More gaymer drama: cybercucks on suicide watch as their Game Of All Years gets pushed back to September

1  2020-01-16 by wokeaspie


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  1. More gaymer drama: cybercucks on su... -,

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Weird the two games people are really looking forward to, doom and CP2077, both got pushed back.

FF7R too. I only buy shit when it's ~75% off and has all the DLC so w/e but hopefully this is a sign companies are gonna stop pushing broken games out the door and promising to fix it later

Yeah I hope so too.

I was about to say FF7 fans were seething on stream

They'll still be broken


Yeah I mean it sucks when a game gets delayed I guess but it's a hell of a lot better than it coming out unfinished

Doom 2016 performed a god damn miracle by resurrecting a 25 year old game and cdpr rode the circlejerk from witcher 3 as far as it would take them. I think they are starting to realize there is no way they can live up to the hype

dunno why but it's irritating constantly reading that quote. gonna start attributing it to peter molyneux or bobby kotick and see what it does.

It’s because it’s not really relevant anymore. Patches and DLCs basically mean you can release a broken game and feasibly fix it later, like No Man’s Sky.

It’s also stupid in this context because CDPR has had gobs and gobs of time to do this right. They started developing it around 2015. Unless they’re making Ready Player One real, they should be done by now.

Duke Nukem Forever: Game of the Millennium


This doesnt apply here at all retard

Cyberpunk 2077 is not my cyberpunk.

Shits too bright and takes place in California.

Fuck off with that shit.

Permanent night mod when

As long as I can fuck a chick with green hair and robotic vagina I’m cool. The closet I can get now is poaching handicapped foids at antifa rallies. I also don’t game cause it’s gay but I’m actually excited to play this game.

Met my first anitfa person irl the other day. Was a 40 year old fat guy with skinny legs. He wore a black skirt, black makeup, and had antifa tattoos all over. I hope I never have to go to that part of town again

Did you meet him or just see him?

Chiba city blues 😌

I kinda hope the game is shit just to see the massive gaymer seething

September-October is when the biggest AAA games get released.

Why are more people not more excited for the elder scrolls 6 is my question

The game was set to release on my birthday. It’s the only present I wanted :(

Edit: holy shit you guys, my wife just told me she’s pregnant and it’s due in September!!! My kid just swiped it from me!! Worth it :)

Extra edit: Thanks for the well-wishes, folks. We were planning on the name Marston (I’m also a huge RDR fan, and my wife just wouldn’t be ok with Geralt lol) but suddenly V seems appropriate. Or Keanu...Here’s to gaming in complete silence for the next few years!

Pretty rude not to ask the bull what he wants to name his kid imo

Sorry this game ain't cyberpunk.

Stupid thing is... theres no drama around this push back. You're just trying to start drama by thinly veiling your feelings about gamers. Congrats, you're a dick

I promise you this is corporate politics. Sony rang them up and said “hey, can you wait to release it until the PS5 comes out?”

How pissed is Google right now, tho? Seems like Stadia is already on life support and they were probably relying on CP2077 to no small degree