Can we bring back tayposting?

1  2020-01-17 by LiberalKiwi


whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. Can we bring back tayposting? -,

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No, tAY is a dumb ugly white whore foid.

Tay is a queen, nu-Dramacels out out out

No jewdank no care.

Fuck off faggot

Dino and Tay posting RIP

No, come up with something new.

Lizzoposting maybe

I’ll try to post more tays.


sorry, can't be done, she hit the wall and all her eggs were vaporized, tayposting is gone forever

Tayposting was a shit meme that was propagated by the thirsty brown faggots on this sub.