a bunch of local businesses and institutions, to a bunch of strip malls, fast food, and a wal mart next to a highway. Like driving through the old part of town is just depressing, it's seriously just empty boarded up buildings where there used to be local businesses I remember from my childhood. The only local businesses that didn't die were the ones that moved into the strip mall near the wal mart.

Leaving Breton-Woods was a mistake. It naturally meant the entire world economy would be dominated by a few powerful countries currencies. The third world had to maintain massive reserves of dollars to back up the value of they're currency. Like a gold standard but with dollars. The countries who don't do this turn into basket cases that constantly have to be bailed out by the IMF because they're running out of reserves and nobody wants their own money. The only way to do this of course, is to pull import-export shenanigans, send goods to the United States in exchange for green pieces of paper, and then just lock those green pieces of paper in a vault to back up the value of their own currency so they don't turn into a basket case. This leads to the strange phenomena of large trade deficits in the US. Now, if you're not the US and start running massive trade deficits, usually you eventually run out of money and become an IMF basket case. This doesn't happen with the US, most of our trade deficit is not going to ever be redeemed for American goods, it's locked up in a vault in other countries. So we produce green pieces of paper, and countries trip over themselves trying to figure out how to send us goods and scoop up the dollars. Which is all well and good until everyone in your country is actually out of work because of an these nice countries flooding the economy with cheap goods looking for dollars which they never intend to redeem for American goods in the future. Like clearly this can't continue forever, the success of our economy produces a strong currency which then self cannibalizes our own economy due to the nature international trade.

Our trade deficits for this reason are actually almost entirely unique in the world. Usually, again, when you run a trade deficit, you wind up having to implement harsh capital controls, devalue your currency, or ask the IMF for emergency funds to avoid a currency crisis. Because if reserves get entirely exhausted they'd literally find themselves unable to conduct international trade. People would ask to convert their local currency to dollars to perform an external transaction, and the central bank would have nothing to give them because it has no dollars. Countries have to flood America with goods to avoid winding up in such a mess. But Americas own economy will collapse if we keep getting flooded with cheap goods.

If we try imposing controls to stem the outflow, moreover, it would inevitably cause the global economy to collapse as other countries had no reserves to back up their local economy and start experiencing currency crises, global strangulation of trade. It might not even work, like the instinct would be for countries just to hold on and horde dollars more tightly in that case, which means their citizens would have even less dollars to buy American goods with, which would inevitably contribute to the trade deficit just as well. The problem in the end is that people need to horde our currency at all, no matter how much we close the outflow, they will still be hoarding it. And it's mathematically impossible for that to occur without resulting in a trade deficit.

Someone has to find a solution to this, the international monetary system is a fucking mess. Developed countries get cannibalized and stagnate while developing countries have to turn their country into a huge sweatshop or become Zimbabwe. There needs to be a reciprocal relationship, they send stuff to us and we send stuff to them. Instead they send stuff to us, they don't want anything back because they'd have to pay us in dollars and they'd collapse if they did that, so our businesses go bankrupt because they have competitors without customers.


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Is New Orleans even the south? In the civil The city folded so fast their French forefathers would be disgusted

Is New Orleans even the south?

crumbling infrastructure, corrupt dixiecrat politicians, hot as fuck 10 months out of the year, fat people everywhere, awful education system, etc. sounds like da souf to me

In the civil The city folded so fast their French forefathers would be disgusted

that's because NOLA is like an entire generation older than the united states, a ton of the people here really didn't even care about the war. half them dudes was from the caribbean or spain/france

they just wanted to get fucked up, fuck whores, and avoid yellow fever

New Orleans is the northern most Caribbean city but i was just trying to bait you like people do by saying Texas isn’t in the south (which only East Texas is)

To be fair, most of south Louisiana is different than the rest of the south.

Lake charles is basically Texas at this point with all plants there.

yeah I don't disagree with any of that

beaumont and lake chuck got a little incest thing going on there, they both seem like they want to swap spots

Port Arthur would make a welcome addition to Louisiana shit holes

home of janis joplin who has always felt like a cajun to me

thinking you invented yall

mississippi education system lmao

Except they didn't get it from southerners, they got it from rappers and basketballs

dude niggers lmao

In tbe beginnings of wokie y'all usage, they always prefaced it by saying "I know I'm using this word created by dirty, evil, racist people, but they actually came up with this really inclusive word!".


Good joke fam, you should do stand up.

roll tide 😎😎😎

reminder the south will rise again

What? Fuck you

Ok cowboy

I’m waiting for wokecels to start saying “fixin” and “finna”

I reckon it’ll any day now

We will know the south has won when they use “water closet”.

Ya'll provides further clarification and makes the language more elegant and concise. It is awkward trying to speak without use of a dedicated second person plural, there are a lot of contexts where sentences are ambiguous of there's no differentiation between plural and singular. And wordy "correct" alternatives like "all of you" are awkward. There are certain regional alternatives but all are a thousand times more hillbilly than "Ya'll".

Also because we owned slaves and taught them to speak English in our accent, and those slaves went in to invent like every music genre, like 99% of pop music is done in a divergent form of the old southern accent. Like the black accent and the southern accent started diverging around the 50s, the southern accent started converging with other American accents, while the black accent actually started diverging and picking up more differences. Although most black people code switch, they use the black accent when talking to black people, and when talking to white people their speech noticeably changes and they start using southern or general American.

My own accent is a strange combination of the California and Southern accent, like I realized I both have the cot-caught merger and the pin-pen merger. I don't know how it got this way but a lot of southern young people speak the same way. It makes my accent difficult to place, like it's not General American, because pen-pin and cot-caught are differentiated in General American. But it doesn't come off as southern either because of the California features.

Also FYI the other 1% of music is country, so it's done in regular authentic accent, so collectively we southern whites and our black friends (we go way back) make up 100% of the music I think. In the 90s a lot of rock was produced with California and even fake British accents, but most it was bad besides nirvana, and now it's death. And black people invented rock too, shitty Californians just had to make it as white as humanly possible until they started making indie, when finally it was too much, the mayo collapsed in on itself and there was a white singularity.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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