TSA apologizes after Native American traveler says agent snapped her braids and said 'giddyup'

1  2020-01-16 by QWERT123321Z


jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. TSA apologizes after Native America... - archive.org, archive.today

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That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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What kind of weirdos sign up to give people patdowns all day

People who have been rejected from the fast food industry, unironically.

Also mall cops who got tired of all the walking

The requirements to be a TSA agent are criminally low. Mainly because the job is worse than being a trash man.

That guy who wrote masstagger, and any jannies that look through your post history.

Fentanyl Americans who want to make $15/hr and be rich in their trailer park

As a proud injun who is 1/32 Iroquois I feel uniquely qualified to say that this shit is fucking hilarious.


Since Hitler said. Native Americans are Aryans and I am a 100% Teutonic blue eyed blond haired mega Chad I am a native American and conclude, that this is kind of problematic. 😬

Based and bloodmeridianpilled

Was Liz on her way to Iowa?


Holy fucking based. Wtf was that TSA agent thinking?

TSA agent


I'll let you figure out why you're retarded

Yes, good point

Reminder: their instagram is pretty lit 🔥

The T in tsa clearly stands for Tarded

Houska also tweeted that the agent's nonapology was "NOT okay," noting that when she told the agent her actions were disrespectful that she responded: “Well it was just in fun, I’m sorry. Your hair is lovely.”

Since when is "I'm sorry." a non-apology? That sentence totally sounds like a "oh shit, my bad" to me.

Why accept an apology when you can reap all that twitter outrage instead?




20$ that this never happened

How do you snap someone's braids lol? I thought at first beads were in the hair and they were actually broken

what terrorism has the TSA stopped again?