[Developing] Gamers throw their tendies when another shill character is added to Smash Bros

1  2020-01-16 by KaaraRaven


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Can a gaymer explain this controversy to me?

From what I can gather (not a nintencuck) it seems gamers mad that Nintendo is showing favoritism towards a game by continually adding characters from that game to their super serious cartoon fighting game.

This is the eighth(?) Fire Emblem character in Smash. Fire Emblem is considered a minor series so people are annoyed by how many characters it has. Most of them also play very similarly to each other.

What is fire emblem

A dating sim


I think they are correct. It’s a dating sim disguised as a strategy game.

Harry Potter for weebs



A game series so nerdy that the fans get beaten up by other nerds.

Pseudo-dating sim with European knights in fantasy land. Made by Nintendo, popular in Japan, unknown in the west.

Why we dont have Advance Wars anymore.

What is advance wars

Like fire emblem but instead of heroes you had like tanks and shit and could build more units during the game from income you got for holding cities.

That sounds pretty stupid, why do they add characters people don't like?


Americans have the biggest wallets for gameshit but the asians spend the most. Japs especially are easy targets for waifu-baiting and husbando-baiting.

waifu-baiting and husbando-baiting

We lost WWII to japan, there is no denying that.

In fairness, our military bases are responsible for like 95% of their rape statistics, so we still get ours in on them.

Nintendo only really cares about the Japanese market.

I want to see a video of Mike Myers and Kanye where Kanye says this.

Based japan.


Fire Emblem is considered a minor series

There are SIXTEEN games in this fucking series. That's more than """""Final""""" Fantasy.

No waluigi

Nintendo make dlc pack of characters. Say they're all from new series (apparently, though the other characters were so idk) which makes everyone exited.

Then they reveal this dude. Who isn't from a new series, but from one that has about ten or so characters in already (which is a lot). He also has a sword, which is apparently annoying as well.

Oh, and if for any reason you can't sympathise with this injustice. The new character also looks like an anime character.

All fire emblem characters are anime character its weebbait the game

Not in my day it wasn't. Bloody Kids.

Only thing worse than weeb fans of new jackoff material FE is boomer fans of sooper hard strategic old FE

erk and pent are the best FE couple

Damn weebs. Get outta my FE and take your cartoon women with you.

Just confirms that fire emblem is uber trash

lmao they weren't that hard. suck less

That's my point. The fanboys of the old ones act like only they with their galaxy brains were able to handle them.

Yeah, that's the point. The running joke is that has existed for a while is that there is already way too many anime swordies in smash and this is just another one on the list.

Fire emblem characters are basically all swordsmen and very similar. They added the newest character from the switch game. Four of them are like 70-90% clones while the others are about 1/3rd clones. This new character is another 1/3 clone cuz he still has sword swipes. It's from the dlc pack so people feel ripped off and no one asked for him/her. He also talks for 15m about the game they're from making it essentially one gigantic ad. This is especially egregious as all 4 dlc before this were third party characters from non-nintendo series. People expected a big bang but they gave them limp dick. They then announced another fighter pack with 6 characters instead of 5. Of course yet again they have no idea who is in it AND it's up for sale right now.


nintencucks got some new threads to hate-rub their dicks out lmao 😝

Nintendofags are so domesticated. I've never seen people activity shill for Xbox or Playstation but Nintendofags exist on another level I guess.

I mean it does take another level of uwu-feed to fit the soul of a 12 year old into your 20yo Nintendocunts.

Playstation is played by black dudes that are too pussy to sell drugs and the Xbox monopoly is taken over by your average 9-5 job then smoke and Xbox mayo crownd.

Nintendofags ain’t got no job.

I disagree, Nintendofags definitely have jobs. It ain't cheap to be a consoomer.

That’s probably a 13 yr old

blizzard and bethesda are worse, because aT LEAST NINTENDO MAKES ACTUAL GAMES

I'll keep the caps lock

both blizzard and bethesda makes games. Just because you dont like them doesnt mean you can be a faggot about it and lie

Nah fam. Blizzard makes addiction based multiplayer grinders since 2005, with an ounce of quality stretched for thousands of hours, Bethesda has dropped all the balls since 2011.

