
1  2020-01-18 by Fortizen


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Stop cutting onions near me!!

Fuck this gay website 😎

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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My pit recently had a life threatening illness at only 8 months old. She was always a love bug and people person, but once I had given her meds and she got better, she became INSEPARABLE. She lies on top of my face and likes to be under the covers with me at night. She’s given me a purpose to be happy and move forward again. She’s a true furrend and in my eyes- my hero. I love her


MFW pibbles literally make better fathers than basketball Americans

Pibbles are like spiders of the parent world

I miss r/thedogpill

Cute couple waiting for a baby.

That's clearly not a pit btw, but it's /r/aww so they have to push the "pits are love" thing.

That's like Dog Nigga but genders are reversed.

I thought so too. The comments are all nuked but I thought that dog didn't look like a pit.

It's probably a pit-mix.

It's not.

Literal spawn camping

The foid/pibble alliance is a beautiful, and complex, mutual symbiotic relationship.

Women love bad boys

My pit

Looks like it’s crossed with a collie or something. A mongrel but he still calls it a β€œpit”. There should be no cachet whatsoever in admitting your dog has any pit bull in them.

The dog is just waiting for he to give birth so she can steal the puppies. It's happened before

teach your dog not to play with its food ffs

If I see one more retard use "hooman" or "doggo" or "pupper" im ending myself

hooman doggo pupper

c u on the other side




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