I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.
yeah, same. the only person who can host ED without it ruining their life is either someone who is "independently wealthy", someone who works in tech either as a freelancer or for an organization that doesn't care, or someone who has absolutely nothing to lose. there have been a few of the first two in the community over the years, but chances are that anybody who's interested in taking over falls into the last camp.
1 AutoModerator 2020-01-16
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-01-16
I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.
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1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2020-01-16
Why is he in jail?
1 ManBearFridge 2020-01-16
If history is repeating itself, l¡bertar¡an¡sm
1 Ultrashitposter 2020-01-16
1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2020-01-16
Of what?
1 cessout 2020-01-16
Nobody knows, sealed indictment
Although it's most likely a federal crime
The tweet author is confused from an old 2017 forgery charge
1 ConcreteAddictedCity 2020-01-16
What's a sealed indictment?
1 TerribleRelief9 2020-01-16
Dunno, but given circumstances it's 1005 Cheese Pizza related.
1 cessout 2020-01-16
1 wm20123 2020-01-16
I heard heroin.
1 Woolgun 2020-01-16
This is exactly the level of retardedness I'd expect from ED and I wouldn't have it any other way.
1 600_lbs_of_sin 2020-01-16
1 TheColdTurtle 2020-01-16
I love the internet
1 Matues49 2020-01-16
What did them in? Cheese pizza?
1 Neon_needles 2020-01-16
Chris Chan finally took them down.
1 Matues49 2020-01-16
Based, if true.
1 TheColdTurtle 2020-01-16
About time, the dimensional merge comes soon
1 fr1k1n 2020-01-16
curse ye ha me ha
1 snallygaster 2020-01-16
*Daniel Brandt
1 LightUmbra 2020-01-16
The jews brought down ED
1 DeathBahamutXXX 2020-01-16
1 Costanzas_Wallet 2020-01-16
It happens
1 snallygaster 2020-01-16
Not the first time it's died and not the first time one of its owners has gone to jail, it'll come back dw.
The big question in these cases is always whether the owner is an incompetent powertripping cretin or someone who actually cares about the site
1 Lysis10 2020-01-16
You should bring it back, Snally. I imagine when you're 100 you'll be telling stories of yore about our boomer internet.
1 snallygaster 2020-01-16
unfortunately hosting ED is a great way to ruin your life.
1 Lysis10 2020-01-16
Whatever happen to their lawsuit? Did it ever go to court?
1 snallygaster 2020-01-16
which lawsuit?
1 Lysis10 2020-01-16
It's been a while since I read about it. Here is a link I got from Wikipedia: https://abovethelaw.com/2017/10/the-pedobear-motion-practice-youve-been-waiting-for/
IIRC, it's from someone who they used to make fun of.
1 snallygaster 2020-01-16
Oh yeah, I remember hearing about that. Not sure what happened tho.
1 borfmeister 2020-01-16
pay some pajeet with monero to host it for you
1 Richard__Mongler 2020-01-16
So MasterLawlz should host it then
1 MikeHuntIsAnAsshole2 2020-01-16
Lol I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed hon
1 snallygaster 2020-01-16
you would be quite surprised then
1 600_lbs_of_sin 2020-01-16
risky take here but my money is on "incompetent powertripping cretin"
1 snallygaster 2020-01-16
yeah, same. the only person who can host ED without it ruining their life is either someone who is "independently wealthy", someone who works in tech either as a freelancer or for an organization that doesn't care, or someone who has absolutely nothing to lose. there have been a few of the first two in the community over the years, but chances are that anybody who's interested in taking over falls into the last camp.
1 Lysis10 2020-01-16
damn I remember those years. It was back up not too long ago I thought.
1 betazoom78 2020-01-16
Chris Chan finally did it
1 transgirltradwife 2020-01-16
I used this site last week for the first time in like 5 years. Now it's gone. Shit.