Is it even cope at this point?

1  2020-01-16 by caliberoverreaching


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When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Is it even cope at this point? -,

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Like what do you call cope that justifies being a loser?

Like a cope that makes you think you’re worse off then you are.

Depression is one of the stages of cope

Is there a suicide hotline number for people you want to go through with it?

Isn't that what suicide by police is for

Do these people not have personalities?



hmmm not really sweaty

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Dude manlets lmao

Manlet and flat foids should only be kept alive so that anyone who tries to date them gets arrested for pedophilia. Prove me wrong.

I mean let's not pretend being short doesn't make things harder.

But to imply that men age worse is kinda dumb

Have they not seen the charts that show guys get more messages at 35 than 25 on dating sites? Weirdos. Women on the other hand see a pretty big dive after even 21. They still outdo men at just about every age, but we all know why that is.

It's defeatism.

If you're a loser, you want to think that it's not your fault that you're a loser.

Men peak at about 50 (if you're poor) but they wanna give up.

This tbh. The real cope is being too lazy to improve what you can and sitting around whining about how your jaw bone is 0.3mm too short instead

but also >having sex with women 🤢

the high year’s of your life starts at 13


Al Bundy?

Of course they'd think that, they've stopped growing when they hit that age

Oh so they never got past the lanky acne ridden phase at 17 like everyone else 🤔🤔🤔

Depression is one of the staged of cope