Galaxy-brained tankie in /r/SocialistRifleAssociation wants the state to impose gun control, but only on the people he disagrees with. Some stupid LIBERALS warn him that this is dumb.

1  2020-01-16 by dootwthesickness_II


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  1. Galaxy-brained tankie in /r/Sociali... -,

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It's a good thing 41% of commies clean their own attics

Yes, it’s important to have a clean house

They're disproportionately tidy, those commies. Only for their attic though. They like to blow the whole thing out. Nothing but dust up there anyways

Is this a Kleen Your Shelves thing?

You know, now that I think about it, one of their mottos is klean your shelves (k instead of c is kruise kontrolu for kool)

Figure it out dum dum

They certainly don't clean the basement.

What isn't fascism to these "people"

Killing and oppressing people because they have different ideas

So themselves? Wait a momment ...

Under communism (under the right conditions) everyone thrives

Under communism and if my plan somehow works 100% with no hiccups it works okay.

They actually believe this lmao

As long as the entire population is ok with being told where to live, what job to do, and waiting in bread lines every day communism is the ideal form of government.


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What I said wasn't political wtf bot. These mods are SO GAY.

Don't forget "any and all success they might have is entirely based on how good they are at licking the party leadership's boots"


In a perfect world its great so let's ignore the fact that a perfect world cant exist.


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This is 100% a child

Well, they certainly don't fight very hard against the stereotype. You have threats of violence, infighting, references to suicide, ignorance of history and technology, shitty gun veneration.

This is what needs to be on fox, I think people would worry less about socialism if they knew how dumb it's adherents were.

Except the kind of person who watches fox is a boomer who’s scared of his own shadow. They’re exactly the kind of person who’d see antifa larping as urban guerillas and take them seriously.

I don't have any sources for this except vicious gossip, but I hear socialist orgs get kicked out of gun ranges for unsafe handling of firearms.

I love it when retards call armored vans 'tanks'


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Oh my god, this fucking shit again?

It really wasn't funny the first time

So you want to give fascists the right to organize because you don't believe material analysis is more important than individual rights... You put the individual before the whole of humanity.

Is there any quantifiable difference between fascism and communism. I unironically can't see a difference besides one being far right socially.

Generally speaking, commies didn’t audit your family tree and send you to a camp if one of your grandparents were found to have been a landlord, but the Nazis did that to figure out who was a Jew.

Of course, North Korea actually does collectively punish families, so I can see why some people have trouble telling the two apart.

Generally speaking, commies didn’t audit your family tree and send you to a camp if one of your grandparents were found to have been a landlord, but the Nazis did that to figure out who was a Jew.

Never heard of the kulaks?


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ah, I forgot a mod was throwing a tantrum.


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The marginally vs. totally deluded tankie slapfight was pretty entertaining, not going to lie. IDK how many ways Marginally Deluded phrased "you dipshit you count as a fascist to the people who would enforce gun control", but clearly none of them took.

This is why I assume that the average redditor iq is like 90. The somewhat deluded guy there can be placed a bit above that average but the completely delusional guy is much, much below it.


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Fuck you automod

I'm starting to think that there's actually a form of retardation where certain people are unable to grasp the concept that if you make a rule, it applies to everyone.

Tank Why are the left so stupid when it comes to using technical terms for anything.