17 year old gay muslim does an AMA on r/islam. 0 upvotes, 137 comments so far. Enjoy.

1  2020-01-17 by Stoicpeace


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Hitler, come back. We were wrong.

hitler was jealous of the muslims lmao. He wanted a religion that said warfare is fucking great and so is killing jews, instead he was stuck with fucking Protestantism lmao

"The Mohammedan religion would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers — already, you see, the world had fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing was Christianity ! — then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies heroism and which opens the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so."

"The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France"

  • Adolf Hitler

"The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France"

Is modern France becoming more Nazi-adjacent?

Occupation 2: the reoccupyening

Nietzsche said it better half a century earlier, Hitler really was a pretensious German philosophy major

So Merkel has been playing the slow game all along...

fuck france tho lmao



He tried to revive Norse paganism which is based. Human sacrifice of monotheistcels.

The pagans lost. Deal with it.

Has anyone ever prayed the gay away really?

For Allah, anything is possible. You can wish for anything that is good. Supplicate to Allah and have patience.

Somebody spill some Muslim-holy-water on MasterLalz right away.

Gay conversation therapists just need to rebrand if they want leftoids to leave them alone.

MasterLawlz* 🙄

If you're gonna try to make fun of him at least spell his name correctly 😒

I hope he sees this, man.

Lawlz unironically sees a lot more than you expect. Turns out he doesn't just make stickies, he also actually browses threads sometimes

Surprised the fuck out of me when I found out

He's always watching. 😳

I’ve seen like 2 comments outside of stickies from him

May I please get a crumb of bussy?


Battery acid?


Lawlz isn't gay, he has an imaginary harem of cartoon women like every normal breeder. :>

Honestly, this seems far more likely than him being gay.

They are real and he sits on them like furniture.


6 years ago

This place has some deep lore holy shit

binders full of women (insert clap emojis between words)

The guy that said that linked this as proof that praying the gay away is possible:

Yeah, you’re wrong. I’ve seen alot of muslims pray to Allah to remove their desire and later on life they lived like normal people and married.


Taking a look at this:

Samuel bin Al-Hyde @TheExAtheist

#ExAtheist #ExKaffir #ExHomosexual #ExLGBT Raped & abused by my #LGBT atheist parents (2 gay dads) #RapeVictim #MeToo Here to expose the barbarism of atheism

Damn, this Samuel bin Al-Hyde guy seems totally legit.

Holy fuck im gonna shit my pants laughing

Which one is sam harris and which one is sam hyde again?

Sam hyde is the MDE guy

Right, but they're both personas of the same comedian right?


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope or /r/democrat

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Is fucking raccoons homosexual now? I know his lust for Ben Tennyson is, but I thought he was pansexual.

Can someone tag Wil Wheaton in this? He could use the advice

Somebody spill some Muslim-holy-water on MasterLalz right away.

Why can't you do this? Could your laziness be related to your homosexuality?

I’m not touching brown people water

May Allah reward you for not acting on it. Your Reward with Allah will be great and Allah knows what you are doing. Allah is most Merciful, most Appreciative.

only the holiest of allah's servants manage to fuck bussy every other day instead of daily

I can’t read that and not think it’s satire.

he's not a Muslim, it's impossible to accept the warm embrace of Allah and his prophet Muhammad and be gay

Embrace me Allah UwU

Anyone tried to post this to AHS? This is actual homophobia


I'll do it, I have a very muslim username so they should be understanding

Except it’s not. It’s religious doctrine.

This is fucking gold. Thank you OP

How do you think he achieved this level of self control? Through jihad of course.

Jihad of the bussy


Dat ratio

imagine thinking bussy is bad lmao

It cracks me up wokies like to defend islam but they're worse than christians when it comes to gays and women.

...and to atheists or non-believers, or people who leave Islam (law of apostasy...shhhh, let's all keep quiet on this)

I usually don't look at this cancerous sub (r/drama) but damn this is so toxic. Most people are telling him to stop being gay lmao.

/r/islam has had threads talking about the evils of music this is nothing for them.

You should check out /r/islamicsub, it's like /r/islam but on steroids. In fact, they have a thread on the gay Muslim guy going right now. The top comment there right now:

The one who posted that is a kafir he said he doesn't believe in execution of homosexuals, hes denying shariah of Allah. Allah destroyed the people of lut because of sodomy

It's so weird that these fucking cavemen are on Reddit

I will repent to Allah if I have slandered him without full evidence

more reasonable than me tbh

Is it though?