Nintendo still tries at least. All fandoms sucks of course, but Blizzcels are the worst by far.

ddiction based multiplayer grinders since 2005, with an ounce of quality stretched for thousands of hours

Sure m8. Because Lol/fortnite/every other popular game its not totally like that. Or the Lol faggots foaming at the mouth with hate for the chinese thing with blizzard while riot is 100% owned by tencent. Lets just forget blizzard is the only company still doing expansions and not floods the market with dlc and actually updates its games because muh hate. You are as lame as the fortnite kids you hate. Keep shoveling your money to riot or epic im sure its way better.

Look blizzcel, I’m talking about Nintendo here. The company, not the fandom. Nintendo has just started with pay DLC just on smash. Blizzard is way worse than nintendo

This nonsensical rant of yours is just proof that Blizzard fans are delusional abused people that cannot stand someone talking bad about their daddy, because noticing how shit their games are would make them realize their entire life are useless.

News flash, it’s too late.

Please tell me 4 "bad" things that Blizzard does with "China bad". This nonsensical idiocracy that you and other elitist faggots spread are no better than the idiots who hate on epic. Blizzard is one of the best "big" company that supports games for decades and tries to offer players choices in how to play and spend money and yet niggers like you are not capable of going beyond wow bad so blizzard bad. Im waiting

I don’t care about China controversies that much, outside of the fandom reaction. you brought it up out of nowhere and it does not matter in this discussion

The last game of note blizzard has made is Hearthstone. Which is nice I guess. Mot comparable to anything Nintendo has made, an I’m not even a diehard fan.

The last game of note blizzard has made is Hearthstone

Amazing. I knew dramatards were thick but not quite SO THICK. HS is 2014. OW is 2016. The game were all cosmetics are bound to you not like CS and dota wheres there are entire markets devoted to GAMBLING SKINS. But i guess valves dick is so big youre too busy with it to be objective. Also who tf cares about Nintendo you weeb. Outside of NA and Japan nintendo is a joke.

Overwatch has been dead since a year after the hype died out. Get out of your Blizzard bubble.

It’s nothing more than a nice spin on arena shooters, but nothing more than that. Again, it’s a repetitive game that eats at the soul of its players.

Hearthstone at least was very influential. It created a genre and revolutionized card games.

Let me put it this way. If blizzard games were to disappear all of a sudden, the world would genuinely be a better place. I genuinely unironically believe that playing Blizzard games makes you worse as a person.

If Nintendo games were to disappear, we would lose some of the best games ever made, but nothing more than that.

Holy fuck I truly dont know if youre trolling me but i guess we are on arr drama so theres that. Blizzard revolutionized MMOs, ARPGs, RTSes, arguably Digital card games and Hero shooters. Nintendo did some good stuff sure, in the last century. Now a days? Mario and smash for the nth time. See yourself out weeb. Also I truly despise kids like you saying every game they dont like is dead. I guess thats why patch threads have 20k upvotes on reddit, twitter trailers have millions of views or cinematics on youtube 10+ million views in days. And most importantly, instant ques ingame for tanks/healers and just 3-4 minutes for dps (ive had lower que times as dps on ow than on lol so suck on that). And congratz you won. You succesfully trolled me. Or so i hope because the alternative, someone shilling for nintendo is way worse in my mind. Godspeed faggot, godspeed

I’m not shilling for Nintendo. I haven’t a Nintendo console since the Wii and that console sucked at everything but was an awesome party game console.

You are seeing me as an enemy deadset on shitting on Blizzard for some reason. Look yourself in the mirror. It took you 5 comments to starts talking about the quality of games, until now you just talked about business strategies, China controversies, being better than other companies that were not the one we were discussing and being emotional like I was talking about a dead relative of yours.

t. Blizzcel

Havent played wow in half a year. Atleast am not a faggot hating on a company just because

Good for you.

You are a faggot with reasons to be one.

I like trussy its true but atleast im not a faggot like you

Also the unawareness of blaming Nintendo for playing Mario and Smash for the nth time, while Blizz is out there making millions by updating the actual same game with maps and skins and call it content. Every Mario game is different and it’s the only platformer of note outside of the indie scene. Also Mario Maker.

Smash alone has had 5 new characters this past 6 months I think.

Imagine thinking smash chaarcters count as content. Ok weeb.

Now do the next step and become self aware about Blizz.

Then give me 3 REAL reasons why there so bad.

I I’ve already told you.

1) They make grind based multiplayer games that create toxic environments where you are either salty f2p grinders or NEET whales if you wanna keep up.

2) repetitive gameplay is a trademark of theirs and it’s totally on purpose. They know how to make money and do not care about quality of content.

