Where all my platinum star gay bois at?

1  2020-01-18 by charming_tatum


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Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. Where all my platinum star gay bois... - archive.org, archive.today

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Based. I could have had that if the media hadn’t brainwashed me into touching gussy.

Please don't post jojo references here, thanks.

Whats jojo?

Anime about being homosex

Oh, the only anime I've seen is futurama

haha epic i cry @ sad dog fossil

Bender is so underrated

we are all fry looking for our leela



What's that anime where dude works in a government lab or something and accidentally takes a pill that he thought was medicine but turns out its a research project that turns him into a biological weapon that kills everyone around him? Like he doesn't go crazy or anything, people just start dropping dead. I like that one

That's part of Memories). I liked Magnetic Rose more but Uh Oh Stinky wasn't bad. The one about a weird dystopian WWI punk gun society wasn't as good even if the idea was cool.

Thanks, I'm gonna try to watch this right now, it's been a long time

Rick & Morty

the dead brother one was way sadder anyway

Good sub

It got even better recently 😉😉


Absolutely disgusting

It's the only way to share video on r/drama