Ice cream artists say the gamer word, drama incoming.

1  2020-01-17 by cajun_bill


Since when is promotion of gangbang considered as "sexual threat"?


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Black people alive today's world were never oppressed, so they have no reason to get mad over me saying "[my man]."


you missed out the numerous word fumbles and repetitions lmao

completely ignoring that fact that most boomers were born in a world with segregated schools

those look like teenagers. people over 30 don't really exist for them as people.

people over 30 aren't really people

As someone who is 35, I actually 100% agree with this statement.

As someone something who is 35, I actually 100% agree with this statement.


They're food-in-waiting

Not true, economically they’re still working class mostly, but this take isn’t still pretty based

black people

working class


White women yikes

Oh so that’s what they are doing when they aren’t getting fucked by their Saint Bernard.

They are just jealous that Black men have bigger dicks than their dogs.

They were pretty based tho

white women though, pretty cringe

If they were based they wouldn't be white women

Hope she sees this bruv 🙏

I hope she sees this too bro. I want her to lick my dick like a blizzard


I only fuck girls and suck girlcock

if you hold the same opinion as a white woman, its time to reevaluate sweaty 👏

should have waited for the twitter thread about it. instagram is a dogshit site that isnt conducive to dramatic happenings

Trust me ill follow up when dairy queen pr spazzes the fuck out

It's already there.


Whitey cope.




Have sex

This bitch can barely string a sentence together. Going after her would literally be bullying a retard.

when you're 3 sdev above it's pretty much always bullying retards tho


She said the no no word tho. Everything’s off the table when the bad word is involved

Dude nigger lmao

Vile and despicable.

How is this not a war crime?

Send the UN IDGAF 😎😎🐧

The reason racial slurs hurt them so bad is deep down they don’t want to be brown.

hottest take

wheres the lie tho


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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Fuck you robo jannie

I forgot racism ended in 1992.

how to ruin your life in one video

Brave of you to think they had a life

Gamer with a hard G