3) because of the above, their fans are some of the worst. Like, right above furry speed runners and undertale fan fictions writers, and even those leave their fandoms after a while. Their bubble is tiny and very resilient to criticism.

You are the best example. As I said above, talking to you felt like talking to an investor that used his last saving on a company or a NEET whiteknighting for his favorite camwhore.

Actually reread your comments, dude. They make little sense in the context and they have an animosity that should be reserved for actual important things in life.

Hey faggot. Reasons SPECIFIC for blizzard. 1 and 2 are generalized for ALL gaming companies in 2k20 and the 3rd is your opinion. For me valve faggots that defend valve for the gambling simulators they make and sucking their steam dick non stop are worse. So again, any SPECIFIC blizzard things you hate or you just hate them because you aint them?

who made this the standard almost 15 years ago? Who is still the most important company in that regard? What company has basically a lineup of only those type of games?

But sure, shout about Valve some more, maybe that will make Blizz games better.

You wanna talk Valve? I’ll bite.

They were making Portal and Left 4 dead 10 years ago, which are better games than anything Blizz has made since then by virtue of being actual games with a beginning and an end and not pachinko machines aimed at children.

What you probably wanna talk about are Dota and CS GO, and I don’t play those. Since you need bullet points to understand things I’ll make it easy for you.

1) Blizz tried to replicate those two (Hots, Ow) by way of streamlining everything. Because they think their fans are idiots, while CS GO and Dota are considered the best in their genre.

2) they curate the content of everything in an effort to eliminate toxicity, while it’s the ladder and game structure that create it. They only add to the frustration. OW in particular is considered one of the worst toxic user base in recent years

And I despise Those two games as well. Dota in particular requires a fucking degree to even know where everything is on a keyboard.

I play nice little games that begin and end because I have actual things to do with my life, and I despise the “git gud” mentality of multiplayer.

Valve stole all their games. And nice wall of text faggot yet still no SPECIFIC reasons blizzard sucks beyond hurr durr i dont like their game. Keep sucking weeb dick faggot

Don’t worry, one day you’ll be able to afford that skin you really really want and that feeling of emptiness will surely go away.

So no specific reasons beyond hurr durr addictive? K got ya you are a massive faggot. Amazing

Also the unawareness of blaming Nintendo for playing Mario and Smash for the nth time, while Blizz is out there making millions by updating the actual same game with maps and skins and call it content. Every Mario game is different, and Smash alone has had 5 new characters this past 6 months I think.


some kid is crying cus they didn’t add waliugi lol

Hope their bulls are ready to calm them down after this tantrum

You deleted my fucking post you frick

Lmao how many anime characters with swords can they throw into that game? You'd like by now they'd at least give one of them an axe or a spear or something, but it's literally like 8 of them, all with swords.

Fuck you put my post back in the sticky slot

Shove it up your own sticky slot

Imagine sending death threats and not refunding the trash that is smash

Good luck refunding a digital Nintendo product.

First mistake was buying nintendo tbh


not like death threats are even credible 99.99999% of the time. but someone always makes a post like that whenever something happens and fans of a piece of media are angry. like, what the fuck is the point of a post like that? do you unironically think it will stop people from sending death threats if they were thinking of doing it already? do you think death threats are actually credible from people that are mad about capeshit or whatever cutesy -shit term we use for game of thrones?

It's just an easy way for gamers to attention whore and relish in le updoots

Anime is a gateway drug to homosexuality. My nephew plays this game and I don't want to have to explain to him what 'bussy' means. This is a sad day for gamers and a sad day for the world.

I fail to see a problem

Just help him to get directly to the troid phase and jump over the faggot onr

You zoomer dorks wont ever experience the thrill of doing karate kicks in the middle of K-Mart while purchasing Mortal Kombat on MORTAL MONDAY.


On the one hand:

>more weebshit from the series no one outside of Japan gives a shit about being added in

On the other:

>caring about video games in general, and Smash in particular, past the age of majority

Gamers mad (x24)

Reimu confirmed fighters pass 2

Pls reimu or bandana waddle dee pls

> allowing pixels to alter your neurochemistry


Wokies: I'm so woke I will harass anyone who says no-no words by sending death threats to random strangers who do things I don't like. No-no words baaaad. Death threats gooooood.

wrong post

Fr I’m starting to think reddit has a bug. This is the second time this happened in 2 days. 😡😡😡😡


hoes mad