I suspect its just another mde sub, and will be banned soon.


Muslims only believe its gay if its consensual.

Most homosexuals have had experiences of sexual abuse or other traumatic incidents during their childhood. Another cause for homosexuality could be being friends with girl instead of boys, thats how they become feminine.

In a healthy islamic society where Sharia is implemented, this wont be seen as normal and it wont be common.


American Music is evil tbh.

I'm not religious myself, but part of my family is and a few kids told me I was going to hell because I'm left handed.

I mean, unlike the butt stuff this is literally true.

They were correct.

And what makes you think that this is bogus?

You are leftcel

True life leftoid

Found the catholic


They weren't wrong tbh. I was ambidextrous as a child but luckily they forced me to use my right hand.

Tell them they're going for hell for torturing dogs.

Southpaw gang rise up

Despicable mutants, the lot of you! The Inquisition ought to do something about the Lefty Question.

Well, you are

Hey asshole, we're not cancerous, we're retarded

Mislabeling retards is as bad as misgendering. You tell him!

I kinda feel bad for him. They’re all just telling him he’s going to hell why he does his best to assure them that he’ll never act on it.

Must be a shitty life to live.

...but then again, Allah is all knowing and must punish degeneracy. Inshallah.

Everybody eventually goes to Heaven unless they commit shirk(worshipping any other deity/person/idol than the Abrahamic God) according to Islam so that might be why they don’t feel like assholes telling him he will go to hell


It's a numeric operation. You literally stand on a balance and God weighs you Good deeds against your sins. If it's net-positive, you go to heaven, you go to higher levels of heaven according to how big the net-positive number is. If it's negative, you go to hell where each second you spend there will absolve you of a sin until you're equal to your good deeds, then you get to enter heaven for eternity.

I was sleeping but you put it very well. But I should add some stuff

God weighs your good deeds against your sins

God isn’t actually involved in it. Everybody has two angels on their shoulders who record their sins and good deeds and another two angels judge them in afterlife.

God can still absolve you of all your sins and you get to heaven right away.

Actually any beloved kul(everybody is a slave to God in Islam, but you can take is as the equivalent of “son” in Christianity) of Allah, be it a prophet or an altruistic person, can do that. Even, some sins will never be absolved even by God, unless the kul forgives, even if they are not a good person. Those are the sins that concern the said people such as stealing, slandering or bullying. They are called “kul’s right” in my language but I dont know what it is in arabic

So Muslims never take it granted they will go to heaven when they tell another they will go to hell, out of modesty. So the intention isn’t sinister. I think the logic is pretty sound but I would make it as if they stand in the void instead of going to hell like neither good nor evil people do in Greek Mythology


Boy I cannot wait for Canada to continue importing more of these tolerant souls for my bussy loving self to contend with. I propose a giant wall around the entire middle east, and make the arabs pay for it.

Jew's get to come and go as they please though, don't want to be anti-semetic.

Just keep bringing in Filipinos. Man I love those guys

Half of them seem ok, the other half take a modicum of knowledge and think they know everything and its annoying as fuck, so pretty much as average as anyone else

When someone inevitably offers to "show him a view of the city from up high," may Allah grant this lad the wisdom to refuse.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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HAHAHAHA! "Politics" huh? Yeah, ok.

I literally have idea what these Wafaggis are talking about. Muslims have a long history of slaying bussy.


Cake day the cake day-away.




One of his male family members molested him. That's a shame.


How the fuck does he still have his, arms, legs, dick, head?

But honey did you allah SPLIT tha Red Sea?

No but he can split my bussy.

Ma'sha'Allah you are a shining example of how a gay Muslim should approach his life. You are so wise at such a young age and carry a huge burden. May Allah bless you and grant you good in this life and the next. Feel free to PM me if you ever want to talk, I've never had a gay friend before and I feel that it could benefit us both In'sha'Allah.

New snappy quote?


Pedophiles who are attracted to small children, say that too. But the good ones seek help and want to be cured of it. The evil ones are those who act upon it and think to themselves it’s normal to have it.


also use removeddit.com for the juicy shit


Burn All Mosques

There is clearly no reasoning with you, peace be upon you.


Holy shit, this man is a king.